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Smoking as a Turn-off?

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How many people find cigaretts one of the biggest turnoffs? Not only the smell it leaves on women, but just the act of watching a girl smoke is a turn-off to me. Ah. One day the world will ban cigaretts and everyone can breath freely!

Till then I'll just have to drink more until until my mind thinks it's fresh air!





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I don't know too many guys that were turned off by this





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BTW, let's not leave the guys out here...it tastes bad and leaves a smell on them too!! cwm32.gif



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by cathyo:

BTW, let's not leave the guys out here...it tastes bad and leaves a smell on them too!! cwm32.gif

I'll take you word for it. wink.gif I'm sure women have the same complaint. But I think less men smoke than women! Seems everywhere I look when I'm out there is a woman with a cigarett in her mouth.




[This message has been edited by sariman (edited 03-08-2001).]

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Whatever guy I choose to date,it's always bonus points if he doesn't smoke.I'm the occasional social smoker,which doesn't help when meeting guys,and then turning out to be a total hypocrit.I find it sexy when my ex smoked,and just thought he was so hmmm,in control,along with his style,it all went together as a typical macho guy.Then the last guy I had a thing for didn't smoke,unless f*cked up,and b/c of his dancing,I was totally head over heels for him.But if you have a choice,try not to smoke,or least in front of the chic you dig.I guess,it only matters if she doesn't smoke,girls who smoke could care less. cwm18.gif

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Heheeee, rereading that... If he sticks my butt into his mouth, that would be an upper!

oh god, this is why i love you....you crack me up!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

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Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by cathyo:

I don't know too many guys that were turned off by this

Cathy, you rule!!!!

The rest of you I'm gonna blow a smoke stack right into your eyeballs next time I c you.

Msoprano13, I suppose smoking trees is healthy. cwm25.gif That's like equivalent to 20 cigs if I'm not mistaken...


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Cathy, you rule!!!!

The rest of you I'm gonna blow a smoke stack right into your eyeballs next time I c you.

Msoprano13, I suppose smoking trees is healthy. cwm25.gif That's like equivalent to 20 cigs if I'm not mistaken...

*** COUGH *** *** COUGH ***

Damn smokers!




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Originally posted by blackhaus1:

Its funny that this topic pops up today of all days...I quit smoking the other day...its been 4 days since I smoked and I never EVER wanna smoke again!!!!!!!!

Good for you!

My first kiss was smoking that night ... I almost asked him to go brush his teeth. Have never kissed anyone that smoked again. Kudoos to California and banning public smoking. I wish some bars/lounges would do that here in NYC.

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smoking is disgusting, but I guess that's one of the reasons why god invented toothbrushes lol cwm12.gif


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One time my boyfriend and I were in one of the LA clubs. The next morning I said to him, "Ya' know, my hair doesn't smell like smoke!?!" Then we realized that smoking is banned in all public places in LA. (I'm not sure about all of Cali.) I could deal with that, but then again, I don't smoke...It stunts your growth!!! wink.gif (kiddin)

It amazes me how many young girls smoke. You really don't see guys smoking in clubs all that much. I don't know if the girls are social smokers or what, but I'd say 85% of the females have a cigarette hanging from their mouth or in their hand.

My boyfriend and I always get into this discussion when we're at clubs.



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So, I quit smoking almost 2 years ago cause I felt that it was controlling me not the other way around (was smoking almost a pack a day). I went totally clean for about a year . . . or little over a year . . . until I felt that I had that control again.

Now, I smoke whenever I go out drinking. Something about drinking and smoking. I dunno. At least I have the power to say NO, I don't NEED it.

My hunny bunny doesn't smoke . . . not even weed. He just can't stand the ANYTHING clogging up this lungs. He doesn't like the fact that I still light up whenever I drink, but he's very understanding and at least appreciate the fact that I'm not a chronic smoker like before. Gotta give and take in a relationship, right?



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Being from Las Vegas, you cannot walk through a casino without smelling like cigarettes smoke. It's horrible.

I think what's sad about smoking is that so many girls do it to supress their appetites. I must admit, I was tempted to smoke socially in college - it's a great way to meet people ... hmmm, peer pressure? And when I get really drunk and there's smoke around, I'll want a drag. If only weed was legal.

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It's really weird, ever since I was little I was sceaved(sp?) by the site of cigarettes. I wouldn't even touch them. I used to get sick to my stomach just looking at the ash tray.

I guess that's one of the reasons why I never felt any peer pressure.

My b/f is pretty funny about it. He won't let anyone smoke in the house. His attitude is "Would you want me to come to your house and fart in it all day?!!"

I guess it's pretty obvious his feelings on the subject. wink.gif



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See the weirdest thing for me is the fact that usually I HATE cigarettes- their smell, taste, the way it looks hangin out of someones mouth... to the point where I can't even stand to be around it... yet whenever I drink or toke, I always end up smokin butts... I know this is "social smoking" but I never got why my whole perception of them changes... and quite a few ppl r the same way I am. Oh yea, and I guess this makes me a hypocrite, but I always get turned of if a guy smokes cigarettes... I think it's all part of the whole being attracted to guys who take care of themselves.


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You know, I hate to say it, but there are some guys who just look really sexy when smoking. Of course, when you have to live with it it's an entirely different story altogether.

I was a social smoker for years and years but never picked up the habit until my boyfriend, a smoker, moved in. I only had a 'habit' for about six months but I quit shortly after New Year's 2000. Since then I admit to having a few puffs- but only when rolling (damn that menthol felt good!)

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