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Florida teen gets life sentence............

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Originally posted by ooana:

Okay, this rule also applies if...

1st offense: petty theft

2nd offense: disturbing the piece

3rd offense: carrying enough pot so that in your state its with the assumption to distribute...that CAN be as little as a 20 bag in some areas.

THAT can shove you into prison for 10 years without the possibility of parol. You're 16 years old. IMHO...that's fucked up.

Our country is not too soft imho. We do not hold education or parenting accountable. We blame the media, weak sentencing etc. The system is so beurocratic and overbearing that paper work becomes more important than dealing with the real issues.

I *strongly* disagree with parental government...which is what we have. And this 14 year old getting life in prison is a perfect example. We'll blame TV, etc...but where were the parents when this kid first started practicing body slams?

Where were his teachers?

A 14 year old can be helped through counciling etc. Hell, if I was blaimed today for everything I did between 12 and 18 (and some of it wasn't pretty)...I'd be in big damn trouble. You learn from your foolishness at that age. Granted, this lead to another child's death...but ending the life of this child to make up for the loss of another child is not getting our society anywhere.



Mmmm, okay......I agree with some of what you say, in particular, the idea of parental gov and not putting enough stress on parent and teacher faults.......but about the 3 strikes rule, yea, you CAN go for 10 years but I guaruntee you that only a small percentage would actually receive the maximum sentence.......that's the result of plea bargains......besides, if you GOT CAUGHT committing three crimes by age 16, I'm sure the kid has really committed at least double that........can you tell me this kid is not a criminal or one in the making?? Giving him counseling and a little slap on the wrist will, most times, result in the kid walking away laughing because he got off easy......I've been in this situation(not to that degree) and I know friends who have gotten off easy and they were blatant criminals........they'd laugh and go continuing their acts........throw 'em in jail for a couple years and I bet you they'd straighten right up.......some people need to learn the hard way or they'll never learn........I'm sure you know this.......

I say all this because I have a friend who was breaking the law left and right when we were younger(15-18) and each time he got caught, he got basically nothing.......by the time he became an adult, he followed his patterns and finally, got busted for real and went to jail for 2.5 years........when he came out(this past summer), he was like a whole new person........too bad it took all that and if they had been harder on him earlier, he might have avoided having a criminal record........like I said, conseling can work for some people but others will just shake it off........



"Some I consider my girlfriends, and some I just consider" - John Bender

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I didn't read the article and I read only the first two posts and got all bent out of shape

I was talking about this with a friend of mine earlier today, I understand it's murder but from what i understand they were good friends and it was an accident. I don't think the 12 year old boy planned to commit murder.

should he get some time in jail or juvenille detention

I don't know

but he should definitly not get a life sentence



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In terms of the poor kid, he's 12, even if he did a horrible thing on purpose, which I don't think is clear, do people honestly believe he should have no chance for repentance, rehabilitation, forgiveness??? In terms of the american "justice", I just hate this whole fucked up system- we spend more money on prisons than on schools, we are worried about being "too soft" when we've got a higher% of our population locked up than any other country in the world, and we're more concerned about how to deal with criminals than on not producing so many god damn criminals, rehabilitating criminals, and changing the criminality of certain drugs. There are people making a lot of money off the system as it stands and that is why it will stay fucked up. (Oops, did the raging liberal get loose again?...Sorry)



In wonder, I wonder "What Happens Next?"- Selma

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at 12 yrs old you know what being alive and dead is and you know that you can seriously hurt a lil girl that only ways 40 something pounds he killed someone and knew it its not a punch or two that killed her it was the continuos beating her up pounding on her he does deserve to go to jail he ended someones life its sad yes that hell spend the rest of his life there for being stupid but its sad also that a girls life was taken away and it was his fault



[This message has been edited by klitika (edited 03-10-2001).]

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My thoughts and my prayers go out to the victim Tiffany Eunick, and to young Lionel Tate. Accident or murder the sentence is comptely ridiculous. Personally I find it hard to belief a 12 year old can "intentionally" murder: someone, and fully understand what they are doing. The boy needs counseling and guidance. He has no business in an adult correctional facility; were he will surely be abused. Is this now the answer to our youth crime problem. Throw them in jail that will solve the problem; how F*cking ridiculous. The prosecutor even said he thought the sentence was harsh. I am sure Gov. Jeb Bush will reduce the sentence. For those who say he got what he deserved; would you be so unsympathetic if Lionel were your family member? Children are committing more criminal acts today then ever in our history. We have the worst incidents of youth crime; then any other country in the world. Please do not tell me it because of outside influences i.e. TV, Music, etc. Other countries children are exposed to the same elements. We are turning our backs on our children, and that is very frighting. People who cannot accept the responsibility of having children; should not have them. The answer is not jail. The answer is intervention from parents, church leaders, school administrators, etc. We need to stop hiding from our children; and become better parents ... Peace,


[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 03-10-2001).]

[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 03-10-2001).]

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i couldnt say it bettter myself

so im agreeeing with you 100 % on this countries fucked up punishment policies where a famous person like OJ with shit load of money and lawyers goes free for intentionaly murdering 2 ppl (just my viewpoint on this)

and some 14 year old kid goes to jail for life for unintentional act.




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Originally posted by boa_boy:

guilt and punishment here aren't the issue IMO, rather it's the EXTENT of the punishment. Are you suggesting we don't need juvenile courts at all, why not just treat people from 12 yrs of age as adults? Why stop there, why not give them the right to own guns, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, maybe give them the vote?


i never said anything about getting rid of juvenile courts or any of that, but IMO i felt this boy should be punished like an adult for what he did. It wasn't like he was stealing candy or something he KILLED another human being - especially a defenseless little girl.


"i don't suffer from insanity i enjoy every minute of it" cwm3.gif

aim : TsteLkHuni

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For all of you who think that he didn't mean to hurt the little girl while wrestling keep in mind they weren't playing and an accident happened. The 12 year old "powerbombed" the kid straight on her head! When wrestlers power bomb each other they land on their backs, this kid brought her up for it and with full force slammed her straight on her fucking head. Thats no accident even for a 12 year old.

This is one of the more fucked up stories of the year, the whole thing is sad and tragic.

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I think that parents need to filter what they allow their children to watch on television. Young children do not understand the difference between what is real and what's not. Professional wrestling is not for young children to watch. I think that there is too much violence and sex on television and on the radio. Children need time to be children rather than trying to grow up too quickly. There is plenty of time for that later in life.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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Originally posted by thesandman:

When wrestlers power bomb each other they land on their backs, this kid brought her up for it and with full force slammed her straight on her fucking head. Thats no accident even for a 12 year old.

I beg to differ. As I stated earlier, I have a 12 year old who is big as that kid was and a five year old that weighs 45 lbs. When they are playing rough, I have to remind my older son all the time to take it a little easier. He never intends to hurt his brother, but when they are playing, he forgets the strength and power he has. Flat out, kids, especially boys do NOT always know their strength. Not even at 12! I am stating this as a fact not an opinion! I see it every single day.

Like Rad_Z pointed out, we let OJ go for something he SO obviously did and MEANT to do. This kid is put away for life for an accident. It makes no sense.

Anyone who says that you know what you're doing and should be held accountable for all your actions at the age of 12 just doesn't know children.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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<< Tate's mother and attorney had earlier rejected a plea bargain that would have kept the boy out of state prison, and provided counseling as well as putting him on probation for 10 years >>

What did they expect, a little slap on the wrist? "Bad boy, Lionel! Bad boy!"

His mother and attorney basically screwed him over by rejecting that deal.

That being said, I have to wonder... what kind of parenting (or LACK of parenting, rather) did this kid have? If he's one of those types of people/criminals who can be rehabilitated, then that was the best thing society could have done for him. However, if there's no chance he can be rehabilitated... he deserves life, same as anyone else.

That boy has SERIOUS issues... he beat that poor little girl to death, so badly her injuries were similar to the injuries she would have sustained if she had fallen from a third story building. Her liver was seperated from her body from being beaten so badly. I don't care if you're 12, 16, or 26... if the 6-year-old girl you're "playing with" is crying and screaming for mercy and you don't stop smashing her head into the floor... there is something very, very, very wrong.


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.

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Err happykitten:

wtf is wrong with you ppl?

Putting a kid for life is freaking ridiculus

unless he just shot 5 kids with a gun, fully knowing what a gun does and is meant for.

And thats just sadistic and i wouldnt argue with that.

BUt a kid immitating *fake* wresting on TV

probably knows its fake and that ppl dont get hurt. Obviously kids dont really get the idea how the wrestlers dont get hurt

( it takes lot of practice for wrestlers to make it look real and not be real).

This kid was playing around w/o knowing the full extend of what he was actually doing at the time. LIke Cathyo said: big kids usually dont know their own strength too well.

Like previous posts stated: how are you going to help or fix things by putting a kid

in jail for the rest of his life???

What kind of morals are those?

Imagine you are a kid and just play fighting with your friend at the age of 12 or lower. Your playfighting lets say...in the school close to the stairs because you've seen it in a movie. Obviously there are plenty of kids that did that just for fun. But now you accidentally push (or whatever you do) your friend using too much force, making him fall down the stairs. This incident kills your friend.

Now do you deserve getting life in prison at that age? did u mean to kill your friend? Obviously the answers to those questions are NO. Im not gonna say what kind of punishment you should get for that BUt it is NOT life in prison!!!!

Oh and i do agree about the lawyers and parents being stupid, but adult ignorance should not set the faith of a child frown.gif

Rad_ cwm23.gif




[This message has been edited by Rad_Z (edited 03-10-2001).]

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I just don't see how people can compare this kid with the kids that are committing minor offenses like petty theft, vandalism or carrying drugs.

Yes, the outcome was MURDER, but what was Lionel's history? From what I know, he was at a friend's house and rough-housing around. Is he one of those deliquent kids who are caught doing something on the streets every other week? In some ways I think THOSE kids need more punishment than Lionel does. They commit crimes, however "minor," with the full intent and knowledge of doing so, time and time again.

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Originally posted by thesandman:

For all of you who think that he didn't mean to hurt the little girl while wrestling keep in mind they weren't playing and an accident happened. The 12 year old "powerbombed" the kid straight on her head! When wrestlers power bomb each other they land on their backs, this kid brought her up for it and with full force slammed her straight on her fucking head. Thats no accident even for a 12 year old.

This is one of the more fucked up stories of the year, the whole thing is sad and tragic.

I think it was an accident and the boy shouldnt get life in prison, yeah he should get punished for killing another, but not for life. They were playing around, give me a break, i mean i see sooo many kids playing sooo rough and hurting each other, it can happen, sometimes especially if ur wrestling, both kids can end up hurting each other real bad..cause i really think that wrestling is bad to show kids...i mean kids get real hurt acting out the moves the wrestlers do on tv. The boy was bigger than him, and he didnt think anything when he made that move, and killed her, its just that most of the time kids play around around rough, without thinking that they're gonna hurt the other kid....its just how kids are... theyre not mature enough to say , "hey i shouldnt hit that hard or push cause it might hurt the other kid" It just depends on each kid, as far as when i was 12 i was always mature and always thought things out b4 i did them, but not every kid is like that, and i can understand how it could of been an accident,and i feel soo bad for the little girl who died, but i also feel really bad when i look at his face and know that he is gonna spend his life in jail...it just sucks...


aim: amafrk1


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