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Where is my id??? SF SATURDAY

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where is my id, who has it lol

anyways i want to hit up sf saturday, and alas, i have no id (no 21 id i mean)

is there an ideal time to go where they wont bust my chops?


ps: info on exit upcoming events, PM me or IM me thanx



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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Originally posted by blackhaus1:

Go after 4 when its 18 to get in smile.gif

that would be my advie as well smile.gif


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I wouldn't advise using someone else's ID. Just go a little later (after 6) and dress really nice. If you use a fake or someone else's ID, the bouncers will know right away and trust me, they will get PISSED OFF if you give them a fake. They know what they are doing and they absolutely hate when people insult their intelligence. So just be upfront. Most of the time you will not have a problem getting in.

A few months ago I went to SF really late (8am) with a friend of mine who was 19. He had his brother's ID (which turned out to be fake and he didn't even know it). He gave it to the bouncer and the guy flipped out. Said "what do you think, we're stupid? this is what we do here every week, so you think we won't be able to tell a fake and that it's not even you.. how stupid do you think we are?" Pretty much told him to go fuck himself. We turned around, went to the car and got his real license. Came back, showed it to the guy. He told my friend that if he ever catches him using a fake ID, he will call the cops who are standing right near the entrance and have them take care of him. After that little lecture, we went right in..

Lesson learned -> bouncers are not idiots. They are rarely assholes to you unless you do something to piss them off. Especially if you are trying to make them look dumb. Nobody likes that feeling, so if you want them to let you in, be nice and hopefully they will be cool about it too.

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Some kids in front of us walked up to Paris and asked her if it was 18 to get in when the bar was closed and she said "No, come back on friday night"..

So I dunno why people think it's 18 after 4am..

My advise.. Go late and throw the bouncer a $20..


..It Wasn't Me..

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throwing the bouncers money always helps...but the key is to ALWAYS dress good. and make sure you're with a lot of girls. always helps


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i have friends that go around 5 or 6, and they show their 18 and dont have a problem at all, im just speaking from what they *have* done... not trying to start drama. sorry guys.


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