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To those 25 + and over :DO you feel OLD ?

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It's true.

Things get better and better with the years, if you let them/ want them to. I'm old by club standards and have more energy and enthusiasm than i did at 25. Although I have to admit I tend to go out only 1 night every weekend. I've yet to find the desire to hit the clubs til 10 two nights in a row, but then

I'm also not used to clubs being open til 10 am. In Chicago it was no problem to go out two nights in a row since the clubs close at 5.



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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I'll be 30 next month and I feel like a superstar. I can party all weekend and be fine for work Monday morning. When you allow yourself to fall into what society dictates to you, you may feel guilty about not being in a certain category by a certain age. Thankfully I could care less about what anyone thinks about me and I LOVE having fun. Hopefully it never ends.....


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Where are we again?

AIM: crackorn71

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I'm 26 and have been partying for years. Sometimes I feel burnt out...sometimes I feel old, especially when there's nothing but 'kids' around. Then my clock ticks

But then I hit snooze and put everything in perspective!

BTW It's nice to see other clubbers my age on here


I can't dream for us all

I hope I'm in a better state when

Here & Now crumbles & falls...

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Originally posted by roby:

I'm 30, but I've probably added a few years to this body since I ramped up the clubbing (shouldn't I be SLOWING down with age?, my non-club friends will ask me). Your age is what you want it to be - no one says you have to stop being fashionable or trendy once you hit 25 (although that IS what seems to happen to a lot of folks). If you want to go wild and party like a rock star, you can do it at 20 or 30 or 40 or whatever. However, the consequences of your lifestyle choices become more important as you age.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the overwhelming number of single adults you'll find on this board - and in New York -, odds are that by the time you get into your late 20s and beyond, you've likely got a serious job/career AND/OR a spouse AND/OR children, so you can't always plan on hanging out in a club until 8am EVERY weekend (or whatever other wild activity you choose to engage in).

Pacing yourself is the key to maintaining your youth as you age. Personally, I strive to strike a balance between serious career and weekend insanity, but I'll admit that my greatest fear is shifting TOO far to the latter - to the point where I end up wasting away my career prospects. Partying is fun, but a steady paycheck and food on the table is a little more important.

well said my Canadian friend......work hard, play hard, balance is the key......boy we must have worked hard last week to account for Friday nite's 19 hour partyathon lol

I'm 26 BTW


"At the peak of tremendous and victorious effort, while the blood is pounding in your head, all suddenly comes quiet within you. Everything seems clearer and whiter than ever before, as if great spotlights had been turned on. At that moment, you have the conviction that you contain all the power in the world, that you are capable of everything, that you have wings. There is no more precise moment in life than this, the WHITE MOMENT, and you will work hard for years, just to taste it again.''Yuri Vlason. -----------PM sux email is better-------> boa_boy@yahoo.com hapfac01.gif

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Well I tell you one thing: used to remember my age every time I hit the bathroom in a club (seeing all those laugh-wrinkles the 18-year olds just didn't have yet)...but then, here in the States the bathrooms usually are too gloomy to be able to see the people around you anyway (or is it me being too f*** up) wink.gif



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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Hey man... Maudy right?!? Whats up dude!

Yes we definitely have to chill, I cant believe you found this board smile.gif

Whats the good word??


Yo Steve! Not much man. I use to always check Club planet for all the 411 on clubs and record releases. Then I stumbled accross the boards and I've been hooked since. I like the idea of so many club heads getting to voice their opinions. But in any case everything else is preaty much the same. I still animate for a multi media company, still live with my girl and still go out whenever I get a chance. PM me. Let's hang out. When's the next time you'll hit Twilo? I wont be able to get there till Nick Waren. Perhaps we can chill then. Take care man. Peeeaaace~

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I browsed thru this thread pretty quickly so I didn't read everything all that attentively, but seemed to me that everyone was making comments based on age and partying activity, or age and marital/relationship status. As far as that goes, my 26 ain't bad at all, but with respect to everything else, I DO feel fucking old. There's nothing I want more than to rewind four or five years.


tweaky is the answer

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Originally posted by bigperm:

I'm 24 and have been married for a year and a half. We're both professionals and have been partying hard the last 2 1/2 years. Its only gotten better and better. I definitley do not feel old. I don't think I've ever had as much fun as I have the past couple years, not even in 4 years of college. Maybe I'm lucky though, my wife is incredible. We experienced all this craziness together. It only gets better with age, and the right person to grow with.

right on man, oh by the way did i mention your wife left her panties in my bedroom?


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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The only way you can feel old and feel like time is running out is if you have been wasting time. I am 28 but have done most of the things I wanted to.

I have traveled and experienced everything I can, I don't want to be lying on my death bed thinking I whish I had done this or that... now that does scare me.

But that won't happen, live every day like it was your last and it's all good. I know guys who spent most of their younger years just trying to get laid, they are the people I feel sorry for because they have lot's of catching up to do.

That's also why I won't get in to all this corporate ladder shit anymore, you waste 90% of your life making other people money... then when you have it your to old or stressed to enjoy it... fuck that shit.

I want to visit everywhere even space when we can.

I wanted to go to the Victoria falls, but my last girlfriend didn't fancy the long treck through bad territory (probably break her nail or something) to get there so we didn't go. I regret that I allowed her to halt my plans, but I will get there.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

The only way you can feel old and feel like time is running out is if you have been wasting time. I am 28 but have done most of the things I wanted to.

I agree with you completely but... don't you find that the more things you've done, the more things you want to do still? I've done quite a bit but it still seems like I've wasted time, and that feeling grows every day. Not to sound depressed or anything.


tweaky is the answer

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Originally posted by flying_high:

Well I tell you one thing: used to remember my age every time I hit the bathroom in a club (seeing all those laugh-wrinkles the 18-year olds just didn't have yet)...but then, here in the States the bathrooms usually are too gloomy to be able to see the people around you anyway (or is it me being too f*** up) wink.gif

It's you...

(JK) cwm32.gif


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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I'm 26 going on 27, but I'm still having fun and enjoying life. I do feel "old" sometimes, but it's what you make it. I was chillen' at South Beach with younger spring breakers last week and I had the time of my life...age ain't nothing but a ##!


AIM: Spragga25

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I'm gonna be 25 this month and I'm starting to feel old. Most of the people I'm meeting at clubs are younger than me. Last thing I remember was filling out college applications and now I'm going to be 25. This Sooks! I don't want to get old.

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i have to interject and say that if you're twenty-something and you feel old, then what the hell are you going to feel like when you're forty-something??? that's just plain nutty. it's all what you make of it. the only reason i complain about my age is b/c of all the young 20 something hotties running around that i can't have, but it's all just a giggle anyway...yeah, i love them but i'm not upset about my age.....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by cathyo:

You don't get old from having kids!

But your kids get older and then you got some reverse explaining to do on why you're coming home at 3 pm the next day cracked out of your skull... LOL...


Forget the dreams... what you need is a good nightmare to bring you back to reality...


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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I'll be 30 next month and I feel like a superstar. I can party all weekend and be fine for work Monday morning. When you allow yourself to fall into what society dictates to you, you may feel guilty about not being in a certain category by a certain age. Thankfully I could care less about what anyone thinks about me and I LOVE having fun. Hopefully it never ends.....

very well put old man. when you accept everything society sets as rules, you're basically not living, just existing according to that set of rules. never conform...


Chronic gives you cancer...

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

But your kids get older and then you got some reverse explaining to do on why you're coming home at 3 pm the next day cracked out of your skull... LOL...

LOL cwm2.gif

That's EXACTLY why I onl go out on weekends when they're w/ their Dad and I have a full 24 hrs. to recover. They'll never know club mom!! smile.gif I'm June Cleaver, PTA meetings and all!



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:


I'm beginning to feel old... especially after so many years in the club scene.

Perhaps old in the spiritual and mental sense. I begin to appreciate things around us, but long for that someone to appreciate it with. I know it sounds sappy. smile.gif

I still have many years left in partying, I suppose I'll always love to have a good time.

But I do feel like time is beginning to tick away...

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....

HA!... j/k steve, i'll be 26 in less than a month.

...and i STILL get double carded everywhere; there's a few places down the shore that won't even let me in!


~ you see house is a feeling ~

[This message has been edited by littled (edited 03-13-2001).]

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I'm 24 and have been married for a year and a half. We're both professionals and have been partying hard the last 2 1/2 years. Its only gotten better and better. I definitley do not feel old. I don't think I've ever had as much fun as I have the past couple years, not even in 4 years of college. Maybe I'm lucky though, my wife is incredible. We experienced all this craziness together. It only gets better with age, and the right person to grow with.


Music is the answer!

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i just turnd 25 and i was really upset on my birthday. but as i keep thinking about it it's awesome. i have been through stupid shit and now that i am older and would like to think wiser, its cool to know that the other stupid shit coming will be a hell of a lot more fun.



i know u wanna dance,

i wanna c u sweat,

i wanna c how freaky u can get...baby take me higher!!

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I think alot of it has to do with the way you look...I am 35 and my husband is 33 and I have to beat the 20 year olds off him.. and by the way he has to do the same... I attached a pic so say hi next time you see us, we just might have went to school with your mom. We do have an excuse we are in the business and own www. v i p g u e s t l i s t .com but that doesnt mean we dont enjoy it...Love Chasey

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