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I've got this girl, but she's not my girlfriend.....

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OK, this is my 2nd post cause I'm new, but we all gotta start somewhere... So I've got this girl but she's not my girlfriend. We've been hanging out at school (I got to va tech) for the past 2 months. I met her family and stuff, and she's attractive and cool. We hang out about 4 times a week, and she spends the night at least 3 or 4 times per week. But she dosen't want to have sex now, she wants to "wait till she knows me better", although she's had 2 partners before. The problem is she's sooo annoying. She calls me every day, and whenever I tell her I want to hang out with my friends, she gets annoyed. I'm not used to having a girl sleep in my bed if I'm not getting any action, and she's just really getting annoying and bothersome. It was cool at the beginning, but now it's just not worth my time. But she's friendly and I like her, just not as much as she likes me. I graduate in 6 weeks, and kinda want to tell her to hit the bricks, but I don't feel like upsetting her or breaking her heart. She's talking about something "long-term", and I try to tell her I don't think I want that, but she won't listen. I want to have fun before I graduate, not deal with this stress she's giving me. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? How would you handle this situation?


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by andre9000:

...We hang out about 4 times a week, and she spends the night at least 3 or 4 times per week. But she dosen't want to have sex now,

...The problem is she's sooo annoying.

...I'm not used to having a girl sleep in my bed if I'm not getting any action

Sounds to me that you find her annoying because she ain't giving you any. WTF?! why is she sleeping over anyway? Perhaps you need to elaborate.


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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Well, when you come home and there is a bunny boiling on your stove...then you know for sure to end it! My advice is, tell her this isn't what you want now. If she doesn't listen thats her issue. But don't keep stringing her along, having her sleep over, hanging out etc. Stand your ground...



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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I said this on another post and I'll say it again on this post. IF you're not ready for a committed relationship OR you just don't see yourself having one with this girl then you really need to end this. Because with each day that you stay with her, you're telling her you want this as much as she does. So, my advice to you is END IT. Believe me, it might look like you're hurting her now, but you're doing her a huge favor by nipping it in the bud. Good luck!



"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." — Andre Gide


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Oh yes ... I remember ...

Actually, I went through college w. the motto that I didn't have time for a boyfriend, all I wanted was a monogamous hook-up. Dealing with parents and commitment/long-distance issues, yuck!

And of course by senior year, who wants to get involved? That was just last year for me, but all my friends were uniting after being abroad … we were so anti relationships! Seriously, you have 6 weeks left, what are you doing stressing with this girl? All your buddies are going off to do separate things (of my friends, all scattered … Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, Chicago, even Africa, Korea and Sibera) and even the ones that be in the same city as you, you'll never see unless you live together, and even then, good luck working around everyone's work schedule. Anyway, senior year was all about making the most of my time left on-campus with my friends. It was great. I have great memories. Damn I miss school.

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Yo, that is so true about Amaya. This girl is just that annoying. I hated her when she was on Real World, and I don't want to get to the point of hating this girl, cause I see her downtown sometimes.

One girl asked me to explain the situation: she calls and asks what I'm doing each night, and if I'm not going out (I only have classes on Tues & Thurs, so I go out a lot during the week also), she asks if I want to hang out with her, and how bored she is and wants to come over. So then we watch TV or a movie or something, hang out, and then she says she's tired. So she goes to my bed and asks if I'm coming. Then I think we'll do some stuff, but we just mess around for like 15 minutes, she says "we should stop", and then she goes to bed. Mind you, I only have a twin bed, pushed up against the wall. So she's laying all spread out in her thong underwear, rubbing on me with her legs, but still won't give me any action at all. So I fall asleep smashed against the wall, hating my life....

You all are right, though, I'll just tell her I like her, but don't want to do anything serious now, and get some stuff of mine back from her. And it's not even like I hang out with her cause I'll get some action, cause I don't get much (cause I guess she's a slow mover which is fine, but I don't have that kind of time right now). I wouldn't mind going out occasionally with her, but other than that, I have more fun with my friends and meeting new girls than I do with her. Thanks for the advice!! Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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im sure im going to get slammed for saying this but, dump the girl and go out and enjoy the last few weeks of college man! when u look back in a few years do u want to remember your last days at pompeii being spent pineing over a prude who wont give it up to a nice guy that has put his time in....ooooorrrrrrrr... do u want to remember the debauchery and baffoonery, pillaging and plundering, and partying like a rock star that u should be doing (if your into that sort of thing) during your final encore!


No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn...Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by drfunk:

im sure im going to get slammed for saying this but, dump the girl and go out and enjoy the last few weeks of college man! when u look back in a few years do u want to remember your last days at pompeii being spent pineing over a prude who wont give it up to a nice guy that has put his time in....ooooorrrrrrrr... do u want to remember the debauchery and baffoonery, pillaging and plundering, and partying like a rock star that u should be doing (if your into that sort of thing) during your final encore!

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I did, except I kept the boyfriend and just partied like a rock star behind his back....Then once I graduated it ended... That transition is a tough one. But seriously, get rid of her. She sucks....IMO


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Originally posted by andre9000:

...So then we watch TV or a movie or something, hang out, and then she says she's tired. So she goes to my bed and asks if I'm coming. Then I think we'll do some stuff, but we just mess around for like 15 minutes, she says "we should stop", and then she goes to bed. So she's laying all spread out in her thong underwear, rubbing on me with her legs, but still won't give me any action at all...

I restate ...she's a loser, dump her like a bad habit and stop wasting your time! This chickie sounds like a head case and your'e to uninvolved to get involved if ya know what I mean.


"...I'll take my problems to the dance floor... let the music make my spirits sore..."

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Sounda to me like you got blue balls and now you're all mean and bitter..ewww.

I say force yourself on her....then throw the bitch out the window like the skank cunt rag that she is!!!!!

*long live hot live steamy wet girls*

Rape that prude hoe!






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Originally posted by laurensomers:

She sucks....IMO


She sucks.....unfortunately not enough!! But I agree with the rest of your post.

And Dr. Funk: to your statement of - "partying like a rock star that u should be doing (if your into that sort of thing)". To quote my man Mr. Meth: "Does Pinocchio have wooden balls, man?" Hell yeah, I love partying like a rock star or even just a alcholic pothead who loves women. I just hate to keep breaking up with girls, they all think I'm a jerk, but what's the point if you're both not having fun? I'm goin out of my sr. year with guns and blunts blazin!! Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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No doubt about it, she's gotta go.

And, you can't even date her casually! It's obvious that you 2 want separate things right now. Hey, if you want to run wild w/ no strings attached...I commend you for admitting it! Now, I'm not saying you're right or she's right...it's just that you want different things and that'll never work.

It's the guy who leads a girl to think they're serious and then turns around and cheats that should burn in hell smile.gif

Like I said, get rid of her, you'll be doing a favor for both of you.



~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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Originally posted by andre9000:

We hang out about 4 times a week, and she spends the night at least 3 or 4 times per week. But she dosen't want to have sex now, she wants to "wait till she knows me better", although she's had 2 partners before. The problem is she's sooo annoying. She calls me every day, and whenever I tell her I want to hang out with my friends, she gets annoyed. I'm not used to having a girl sleep in my bed if I'm not getting any action, and she's just really getting annoying and bothersome. It was cool at the beginning, but now it's just not worth my time.

Is it me, or does she remind you of that girl Amaya from the Real World Hawaii?

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Originally posted by zoom:

Is it me, or does she remind you of that girl Amaya from the Real World Hawaii?

LMAAOOO....I wanted to kick that girl in her head...she was soooooooo annoying smile.gif

but to answer the original question...

Don't ever be afraid to tell someone just exactly how you feel....good or bad, but you beign honest with this person and yourself.

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