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5HTP: Opinions

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Every once in a while I just take it anyway, in the morning, and it kind of gives me a happy buzz for a few hours. So that's when I get to work and post retarded messages.

Gotta take it on an empty stomach though - it's an amino acid and if you have protein in your stomach, it will absorb much, much slower.


it's funny until somebody gets hurt. and then it's even funnier.

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the best thing to take after rolling to replace seratonin is soy sauce. Some hotwings and fried rice with it isn't bad either. But on a serious note..if you can get your hands on some L-Tryptophane or L-Tyrosine and or a combo of L-Arginine/L-Ornithine your good to go. It will help induce good sleep and stimulate the Pituary gland to help regulate other glands.....Best is actually don't do drugs..just workout really really really hard the day of the party and starve yourself. You'll get a nice natural high...

I'm actually a big fan of Rejoov...www.barincorp.com is where you can order some..heehheheehheehehehehehe just use it with prudence and caution

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Originally posted by gambitx73:

I'm actually a big fan of Rejoov...www.barincorp.com is where you can order some..heehheheehheehehehehehe just use it with prudence and caution

you ever try the real stuff? rejuv is ok but the real deal is the shit...


Shut up Beavis!

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Originally posted by dale77:

I heard that it makes you really, really tired, which makes the "afterglow" kinda worse.

Anybody have that problem?

it's good to take 5htp esp. if you party hard. like pooh said, it replenishes your seratonin (the more you build up your seratonin, the better your hit feels next time--at least that's how it works for me). i don't think that it necessarily affects your "afterglow" or makes you tired. i take it everyday, 3 hrs. before meals or 45 min. after meals - i'm told it doesn't work well with the protein in your food.

hey knightcrawler, back me up on this one, i know you can explain this better...

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well seratonin controls your sleep functions, so it will make you a bit sleepy when taking it. but as far as afterglow goes, it actually gives you an extra little kick, almost like a second roll, cuz as its replenishing your seratonin, some of that seratonin gets released cuz there's still mdma in your system...


Shut up Beavis!

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A few of you don't seem to have your facts straight...

First, let's clear up what Serotonin does for the body:

Serotonin plays a role in many brain functions -- regulation of mood, heart-rate, sleep, appetite, pain and other things.

What does Serotonin do for E users? It increases empathy, happiness, sociableness, enhances sensation of touch, etc.

Lower than normal serotonin levels for an extended period have been shown to lead to depression.

Now, 5-HTP:

The precursors of serotonin are 5-HTP and decarboxylese. There's usually plenty of decarboxylase in your cells, but the amount of 5-HTP you have can vary depending on your diet. 5-HTP is synthesized in your body from the amino acid tryptophan (present in some the food we eat). But tryptophan must go through a number of metabolic changes before it is turned into 5-htp.

Clinical studies of 5-HTP have shown that it successfully relieves symptoms of depression in many people. It does this by increasing the amount of 5-HTP in the brain, making it easier for the brain to produce serotonin.

Caution: E-user depression is also caused by the down-regulation of serotonin receptors. This is your body's effort to return itself to a balanced state after a continual bombardment by large amounts of serotonin. It can be caused by the too frequent use of Ecstacy. 5-HTP will do nothing to reverse these effects.

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Originally posted by tonygmo:

A few of you don't seem to have your facts straight...

First, let's clear up what Serotonin does for the body:

Serotonin plays a role in many brain functions -- regulation of mood, heart-rate, sleep, appetite, pain and other things.

What does Serotonin do for E users? It increases empathy, happiness, sociableness, enhances sensation of touch, etc.

Lower than normal serotonin levels for an extended period have been shown to lead to depression.

Now, 5-HTP:

The precursors of serotonin are 5-HTP and decarboxylese. There's usually plenty of decarboxylase in your cells, but the amount of 5-HTP you have can vary depending on your diet. 5-HTP is synthesized in your body from the amino acid tryptophan (present in some the food we eat). But tryptophan must go through a number of metabolic changes before it is turned into 5-htp.

Clinical studies of 5-HTP have shown that it successfully relieves symptoms of depression in many people. It does this by increasing the amount of 5-HTP in the brain, making it easier for the brain to produce serotonin.

Caution: E-user depression is also caused by the down-regulation of serotonin receptors. This is your body's effort to return itself to a balanced state after a continual bombardment by large amounts of serotonin. It can be caused by the too frequent use of Ecstacy. 5-HTP will do nothing to reverse these effects.

Sounds good to me.


You're only young once

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Originally posted by lillizzy:

my friends talk about it

if u take it b4 a club i heard u almost die lol smile.gif

NO NO NO!!!! It is a natural occuring supliment (turkey, bananas)..you will not die from it.

tonygmo has provided the most accurate info above. I've been researching it for about a month. E or not, it's not a bad thing to take.

Here is info on it and where you can buy it from http://www.theherbshop.com/5htp.htm

Also note that high levels can strain your liver. 100mcg a day should do the trick.

Personally, I take it every day for a week before "the party" and the ride is wonderful. I then take it right afterwards to help speed up the seratonin re-generation process. It should be taken with Vitamin B6 to help it absorb properly (some of the newer formulas contain B6 in them already).

Also take a multi-vitamin like Centrum EVERYDAY with Vit C, B3(Niacin) & Magnesium

The protein story is true: take it 2 hours before or after meals...protein can rob you of it's benefits. Take it with a high-carb drink like OJ or Gatorade.

Benefits (aside from a nice roll & recovery):

Multi-Vitamin - repairs cell damage (antioxidants), healthy immune system, Vit C is known to fight off the harmful effects of taking MDMA.


Balances mood

Cuts time to fall asleep in half without disturbing sleep patterns

Reduces aggression

Reduces appetite

Creates a more relaxed waking state within 45 minutes

Increases pain threshold

Reduces severity of migraine headache symptoms

So it's not a bad thing to take regularly anyway. IT WILL NOT KILL YOU. And as with anything you put into your body--use it in moderation and wisely!!!!

Happy & Safe cwm12.gifcwm12.gifcwm12.gif


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede



EMail: SuedeNYC@aol.com

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