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I'm sorry but I hated this damn movie. I thought the costuming/ fight scenes were amazing, BUT I am so tired of sitting through mindless action. Hollywood really needs to start hiring some decent writers.


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competant writers?

i dont konw but to me the story was excellant. the pointless fighting scenes was the entertainment for the masses of Rome...i can see why you see it as pointless, but hey, they didnt have TVs back in the day...


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Personally, I thought Gladiator was a good film but not the best. It was way too hyped up when it came out. People were thinking the next Brave Heart and it didn't meet up to the expectation. Just my $0.02.



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Originally posted by tastyt:

I'm sorry but I hated this damn movie. I thought the costuming/ fight scenes were amazing, BUT I am so tired of sitting through mindless action. Hollywood really needs to start hiring some decent writers.

Mindless action? ...I think you missed the whole movie ...perhaps you need to read the script in order to understand what it's about.




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Originally posted by blueangel:

Personally, I thought Gladiator was a good film but not the best. It was way too hyped up when it came out. People were thinking the next Brave Heart and it didn't meet up to the expectation. Just my $0.02.


Yes i love gladiator.....but i agree with u!


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I think Gladiator deserved an Oscar award for there had not been a historical epic themed movie (Roman Times) in quite some time that caught audiences attention!! I think since the 60's Maybe since "Ben Hur" or something!! Traffic I thought was a good movie but it's a totally different than Gladiator!It may had more elements than Traffic in the movie that the Academy thought was necessary to win the Oscar!! Both were excellent movies in there own respects but Gladiator may have had the edge!!

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When I saw Gladiator back in April, I didn't even think it was Oscar material... melodramatic cheese is right. It just tried to recreate Braveheart. I came out of the theater thinking it was (just) okay, and I was really disappointed when it got best pic, and best actor... I'm sure Russell is a great actor, but he just seems like an ass. No offense to you Aussies!

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for crying out loud how can a movie which is so unoriginal, uninspiring, excepted and cliche win for best picture pathetic.

the only thing Gladiator was good at was making M$$$$ it didn't have anything with the word ART.

and for those who thinks that movies are only a form of entertainment not an art than the oscar surly have had to go to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" since it was a new peak in martial arts / action movies.


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[This message has been edited by kingink24 (edited 03-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

Mindless action? ...I think you missed the whole movie ...perhaps you need to read the script in order to understand what it's about.


Give me a break! I lost it at the very beginning, right before Joaquin (sp?) killed his father:

Joaquin: Oh, father, I have failed you as a son!

King: If you have failed me as a son it is only because I have failed you as a father!


If you enjoyed it that's great; just don't try and tell me it has well-written dialogue.

Just another case of Hollywood hype, IMHO.


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Originally posted by tastyt:

Give me a break! I lost it at the very beginning, right before Joaquin (sp?) killed his father:

Joaquin: Oh, father, I have failed you as a son!

King: If you have failed me as a son it is only because I have failed you as a father!


If you enjoyed it that's great; just don't try and tell me it has well-written dialogue.

Just another case of Hollywood hype, IMHO.

MELODRAMATIC CHEESE ...maybe - your opinion

mindless action - nope

BTW. ...the movie wasn't hyped up when I saw for the first time and I fell in love w/it then



[This message has been edited by Ph0eniX (edited 03-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

MELODRAMATIC CHEESE ...maybe - your opinion

mindless action - nope

BTW. ...the movie wasn't hyped up when I saw for the first time and I fell in love w/it then

Undoubtedly it is just my opinion. But I am always right (ha ha, j/k). The minority opinion deserves a chance to be heard too.

Another thing that cracked me up- at the end when everyone was chanting "Maximus! Maximus!" My boyfriend was going "Gluteus! Gluteus!"


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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that movie was hopeless...the worst dialogue i have ever heard (and can u believe that it was actually nominated for best screenplay- the audacity)...visually- sure it was good- that's coz they had $$$$$$$ for all that computer enhanced imagery...i will say this- the costumes were great..and thats it...and wtf was up w/ those near death sequences???? original story one of u said? please...that movie was so full of cheese that there weren't enough crackers in the sold out theatre to take it all in....

gladiator may have been the blockbuster movie of the year- but lets not start a discussion about the simple tastes of the average american.....

my question is this- has a foreign film ever won the best picture award?

answer (i think)- is no....

but if not crouching tiger....then atleast traffic...but, hey what else do u expect from hollywood....

and best director to steven s. for traffic over ang lee? wtf as that?

take the oscars for what it is- a stupid popularity contest (tom hanks, julia roberts, helen hunt? c'mon....)...an excuse for designers to use stars as their manequins, and an excuse for stars to get all dolled up for free, for joan rivers to show her face in public (uuuugghhhhh)....and for hollywwod to pat itself on its back....

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A majority of people who posted on this board may find Gladiator "Cheesy" but thank god the majority of people worldwide don't!! Hey a couple years back "Fargo" won the Oscar and I thought that movie sucked balls!! Maybe it's a difference of opinion for others but realize that if you thought it sucked then you go behind the camera and make it a better movie I doubt you would!! Everyone entitled to their opinion I guess!! To each his own!! Gladiator is worth it this time!! It's easy to criticize but harder to see the positives. Is everyone hear a english teacher or historian or producer to be such a harsh critic?

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what do you guys expect, the oscars are a celebration of hollywood, politics have much to do with everything.

although i liked gladiator for what it was, i don't think it was a work of art.

my question is, what do these people who make up the academy use as their grading system?, who comes up with the nominations?

for example, joaquim (sp) phoenix acted circles around crowe in that film, and... (i don't recall) was he even nominated for supporting actor award?

here's another... you nominate ed harris, and jeremy rush (pollock and quills respectively) for best actor, and must not have even seen those films because both of them act circles around crowe. take nothing away from russel, but it was an action film first and foremost.

how about this... nominate bjork, for a song she wrote, for a film she co-wrote, for a role she acted, give her props with a nomination, and then give dylan an award for an albeit good song, but a song that sounded very much like a few other dylan songs over the years. bob is a brilliant lyricist and i take nothing away from his talent and ability. the bottom line is, if you saw dancer in the dark, you would know what kind of emotion that song evoked and how powerful it truly was in conjuncture with the film itself.

then again, it's hollywood folks..

be cool


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Originally posted by wizard:

for example, joaquim (sp) phoenix acted circles around crowe in that film, and... (i don't recall) was he even nominated for supporting actor award?

Yep! Joaquin Phoenix was nominated for best supporting actor, but Benicio Del Toro snatched it. It's long over due for this actor anyway. He's awesome . . . looks kinda psycho-ish, but a good actor. However, I agree with you taht Joaquin acted circles around Russell Crowe. Also I thought Ed Harris should of won the best actor as well. Pollock was an awesome movie . . . and I believe Harris directed too, am I right?

Well I was VERY happy when Marcia Hayden (sp?) won the supporting actress. I like Kate Hudson but she's young, and there were three other actresses that had put in their time and effort. PLUS they're just better actresses. I'm glad Pollack won something, cause it really was a good movie.



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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