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My girl just told me....

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I'm smothering her and she needs time. I was like ?????????wtf?????????????

meanwhile we've been together a little over a year and stay together everynight. she gets mad if i go to the gym for an hour instead of coming to her house. I'm confused.

Anyone have any good insight or encouragement on this one??? Of cours i realize all women have these short periods of temporary insanity, but i think she may be serious. cwm36.gifcwm36.gif


wwwa.gif "Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the Marijuana smokes."

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Originally posted by anacondatro:

I'm smothering her and she needs time. I was like ?????????wtf?????????????

meanwhile we've been together a little over a year and stay together everynight. she gets mad if i go to the gym for an hour instead of coming to her house. I'm confused.

Anyone have any good insight or encouragement on this one??? Of cours i realize all women have these short periods of temporary insanity, but i think she may be serious. cwm36.gifcwm36.gif

Aw sorry to hear about your situation Hun. I have been through the same situation. Just give her her time and space and she will realize what she is doing. If you have been together that long, she must have feelings for you and she will eventually realize what she is throwing away. And yes, being a girl, I can admit that at times we do go a little insane! Maybe she is just insecure and afraid that she is going to lose you, so this is her way of testing you to see if you will stick around. Good Luck!!!!

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i'm sort of going through the same situation. for me, i feel my relationship is getting a bit boring and routine. could be a result of spending too much time together. although, the "i need my space" line doesn't work for me because it's just an easier way of saying "i don't think we're right for each other", but for some stupid reason i don't have the courage to say that just yet. I HATE THIS! cwm24.gif

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PMS possibly...?

i dunno. tongue.gif

sorry to hear that- hope things get betta!


~*~**~ Life is in the eye of the beholder. What you cherish and find precious in your life may not be the same for someone else, but it's YOUR vision!! Define it and hold on to it, for it's the ONLY thing that is uniquely yours. Remember that the REAL beauty of life is finding someone that shares your vision. ~**~*~

AIM MissIncognito13

[This message has been edited by missincognito (edited 03-27-2001).]

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I agree with alot that's been said already, but if you agree with her rather than question her, she'll be like wtf? he agrees w/me? Then give her the time she needs and if she realizes what she lost she'll probably come back. If not, then it gives you the chance to meet someone that you might get along with better.



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On tha real, bro, you need to tell that ho to "go on wit choself" and leave her to do her thing. You do you, and if she comes back and your down for getting back together, fine. But don't get twisted over some dime store ho. They're out there, these damn chickenheads, and they try to play it off. You can't trust a word shes sayin. So if she says she needs space, don't overprocess what she's saying and try to decipher that chickencode. Just roll on. Peace.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Originally posted by andre9000:

On tha real, bro, you need to tell that ho to "go on wit choself" and leave her to do her thing. You do you, and if she comes back and your down for getting back together, fine. But don't get twisted over some dime store ho. They're out there, these damn chickenheads, and they try to play it off. You can't trust a word shes sayin. So if she says she needs space, don't overprocess what she's saying and try to decipher that chickencode. Just roll on. Peace.


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Give her the space she needs. The worst thing you could do right now is to try and hold her too tightly. My guess is that it is more her frame of mind than your relationship- maybe she's young or inexperienced and feels she may be missing out on something.

Whatever the case, if she's not ready to fully commit herself to you the best thing you can do for her is give her time and space. It's hard and it hurts, but at least she's being honest with you and not doing anything behind your back. Maybe she'll realize it's not worth jeapordizing your relationship, maybe you'll find someone else in the meantime.

Good luck!


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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Originally posted by andre9000:

On tha real, bro, you need to tell that ho to "go on wit choself" and leave her to do her thing. You do you, and if she comes back and your down for getting back together, fine. But don't get twisted over some dime store ho. They're out there, these damn chickenheads, and they try to play it off. You can't trust a word shes sayin. So if she says she needs space, don't overprocess what she's saying and try to decipher that chickencode. Just roll on. Peace.


good one!



Next Project:


Bring on the meatsauce.

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Originally posted by andre9000:

On tha real, bro, you need to tell that ho to "go on wit choself" and leave her to do her thing. You do you, and if she comes back and your down for getting back together, fine. But don't get twisted over some dime store ho. They're out there, these damn chickenheads, and they try to play it off. You can't trust a word shes sayin. So if she says she needs space, don't overprocess what she's saying and try to decipher that chickencode. Just roll on. Peace.

Wow, thank you for explaining that to us. I would of never guessed. cwm25.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Needs time for herself, but gets mad at you for going to the gym instead of you coming to her house? cwm13.gif

Dump the bitch... she's totally schizo or humping some other dude...


Dreaming that all poon tang are created equal...


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She is definitely questioning whether she should be with you or not. Personally there is no need for you to put yourself in a situation where you are bound to get hurt. Let her be, and unless she comes back apologizing and begging you to take her back I wouldn't even consider it.

If it is as sudden as you say it was, then she probably cheated on you or wants to and doesn't want to deal with the guilt.

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Originally posted by andre9000:

On tha real, bro, you need to tell that ho to "go on wit choself" and leave her to do her thing. You do you, and if she comes back and your down for getting back together, fine. But don't get twisted over some dime store ho. They're out there, these damn chickenheads, and they try to play it off. You can't trust a word shes sayin. So if she says she needs space, don't overprocess what she's saying and try to decipher that chickencode. Just roll on. Peace.

You took the words right out of my mouth...



AIM vampienyc10

e-mail: vampie@aol.com

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Originally posted by Cuba:

She is cheating on you or thinking about it, leave her.

I agree, because I was in the similiar situation. If all of a sudden she's acting like that - it's got to be something along those lines. Dump her if she doesn't give you a good explanation....

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i've been in the same situation (reverse, he needed time)..... he figured out whatever it was he needed to, and things are great.

give her the space... and see what happens. if it is worse waiting for, then wait.

don't listen to all the posts about her cheating on you... she wouldnt need to tell you anything if she was "humping some other dude".... she proably just needs some time to think.


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she has found something new. she is telling you she needs time. when the thing with the other dude doesn't work she will come back like nothing happened. becareful, girls don't like to be alone. they don't just need time, they always have something up their sleave.

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Originally posted by jackyl:

becareful, girls don't like to be alone. they don't just need time, they always have something up their sleave.

Have we been hurt . . . MUCH? cwm1.gif



“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” — Booker T. Washington


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Originally posted by jackyl:

they always have something up their sleave.

Like a cheat sheet for the spelling bee. I don't dispute your point in your post, but maybe you nead that cheet sheat up your sleave.


Talkin 'bout what we gon' be when we grow up/I said what you wanna be? She said alive/It made me think for a minute then looked in her eyes/I coulda died....

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Hey everyone. wow thanks for all the input, i didnt think this post would blow up like it did. You all have valid points she's not young and immature though she is 24 with a 4 yr old daughter. very mature. Everytime i read the guys comments about how she is probably messing around i'm like shit theyre probably right then i read some saying give her the time and she'll come around and i think theyre right. She definately isnt seeing anyone else as of now because we're together way too much but 2 asshole guys keep calling and asking her out. one is a dj at a real popular radio station (I'm not gonna say who)the other is a bartender at this bar. lately she has been kind of keeping the bartender guys calls on the DL. We will talk tonight i'll keep everyone updated...thanks again. cwm38.gifcwm36.gif


wwwa.gif "Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the Marijuana smokes."

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