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First Job...

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I am bored out of my mind so...

What and where was you first job? How old were you?

Mine was at Kinney Shoes in the rockaway mall when i was 15...ahhhh memories of stinky feet!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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Originally posted by cmb1975:

I am bored out of my mind so...

What and where was you first job? How old were you?

Mine was at Kinney Shoes in the rockaway mall when i was 15...ahhhh memories of stinky feet!!!

Rockaway mall??? Where abouts did/do you live?? My first job... age 16... Wendeys

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

Rockaway mall??? Where abouts did/do you live?? My first job... age 16... Wendeys

i grew up in rockaway, i live in wharton now...yeah, real far, I know!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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I worked at Merry-Go-Round too! In the Rockaway Mall!! Another member of this board worked there with me: "Drama". It wasn't my first job, but it was definitly one of my fav.'s. We had a blast. I still may have a B.U.M. Eqipment sweatshirt somewhere........

someone hit me on IM. "BizMark22"


GOT VERVE? Verve.jpg

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Originally posted by vervin:

I worked at Merry-Go-Round too! In the Rockaway Mall!! Another member of this board worked there with me: "Drama". It wasn't my first job, but it was definitly one of my fav.'s. We had a blast. I still may have a B.U.M. Eqipment sweatshirt somewhere........

someone hit me on IM. "BizMark22"

merry go round was the best job i ever had also...i dont know how long you worked there for but do you remember them making everyone wear HOBO t-shirts for theme day?


"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with."

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Originally posted by drama:


I am originally from Roxbury, lived in Rockaway a couple of years ago, and now I am in Madison..................and you?


No shit...small world!!! I grew up in Rockaway and live in Wharton now...PM with more info!!!


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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yo yo... My first job was at bradlees.. i knew these puerto rican heads up in there..

we stole mad shit; portable cd player, phones, pagers, tv's, accessories and shit... bounce on peepz credit cards for x-mas... until some nigga was investigating da deal... i was mad out.. call me lucky.. they didn't come to my house; i got that shyt off.. fo real

them.. sucks.. staying local tonite...

Jose cuervo up in this joint!!!!


to the world, you might be one person... but to one person.. you might be the world..



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Originally posted by vervin:

I worked at Merry-Go-Round too! In the Rockaway Mall!! Another member of this board worked there with me: "Drama". It wasn't my first job, but it was definitly one of my fav.'s. We had a blast. I still may have a B.U.M. Eqipment sweatshirt somewhere........

someone hit me on IM. "BizMark22"


OMG!!!! That was definitely the best job I ever had in my life. We had the BEST time! Do you remember Roy Jones JR????

How dumb am I ?

IM: DramaB

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