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sat, february 17 all new tribeca saturdays with resident dj louis todaro

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ok ok .. i promise you people this is the LAST post i do on this topic.. i just wanna get one thing clear to everybody.. honestly, ive been clubbin for 5 years.im from the old school sf..i personally am a tempts kid.. that is my favorite spot on the face of the earth. like any other club kid i go out to all the hot spots in jersey and nyc. honestly i would never be caught dead even stepping foot in tribecca.. i did go to the old life once or twice it was ok.. but i wouldnt be caught dead going to tribecca. i havent even heard of a good party there.. but louis is an up and coming dj.. this is exciting for him and all of us.. as far as toni23 talking about picking and choosing, when your up & coming you want all the gigs you could get. 1) he wants to be heard by other people besides his current spots.. what if joe smo from this place likes tribecca and goes there for a drink? and offers him another job. and #2 and most important in my book.. for the $$ it all about the money. the kid has spent thousand and thousands of dollars on equipment and records so why shouldnt he get it back.. and to speak for louis himself, he would never step foot in there either.. but now he works there and will be doing another bigger and better spot that all you jersey birds will be talking about in the next couple months..

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I just read that post from you. So....you're in high school huh?? Well you seem more mature than half of these people around here. Don't stress over this stuff. If you didn't write that post...then you said your piece and that should be the end of it. You seem like a good kid.

As for Louis....do your thing. I'm sure you're on the right track...and like A-tip said...you have to start somewhere. It doesn't matter if it's Tribeca or if it's Metro. It's a start and that's what counts! cwm1.gif

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Whoa, Little Kiddies relax!! First of all I heard the Kid and he's average!! Luna is blowing up because of the bouncers, Laugh all you want but it seems to me they have the following and draw the people from all the other clubs they work with. I was at Luna for 3 or 4 weeks b-4 these guys started there and at best there was 200 people. The DJ could be better, and the 12 dicks running around saying their the owner the promoter the manager the pope, give it up you guys have a good thing for now but it will die and you'll have to reinvent your party!! This has been seen a million times people follow who's hot and the Tempts and Joey's guys are "IT" right now, if you want to hang with the "IN" crowd you go where they work, all the HOTTIES are there and thats what were out for anyway!!! PEACE!! P.S. KEEP SPINNING KID YOU"LL GROW AND GET BETTER!!!

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Hey, Louis after all this drama, I'm interested to hear you spin. Send me a list of where you're gonna be and i'll try to come check you out. kingsnyc@aol.com. Justin, when you get a gig let me know as well. I know how it is for you guys. I'm not a DJ but i'm just startin to get known as a promoter after being kicked around for a while. I started with teen nights also. Now I host the new saturday party at Planet 28. I also run teams for Exit and Sound Factory. Keep building you're talent and deal with criticsm. Good luck.


Play 2 Win!!!


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I just signed on to this to end the bullshit... I happen to know both justin and louis quite well... as 4 justin--he has been known to run his mouth on big named dj's. However, i don't think he has the guts or balls to do it to someone he sweats so much. as for louis... iv'e heard him spin on several occasions and i must say that he is no doubt gonna be a huge asset to tribecca. if the party is gonna pick up there you can give the credit 2 him. and i also guarantee (knock on wood) that in a few years... he will be big--he has the talent, music, and the passion for the scene. i def. give him that. one luv kidz.

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ok~>honestly i had to come on and see what all the ruckus was about!..all this bashing and shit talking because anthony wrote a little something to give credit to his best friend? it's not like he wrote super dj louis or anything like that...but once people started to wreck on him...yea of course he is gonna stick up for him and try to build him up! wouldn't u?!i can honestly say louis has gotten better as time goes on and most likely will keep getting better~>that's how it works folks...u think ur favorite dj picked up a record one day and started rippin shit?! i think not! and who the hell cares if he started at a teen party? usually u start from the bottom and work up...which is what he is doing so far. regardless of whether or not he is the next denny tsettos or jonathan peters...who cares? HE IS DOING WHAT HE LOVES AND GETTING PAID FOR IT!~>i think that is something most people would love to be able to say!! as for whether or not justin wrote under the name absolutely not~i really don't know or think it is something to stress over. well..that's all i have to say on this subject! lou~hope it only gets better from here!!! : )

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I am a friend of Louis's and have heard him spin almost everywhere he has been and he has gotten MAD GOOD! His skills def have progressed over the last few years and now he is ready to RIP IT UP!!! Tribecca is gonna be hot w/ Lou spinning, ckeck it out!!

Oh, and for the record...Luna has been bangin.


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Ok, all I have to say is that I went to Tribecca this saturday (for the first time) and it was bumpin all night long!! I cant believe everyone said the club was horrible and its "seen its day" because it was packed by 11:30 and i think it is one of the best setups ive seen in NJ. This new party w/ Dj Louis Todaro is gunna be H*O*T! Its definitely our pre-party b-4 we hit up factory next week!!! yea kid! (((SF)))

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Hey Louis, It's Todd Milsom. If you read this, don't listen to any of the bullshit. Nobody know what is like to be a starting DJ except for us starting DJ's. It is easy to rip us apart. We all start with the shitty venues, the shitty crowds, and get bad raps before we get good ones. Remember you and me at the Tunnel last year, I mean really, how bad did that place suck, but we still did it because we love to spin. And that is what it all comes down to, the love of playing, Fuck everyone else, they are just jealous because they have no musical talents. Keep it real kid. Get my number from Simone, and give me a call.

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i was @ tribecca saturday. i must say the place was packed all night... louis did exactly what i said he'd do. so as a promoter of the joint...i give full credit to him. it was my idea to bring him in and i give myself that... but as far as drawing the crowd louis ran it on saturday and will continue to do so... one kidz

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just wondering grease home boy who you are cause as far as i know there are new promoters at tribecca on saturday and i know you are not one of them. Im not trying to start a fight with you its just that they have had a few young cocky little promoters running around there thinking they gods gift to clubs. Well since i dont know who you are im not saying this is you but, i am interester in knowing who you are and if i know you. Thats all.

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OHHHHHH, Bellaitalia your right ten wasn't correct. What are you one of his friends trying to blow him up also? He's still a child who the fuck cares if it's 10, 14, 18? Same thing.


Live life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be your last!!!

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first of all kid, my name is mario. in actuality im really good friends jake & tommy. as far as working @ tribecca...they offer to pay but I refused... i brought people out their as a favor to them... also i was the first person to bring up louis's name to them & i told them that he'd def. help draw a crowd. from there, they asked around and heard nuttin but good shit so they called him up, and brought him in. i definitely am not a "promoter" for the joint nor do i care to be... so as far as you trying to make me look like an asshole behind the computer screen. you can save it... good luck @ tribecca.

(P.S) dont get me wrong...im not saying that im the reason louis is at tribecca...all im saying is i told the guys to look into him- and they did. he earned that spot. bye.

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first of all kid, my name is mario. in actuality im really good friends jake & tommy. as far as working @ tribecca...they offer to pay but I refused... i brought people out their as a favor to them... also i was the first person to bring up louis's name to them & i told them that he'd def. help draw a crowd. from there, they asked around and heard nuttin but good shit so they called him up, and brought him in. i definitely am not a "promoter" for the joint nor do i care to be... so as far as you trying to make me look like an asshole behind the computer screen. you can save it... good luck @ tribecca.

(P.S) dont get me wrong...im not saying that im the reason louis is at tribecca...all im saying is i told the guys to look into him- and they did. he earned that spot. bye.

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Originally posted by trikki:

OHHHHHH, Bellaitalia your right ten wasn't correct. What are you one of his friends trying to blow him up also? He's still a child who the fuck cares if it's 10, 14, 18? Same thing.

Oops, it seems to be that u are INCORRECT again, what a suprise!!!! He's not 10, 12, 14, or 18 Hun, he's twenty!

But im still trying to find out where you get your info from, and im trying to figure out since when is the age of twenty the age of a child??????????? (i guess it took you a MIGHTY long time 2 grow up)


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