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So what's your plan for Patty"s Day?

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Originally posted by jerryx:

Originally posted by queenbitch:

Have no fear the Queen is back. Sorry I was to busy yesterday to play in your reindeer games. What a fucking joke this is. Bottom line, Jerry why don't you wipe that skid mark off your face and stop talking shit. You call yourself a promoter? You need to stay in Jersey at Abyss where you belong. Oh, that's right, you don't work there anymore, hmmmm I wonder why??? Oh my, did I say all that?? I must have been brain washed by that damn cult. Yet once again you need to bust out some new personalities to combat the CULT. This is over just like your career as a promoter. Why don't you go out and get a real job!!!


Have no fear x is back.

Stop talking shit, if i recall bumpabitch started all this by saying that stacy bashed denny,which she did'nt. SHE ONLY STATED A FACT THAT DENNY SPINS MORE OF A COMMERCIAL SET THEN PETERS WHICH IS VERY TRUE NOT A BASH .He does also spin on ktu right? another fact.It seems like as soon as dennys name is brought up in this board its automatically a bash in the cults eye, wrong again. Why don't you guys get a life and grow the fuck up, stop being so anal.As for me not working at abyss anymore,i left there on good terms cause of diffrences. No I did'nt get fired. AGAIN, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CHECK YOUR RESOURSES ALITTLE BETTER, BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR TRAP. As for a real job yes I own my own business,I make more in a month then you make in a year.I THINK YOU NEED A REAL HAIRCUT YOUR POODLE LIKE CURLS WENT OUT IN THE 80'S. THE GUIDETTE YEARS. PEACE. AGAIN THIS ALL STARTED CAUSE BUMPABITCH THAUGHT THAT DENNY GOT BASHED WHICH HE DID'NT. SO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SHIT COMES OUT OF IT. AND IF DENNY EVER THOUGHT IT WAS A BASH I'M SURE HE WOULD HAVE POSTED HIMSELF.

Does the X stand for xtra small penis or xtra loser? Right, you make more money in one month than I make in a year. You told me!! BTW, this has nothing to do with Denny I just think you are a little turd that needs to be flushed!! As for your little girlfriend, bye, I guess you can't hang with the cult...

BTW, if you had a clue what was in, curly hair is very in right now. But, you are wrong again I have straight hair, don't quit you day job jackass!!!

[This message has been edited by queenbitch (edited 03-20-2001).]

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Figures...a topic couldn't go by without a comment from the cult leader "QUEENBITCH". Actually, that just might be giving her too much credit! But then again, she is the "QUEEN" and she lashes out at everyone else because of her own insecurities...Does it make you feel better bitch to bash other people because you are so insecure with yourself? Maybe, instead of going onto the internet and typing in www.clubnyc.com, you should try www.getafuckinglifeyouuglyinsecurebitch.com, and kiss my beautiful ass! Smooches to the "CULT"...

Oh and Jerry...the people that do matter, and that are secure unlike some of the psyciatric patients posting,love you! You sexy ANACONDA bastard!

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Originally posted by valentine:

Figures...a topic couldn't go by without a comment from the cult leader "QUEENBITCH". Actually, that just might be giving her too much credit! But then again, she is the "QUEEN" and she lashes out at everyone else because of her own insecurities...Does it make you feel better bitch to bash other people because you are so insecure with yourself? Maybe, instead of going onto the internet and typing in <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.clubnyc.com," TARGET=_blank>www.clubnyc.com,</A> you should try <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.getafuckinglifeyouuglyinsecurebitch.com," TARGET=_blank>www.getafuckinglifeyouuglyinsecurebitch.com,</A> and kiss my beautiful ass! Smooches to the "CULT"...

Oh and Jerry...the people that do matter, and that are secure unlike some of the psyciatric patients posting,love you! You sexy ANACONDA bastard!

I am sitting here laughing hard!! It is hard being the Queen, people are always jealous. As far as me being insecure, ha ha ha!! Think what every it is you want about me, I don't give a flying fuck. BTW, love the newbies!!


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Originally posted by sin-sational:

well einstein, I can see that you held spelling bee captain in your sorority.

Thanks for the literature lesson -dork!

Nothing is wrong with sororities, is amatter of fact I ran one for about 2 years no I wasn't the president-I was something more important, the pledgemaster!-

so anytime you want to get hazed you little skank, let me know I got a whole bag of tricks for wiseasses such as your pussy little self!

Plegemaster, how cute in sorority my Title was Hell Master. So I am not really too impressed with you. Why all the bitterness anyway... Is your live all that bad. Well I can imagine with an attitude like yours there probably aren't too many friends in your life. It's probably been a while since you've gotten any as well. Chill the Fuck out!

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I have a question for the "CULT" bitches...Could it be that you were denied a complimentary admission to any number of the night clubs that Jerry X promotes for and due to this, that explains all of the hositility towards him?? Well, I don't blame him for denying any of you a comp, who needs your arrogant, insecure asses at a club anyway!

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jerryx aren't you the CLUB GOD who gets the VIP treatment at Crackfactory. So I see you have come down from Mt. Olympus to grace us with your presence again. The last time I heard from you, you where talking a whole load of shit about my boy eviljav. Funny though, he called your ass out and you went running back to your hole like a fucking cockroach when you turn the lights on. Funny thing about cockroaches is it doesn't take much to fucking squash them. Now I see that these ladies have sent you crawling away, AGAIN!!!

Well I hope that you can grace us COMMENERS with your presence real soon, I'll have my can of Raid waiting. cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by sigmagal:

Plegemaster, how cute in sorority my Title was Hell Master. So I am not really too impressed with you. Why all the bitterness anyway... Is your live all that bad. Well I can imagine with an attitude like yours there probably aren't too many friends in your life. It's probably been a while since you've gotten any as well. Chill the Fuck out!

A bit hypocritical aren't you about being bitter. Look at yourself getting all bitter, getting all worked up over something that doesn't even concern you, something you are reading through a computer screen, and casting judgements on people you don't know. Get over it bitch!! Whew - take a pill!!! Go get that degree of yours and shove it up your ass sideways you ignorant little twit. What the fuck is a "live"? I am guessing you mean *life*. And YOU want to call out sinsational on typos - I see grammar is NOT your forte!! GGEEEZZZZEEEE! cwm40.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Originally posted by valentine:

I have a question for the "CULT" bitches...Could it be that you were denied a complimentary admission to any number of the night clubs that Jerry X promotes for and due to this, that explains all of the hositility towards him?? Well, I don't blame him for denying any of you a comp, who needs your arrogant, insecure asses at a club anyway!

Honey - let me tell you one thing, I can't remember the last time I paid to get into a club, and it is certainly is NOT due to Jerry X!!! MY club connections go much furthr back than this Jerry X character. I don't NEED promoters for Comps - I get those all on my own. But hey - that was a nice try - too bad you FAILED!!!


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Giving head-whats this about

Terminator X, you just described your long hard and i do mean hard road to promoter status.

No I don't beliebe it was Bijan hoovering it up, but wasn't it really you serving up the felario!!

Sigmaslut, hell master is that like hellraiser, should I call you pinhead!



"I walk through the valley of fear, I fear nothing cause I'm the baddest mother fucker in the valley!"

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Originally posted by valentine:

I have a question for the "CULT" bitches...Could it be that you were denied a complimentary admission to any number of the night clubs that Jerry X promotes for and due to this, that explains all of the hositility towards him?? Well, I don't blame him for denying any of you a comp, who needs your arrogant, insecure asses at a club anyway!

First off, I don't pay to get into any club, little girl. Oh, and I would never need a pathetic sub-promoter like skid mark to comp my special ass. My presence makes the parties I go to so why don't you go back to the drawing board and try to come up with a real comment. Oh, and that goes for all of us cult members!!

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"From the depths of the ABYSS, to the top of the WORLD" GC

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WOW! You don't pay to get into clubs! Did you hear that Valentine? When's the last time we paid to get in somewhere.....LOL I guess you bitches really put us in our place with that comment...or should I retaliate with WOW! You don't pay to get into clubs so do about 1,000 other people! Well I guess we know how to keep 4 insecure morons busy for days...just post anything about Denny, it doesn't even have to be bad, they have nothing to do but defend his character. Oh yeah and come up with ways to call Jerry X short, big deal he's not tall....from what I've heard he more than makes up for it, isn't that right ANACONDA!!!!

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Originally posted by jerryx:



(`*·.¸(`*·.¸ ¸.·*´)¸.·*´)

«´¨`·. PSSST .·´¨`»

(¸.·'´(¸.·'´`'·.¸)`' ·.¸)

...be gone.

Haven't you crawled away yet?


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Originally posted by queenbitch:

Hey newbies why don't you crawl back into Jerry's ass where you came from. My posts on this topic have absolutley nothing to do with Denny you mental cripples. You guys are just obsessed with Denny get over it already.

Are their point so valid that the only thing you can think of to discredit them is to rag on the fact that they are new to the board. You should come up with something better than that to defend yourself.


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Originally posted by jerryx:


Did it take you all night to come up with that one!! PUHLEZE!!! Um - lemme ask you a quick question - why all this talk about Denny and his unit?? I mean we all know you like to take it from behind from stacyslut - but I hate to break this to you, Denny is NOT on your side of the fence kid. He's into GRILS - you remember what they are right?? Or is it that you don't even know what your girl looks like because she has you bent over looking the other way all the time.

Do me a favor - look back at these posts and tell me one time I bashed someone for saying ANYTHING about Denny, or where I even mentioned his NAME. NOTTA ONE!!! So you can kiss my curly headed ass because once again people like you stray off the topic at hand. You know they have medication for people with A.D.D. maybe you should get to a doctor and have that checked out!

As for Miami - I'll be SURE to look for you at the Abyss party!! Oh wait - you got fired!!! Tisk Tisk - you really shouldn't piss off club owners that way dear - not good to burn your bridges. But then again - you just a mere sub-promoter who has visions of granduer of one day becoming the next Artie - or Darrel Darren.. Too bad IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!! CUM JUNKY!!!! cwm8.gifcwm8.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Listen you little fairy, trust me none of us will be at the Abyss party. I would rather slit my wrists than spend an evening listening to Boris spin. You obviously aren't that sharp or you would have caught the sarcasm. So why don't you go back to your little forest and play. As far a Denny responding, that was skid mark who said that. Don't you know we all have his schedule marked on our calendar so we can have our cult meetings.

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Originally posted by tinkerbell2000:

listen here bitches, you are right this thread had nothing to do specifically with denny but DUMP-A-RELLA (nice fucking screen name bitch) as usual, had to bring him into it and manipulate staceylynn's previous post. and LADYBLOWJOB, why the fuck are you going to the abyss party in miami, i thought all you BITCHES hate abyss, so why would you represent in miami? doesn't that make all of you hypocrites too? and the reason denny did not respond to this thread is because he is/was in cancun (so don't think you know him that well, FYI, i on the otherhand do, and no i don't want a medal because i already have one). keep on with your personal attacks because we are not going to go away.

OK...I REALLY didn't want to touch this post because of it's somewhat ridiculous nature HOWEVER...NOW I feel the need to, but only to correct YOU tinkertoy (YOU want to talk about sceen names?)! Here we go...

First of all... The whole abyss party thing was complete sarcasm and NOTHING else, so hypocrites? aaaahh...how about NO!

Second...How well DO you know Denny? What are you his cousin? Here's a little FYI for YOU...In case you didn't notice, this topic began on March 15th. Since it's March 21st that would make the duration of this on-going nonsense approximately 6 days. IF you know him so well, you would KNOW that he was only in Cancun for ONE NIGHT. So your comment saying he IS/was? ...well, missknowitall...he IS NOT still there. I am surprised you didn't know that since you know his so well...I guess your medal is RETIRED!! cwm40.gifcwm40.gifcwm40.gifcwm25.gif


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!

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Originally posted by tinkerbell2000:

listen here bitches, you are right this thread had nothing to do specifically with denny but DUMP-A-RELLA (nice fucking screen name bitch) as usual, had to bring him into it and manipulate staceylynn's previous post. and LADYBLOWJOB, why the fuck are you going to the abyss party in miami, i thought all you BITCHES hate abyss, so why would you represent in miami? doesn't that make all of you hypocrites too? and the reason denny did not respond to this thread is because he is/was in cancun (so don't think you know him that well, FYI, i on the otherhand do, and no i don't want a medal because i already have one). keep on with your personal attacks because we are not going to go away.

A) I never EVER said I hated Abyss tinytintin. What I said in prior posts is they invested all that money a year or two too late. I ALWAYS had a great time there - and think Gosta (sp??), and Dmitry are really cool guys. So you my little twinletoes friend should get her facts straight!

B) FYI - I know what I want to know about Denny, and that excludes his every step. Don't need to know all that! And if you know Denny so well - you would know that he would NEVER respond to a post like THIS!!! He would not even give this a second bat of the eye. People just having a little battle of words here that actually have NOTHING to do with him - but some people (insert Jerry X) always make it about him whenever myself, or sin, or QB, or Bump post.

So to you, and to him, and to his skanky whore of a girlfriend - GO FUCK YOURSELVES! cwm5.gif


Mama always said, It is best to Look like Jackie O, than a Jacked Up Ho!!

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Are you people finished yet? This is getting old. Your all saying the same thing over and over again and quite frankly some of it is pretty disgusting. Agree to disagree and be done w/it. I'm sick of seeing St. Patty's day, not that you care what I'm sick of but come on. There now I've just giving both sides something to agree on, you can hate me and make fun of me!


Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?

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