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Timothy McVeigh to die today, what do you think?

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Well, Tim McVeigh is going to die in 10 minutes.

Normally, I'm very much against the death penatly but with this guy, I am really on the fence.

A part of me is still against him being put to death but then when I see the clips of all those people and CHILDREN injured and all of those people who died, I have to say I don't feel so bad for this guy.

I don't know. It bizarre.

What do you guys think?


You're only young once


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i think he's dead already!!

yes i think he deserved to die, but i believe in an eye for an eye especially in this situation, but unfortuanetly he got off too easy. cwm23.gif



he said : i'd really like to get into your pants!

she said : no thanks. there's already one asshole in there!

'nuff said

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i think the death penatly by lethal injection is not a good punishment...he deserves a more cruel death for what he did. he killed hundreds of innocent people, including young children. i would just set the fucker on fire and laugh at him...jusat my opinion cwm37.gif



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I used to be a huge advocate of the death penalty. I believed that if you murdered someone and it was not self defense, than you deserved to be executed. Well as I have gotten older, my views have begun to change. Since we live in a country were our judicial system is such a mess and you are not always given a fair trial, it concerns me that someone may be executed for a crime that they did not commit. However in the case of McVeigh he admitted that he was responsible for the bombing and that he acted aloneg.... Did he? We will never know, cause with his execution the truth died with him.......

Plus he got off so easy this way! Many of his victims, lived thru the bombing only to die a slow death, because people could not reach them..... Maybe sitting in his cell each and everyday until he died of natural causes, would have been the best punishsment that could have been given...

Just my Monday morning $.02.....

Hopefully now the victims that survived and the families will have some peace.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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The death penalty is not a punishment at all particularly since was unconscious when he died. He got exactly what he wanted. Anyone who kills 168 people obviously has no regard for his own life. Solitary confinement for the rest of his life would be FAR worse than death. He would have to live with what he did for the next 65 years with no human interaction whatsoever. Even worse about this whole execution, now you'll have dangerous numbnuts running around viewing him as a martyr.


Tiggers can do anything.


AIM: EddieinBx

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Originally posted by clubgodraver:

i think the death penatly by lethal injection is not a good punishment...he deserves a more cruel death for what he did. he killed hundreds of innocent people, including young children. i would just set the fucker on fire and laugh at him...jusat my opinion cwm37.gif





1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Well, I'm personally for the death penalty. BUT I think that one should be careful to make statements like "he deserves to die," because that automatically implies that you know who "deserves" to live. It's good to feel like God once in a while and make such judgments though <- sarcasm

Actually, this must be why the death penalty for certain crimes is automatic; to take away the responsibility for any one person from having to make such a difficult decision. Imagine if we had an elected official in charge of deciding every single instance where the death penalty should be applied. This person would be our “elected God.” The Constitution (our real God) can always be amended if anyone feels qualified for this position though! <- sarcasm

"Let he who has not sinned cast... "


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i am for the death penalty w/ respect to arguments against the inhumanity of it..

the acts committed by the individuals are cruel enough to warrant such harsh penalty..

however i'm divided over its practice for one reason.. the ease it creates for the individual to be put to death.. i feel that life in prison would be more of a penalty.. of course nowadays prison is not generally a punishment w/ all the luxuries inmates receieve, as well as the costs it creates for citizens..


get off of my cloud..

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It wasn't until I saw the actual words in print: "McVeigh executed" that it truely hit me. We put a man to death.

Did I know it was coming? Yes. Did he deserve it? ...that's a hard one. When it comes to our judicial system and the death penalty, there are just too many grey areas.

One hundred and sixty-eight people died at his hands. That got me thinking: what if it'd been only one? Do we have a victim quota for the death penalty? In my book, one is too many. May it be a man, woman or child. And I'll go one step further: What if there's an effort to kill, (via gun, bomb, etc.) but fail? Just because one has a bad shot, or can't build a proper bomb - the intention's still there, right? So, where do the grey areas fade to white or darken to black? I haven't a clue. I just hope that the victims' families, the McVeigh's and the American people are able to find some peace despite all this death.

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Yeh i think the death penalty is a little stupid. I mean it doesn't work as a deterant, this contry has one of the higest crime rates in the world. Injustices do and have happened and as Rob said a life time term in prison is much worse than the death penalty.

But if anybody deserved to get the death penalty this guy did.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by kitkatt:

It wasn't until I saw the actual words in print: ...When it comes to our judicial system and the death penalty, there are just too many grey areas.

One hundred and sixty-eight people died at his hands. That got me thinking: what if it'd been only one? Do we have a victim quota for the death penalty? In my book, one is too many. May it be a man, woman or child. ...So, where do the grey areas fade to white or darken to black? I haven't a clue. I just hope that the victims' families, the McVeigh's and the American people are able to find some peace despite all this death.

I like your logic. Where indeed is the "fine line." Hence written law allows us to make difficult decisions without having to really think too hard about it. Problem is people do stop thinking...

As to the eye for an eye statement... Yes, lets duplicate his act and turn it against him. I mean, the act of blowing up a building to kill people is not evil as long as the "right" people who really "deserve" to die are in the building! This works.


"And he applies his mind to obscure arts..."

-Ovid M. VIII


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Personally, I don't agree with the death penalty. Because of my belief . . . I believe that nobody has the right to take life except for God himself. Yes, he did committ a horrible unspeakable thing where many people and children died. However, I don't think more death solves anything.

I think putting him behind bars for life where he could spend every single day of his miserable life thinking about why he's there would of been much more appropriate. Plus, death makes it too easy for criminals out there.

That's just my $0.02.



“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain


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i am not sure if anyone else needed to witness this execution, but i suppose to the people whose family members were directly involved, it was some sort of catharsis. the keyword that kept on coming up was 'closure.' i don't think anything could serve as closure if someone close to me was murdered like the people in that building, but then again i am not those people and really, there's no way of telling.

this leads me to the most influential phrase i heard this year (from kieslowski's movie Trois Couleurs: Rouge (RED)): "If I was him I would have done the exact same thing." which is an inverted modification of the adage 'If I was him, I would have done <something else>.

i'm not saying mcveigh should get anything other than what he got. i'm saying if i went through exactly everything he, t. mcveigh with his given personality, went through in his lifetime leading up to the bombing, (w/o what i, brodie332, have been through , i would probably have done the same thing.) and if i had gone thru everything the people who's family members got killed, i would have wanted to see the sucka burned 2.

but i didn't in both instances, so my word is as good as shite.

now, back to dancing

brodie-5 <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.geocities.com/overweight_old_fart cwm43.gif " TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.geocities.com/overweight_old_fart cwm43.gif </A>

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i think he was a horrible man, but what problem is gonna be solved by killing him? is it gonna bring all of those innocent victims back? are we as people so cruel that we can feel better from someone dying? it seems hypocritical to me.

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I am, personally, against the taking of someone's life. Two wrongs do not make a right. In the case of Timothy McVeigh he deserved it. Remebering the photo of the Rescue worker carring the dead little girl brought such anger and rage out of me. Everytime his name is mentioned that image pops into my head. I could never support the death of another human, even at first I would not support his execution. It wasn't till his comment about all the dead children being "collateral damage". I have a 3 yr old son and hearing that tore me up. I could just imagine the parents of those kids. At that moment I thought the he should die. Why should he keep his life when the 19 children lost theirs. I know his death does not rectify anything. But being a parent it gives me a little piece of mind that if my child was ever the victim of some hateful crime that the person(s) who did it would lose what my child never had the chance to enjoy. A life. I am still against the death penalty, except in Timothy McVeigh's case.

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Originally posted by sxeyecandi:

i think he was a horrible man, but what problem is gonna be solved by killing him? is it gonna bring all of those innocent victims back? are we as people so cruel that we can feel better from someone dying? it seems hypocritical to me.

Oh, I like you too. It's scary to see people turn hateful. To hear people that are usually good basically say "DIE, DIE, DIE" reveals something "interesting" about them. All is need is to turn the object of their hate (in this case Mcveigh) towards say, the government! And you got another Tim Mcveigh. Scary.


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I'm against the death penalty.

Now, this is based not on one case but the principle behind it. Comments about he should die because of the children and the number of people he killed... well where is the death penalty cap then?? I'm not sure i' getting my point across, but i'm against the idea and do not look at the case in hand as that is irrelevant.

As far as I'm concerned it's murder commited by the US government. As no one as the right to take life... not him not your government.

I saw one interview who lost her father in the bombing was against it because "he's getting off lightly". She wanted him to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Anyway, my thoughts...




Stones Roses - Paint Promo

AIM: mattarrundale1

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I'm against the death penalty.

Now, this is based not on one case but the principle behind it. Comments about he should die because of the children and the number of people he killed... well where is the death penalty cap then?? I'm not sure i' getting my point across, but i'm against the idea and do not look at the case in hand as that is irrelevant.

As far as I'm concerned it's murder commited by the US government. As no one as the right to take life... not him not your government.

I saw one interview who lost her father in the bombing was against it because "he's getting off lightly". She wanted him to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Anyway, my thoughts...




Stones Roses - Paint Promo

AIM: mattarrundale1

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I'm against the death penalty.

Now, this is based not on one case but the principle behind it. Comments about he should die because of the children and the number of people he killed... well where is the death penalty cap then?? I'm not sure i' getting my point across, but i'm against the idea and do not look at the case in hand as that is irrelevant.

As far as I'm concerned it's murder commited by the US government. As no one as the right to take life... not him not your government.

I saw one interview who lost her father in the bombing was against it because "he's getting off lightly". She wanted him to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Anyway, my thoughts...


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