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I just got laid off!

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Sorry to hear that...they have made at least 3 rounds in my company...I'm still here (for now). Collect the unemployment for a bit...enjoy the summer


Do You??

AIM: GaHuB 69


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thats fawked up they made you get up early and then lay you off like that...Like they should have told you last night! thats sooooo unfair! cwm23.gif

-Jamms "ineedmy cwm33.gif " cool.gif


MUSIC is one thing...but soul is another... face50.gif

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Hey! let's all be jobless together, huh?

Ugh darlin I hear ya. Bad enough that our generation gets thrown into the world already in debt from college so we're screwed to begin with. We will probably never see all the money we put into Social Security but now they're fucking up the economy royal so we can kiss any savings we can scrounge goodbye. Aaaaack! We're doomed!

Just kidding. We have to be creative and reinvent ourselves right now. My beau was in web design too and got laid off a few months ago. He was outta work for a month. It was very depressing. We're both temping now. He just got a long term assignment and I'm getting by little day jobs here and there but I only signed up with 2 agents. I'm going to tackle a few more today and then see who wants to hire a go-go dancer. I figure it's got less occupational hazards than prostitution... hee hee!

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i think it means that ur not supposed to go online and shit while working... thats the way i see it... but im prolly wrong! but anyways... sorry to hear that hun! try to enjoy the summer anyway


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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Sorry to hear that...it's my offical last day at the company too today (luckily I got a smooth transfer to another part of the company though). Anyway, good luck with your search...I'll keep my fingers crossed for everyone out there looking for a new job (it's a pain in the a** to be hanging in the air)



AIM: flying77high


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Originally posted by staceyg5:

chic, dont know you but sorry to hear about your news... i just found out last thursday that i wont have a job come the end of this month and i've been here for the past 2 1/2 yrs. good luck on your search smile.gif

OMG stace'...why don't you just up your move back date?


~ you see house is a feeling ~

~ i am the light

that shines...

yes, you can have it all

...follow me. ~

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I understand your pain blackhaus. My roommate just got fired wednesday of last week, after working for the company for 6 years. He was already in debt, now he is fucked! But I am sure you will find another job soon. Good Luck on your search!

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