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Are you a "weekend warrior" or a "Weekday die hard"? (Clubbing during the week)

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I know alot of people who work 9 to 5 jobs and claim that they are "weekend warriors"..that is to say, they live the double life (Yuppie during the week and e popping glow stick wielding loonatics during the weekends)

and then...

There are those "DIE HARD music freaks" that can stay up all nmight Monday to check something out Monday through Saturday NON STOP! Get up every morning with sunglasses and pop an advil with a bottle of water and go straight to work.

I have tried both worlds and I can tell you that the older I get the harder it is for me to stay on the "energizer bunny mode"..

Yet I too suffer from the nightlife addiction. I want to be around music and the crowd every night of the week..I MOURN THE NIGHT that I don't get my loud fix..I'm like a junkie with the shakes if I don't go out on a great DJ set.."where is the night...who's spinning...What time? Is there a cover and who's got the list? aaaarrrrggghhhh..I need to go out!"

So which one are YOU?

Weekend warrior or weeday DIE HARD!?




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Yuppie during the week and e popping glow stick wielding lunatic during the weekends- lol! Mmmm, yeah, that pretty much describes me!

During the week, cooking, blazing, and watching tv w/my boyfriend tires me out enough as it is. I need my SLEEP!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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I save my craziness for the weekend!!!

During the week I go to school and everyone "thinks" I'm like such a "good little girl" and stuff since I'm so quiet. But then when I go out, Toooooootally different!!! lol

romy20...the so-called littleangel.gif

lol yeah rite newangel.gif lol

Now don't think I'm a bad little girl now lol






Aim: Romina321

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I only party on days that end in "y"

- Pete





Upcoming shows:

Memorial Day Weekend...New York invades Canada!!! Toronto baby...with spoony to the mutha fukkin d...DJ Divine...Frankie Pep...and some others

web site...Version 1.06



Communism was just a red herring

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Well..if I could reach the key chain I'd be out all the time..

Unfortunately Mugz locks me in until he gets back from his weekday romps..

It's Guernica Mondays..and Static Tuesdays..

Lep Thursdays...Twilo Fridays (in the old days) Now he's either at Centro or LL..Lep again on Saturdays and sometime the tunnel as well and on Sunday if his ass isn't comatose he' soff to Bar Cafe in Astoria for a "liquid" brunch and Test press Sundays at Drinkland for D&B!


and does he include ME in his plans?

Heeeell no!

CHUMP cwm22.gif



The only thing man has to fear of a dog is his MASTER.

(Mark Twain)

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