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Congratulations Twiloboss...

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You've just reached a new low...how low can you go????

Does anyone else think this is pathetic???

Bubble Chair Auction

The last one--from the bubble lounge--tb's own with his initials on it; kept fairly nice for his royal butt to bounce the night away only to need a chiropractor the next day. All true. It was his and now donated to the cause. Letter of authenticity from tb hisself. dried tears on the bubble.


Camel is thirsty!!!


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i think it's a bit much.... the disco ball...ok.. it's over two thousand and the reserve price STILL hasn't been met...come on....unless touching that 5 ft ball produces a spontaneous orgasm each and every time...forget it! heheheh

i have a rubber leftover from the night i banged junior.. anybody want that.. i'll start the reserve low...real low..hahahahha

jsc cwm9.gif

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Originally posted by saintjsc:

i think it's a bit much.... the disco ball...ok.. it's over two thousand and the reserve price STILL hasn't been met...come on....unless touching that 5 ft ball produces a spontaneous orgasm each and every time...forget it! heheheh

i have a rubber leftover from the night i banged junior.. anybody want that.. i'll start the reserve low...real low..hahahahha

jsc cwm9.gif

Personally I believe that this is a last attempt to pump TB's already infalted ego. Does anyone really believe he's that strapped for cash? And now his bubble chair? Come on Twiloboss...what next? The toilet paper you didn't use cause you had all these "twiloites" up your ass?


Camel is thirsty!!!


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Originally posted by shugabooga:

ya know, i believe some of those things on ebay are legit and some aren't...don't believe everything you read.

Honey...I couldn't believe it at first when they sent me the link. I argued and argued saying that this is a joke. Then someone that supposedly spoke to TB personally told me that it's true. I'm taking that person's word for it.


Camel is thirsty!!!


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actually he posted on the twilo board himself in regards to it i think...

i hardly feel twilo is stapped for cash considering the 100's of thousands of dollars they night they've been open for the past 2 + years...citing legal representation as the cause for needing the money.


It Got Tired

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong




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I think all of those things were put out there with the intention of NOT being sold.

I bet the reserves are astronomical in price. There is no way you can auction off a soundsystem like Twilo's or even Junior's booth on e-bay...

Something strange is going on here.

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Originally posted by eggmok:

please . . .

a twiloite i am, proud of it . . .

i can recall you frequenting twilo a few times . . .

Just because I think TB is pretentious and pompous doesn't mean I didn't like Twilo. "Frequenting" is putting it mildly...there were times that seemed as if I lived there.


Camel is thirsty!!!


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Something i noticed, I dont think all those auctions are for real. The Disco Ball might be, but notice it says they are renovating. Then you see them selling the Phazon, that would mean they are closing for good. I mean hf they were renovating they would keep the phazon. The main reason i think its BS is in the auction for the powerbar sign, youll notice they say "as seen in the background of many famouse dj's" the guy who wrote it misspelled "van dyk" he wrote "van dyck" I dont think anyone affiliated with twilo would make that mistake... Just my 2 cents.

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