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Why Does Everyone Complain About Asians at Exit?

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I dont understand, Every post I read about Exit, someone manages to bring up asians and how they are "ruining" the club or that there are too many of them

Even though I am not asian myself, why does everyone hate on them so much?

Personally, they never bothered me at a club and usually keep to themselves...

I rather have a club full of asians , than a club full of roided up juice heads or drugged out kiddies.....




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[This message has been edited by avalondon3 (edited 06-24-2001).]

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I have no problem with them. I used to go w/ a few flips and they didn't want to hang anywhere but the 'asian' section because it was their kind. But I've gone w/ other asians and they were all over the place. Really fucked up people that just sit on the floor piss me off. Asian, white or whatever. However I did notice that where the asians were hanging out there was more people sitting on the floor then anywhere else. Made it kind of hard to navigate though.

This was a long ass time ago though. I havent been to Exit since Thanksgiving night

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Seriously people gotta chill sometimes....it just seems that everywhere you go there's prejudice and it makes me SICK....how people can be SO narrowminded and ignorant is beyond me... cwm3.gif

People just fucking amaze me....


~*~You think you're special you do.......

I can see it in your eyes...

I can see it when you laugh at me...

Look down on me...

And you walk around on me...

Just one more fight about your leadership...

And I will straight up leave your shit...

Cause I‘ve had enough of this and now I’m pissed...

This time I’ma let it all come out...

This time I’ma stand up and shout...

I’ma do things my way...

It’s my way, my way or the highway...

Just one more fight about a lotta things...

And I will give up everything to be on my own again.....free again

Someday you’ll see things my way cause you never know when you're gonna go...

Just one more fight and I’ll be history...

Yes I will straight up leave your shit and you’ll be the one who’s left.....missing me...*~*

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I don't know, I'm asian and I think there are too many asians at Exit. That being said, what bothers me is why everyone assumes all the asians there are Chinese. What's up with that? I don't mind asians being there per se, but I don't like how they all congregate in their little section, usually where there are seats. Personally I like to wander around and see what's going. What's the point in getting all messed up and sitting down all night? Might as well stay home and lay down on a comfortable bed then.

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I guess at home they don't really have the loud music or the lights.

Sure there's a lot of asians at Exit or wherever but as far as I've seen they don't really bother anyone, it's only until I wander over into the "white side??" of Exit do I get unwanted molestation from the juiceheads that grab at anything that walks.

At least if the asians are sitting down, and not dancing around they're less likely to hit you.

cwm25.gif What you guys should be complaining about is how the juiceheads take up so much room by themselves, especially the topless one that are all sweaty and hard to avoide bumping into.




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I don't think people are really racist that say "no offense but there's too many asians. They really just don't prefer asian people. And ofcourse Exit is really packed. So they blame it on the group they don't prefer(which are asians).

But ofcourse there are those people that make blunt racist remarks, which are probably racist.


Use BROWN EYES guest list at Exit Fridays!!!

*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

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Originally posted by aznproduxtc:

I guess at home they don't really have the loud music or the lights.

Sure there's a lot of asians at Exit or wherever but as far as I've seen they don't really bother anyone, it's only until I wander over into the "white side??" of Exit do I get unwanted molestation from the juiceheads that grab at anything that walks.

At least if the asians are sitting down, and not dancing around they're less likely to hit you.

cwm25.gif What you guys should be complaining about is how the juiceheads take up so much room by themselves, especially the topless one that are all sweaty and hard to avoide bumping into.


Actually you bring up a point, although the true case is directly opposite from what you said. Cities such as Hong Kong, Seoul, and Tokyo are huge metro area (think midtown Manhattan only 10 times more crowded). I know in Seoul Korea, there is nothing to do at night except drink and go to clubs. The raves in Hong Kong are borderline legendary. Asians are big into clubs back home so naturally they are into the same scene here in New York. That being said, most of the Asians at these clubs are born and raised in the states but culturally gravitate to these kind of venues. But yeah, it's good and bad I suppose. Asians always do their own thing with other asians, but for purely aesthetic reasons I prefer trying to glide past skinny ass dudes in tank tops then huge sweaty white guys with no shirts on. I get enough of that during spring break.

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Originally posted by robocock:

hey this is new york there are chinks everywhere, at every corner, every town and every club as well. live with it.


that's like calling an african american person a "nigga", it just ain't right.



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Originally posted by lowmazda:


i hate when any shirtless w/ shaved arms decides to barrel into me. ugg. thanks for the free shower guy.

ahahaha I remember once I got almost killed by a juice head waleing around dancing rolling his face off...all I remember is he tripped grabbed on to me on his way down but he was so sweaty that he could not hold on to me and jus knocked me on my ass. I would much rather deal wit the Asain's than those damn juice heads...even though some of them are real eye candy....(lol Jon)I would rather not have to deal wit the roid rageing boys in exit





"~People Who Know-Dont Talk And People Who Talk-Dont Know~"

The Creation Of Me...

Was Like God Trippin on *E*...

While Smokin some Trees...

Saying How Can this Be?...I Just Created Someone Betta Then Me! ;)~

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It is wrong for a "white" person to call a "black" person a "nigger", right? Charges can be pressed... But when any other race decides to call a person of asian descent a "chink", which is just as derogatory as "nigger", it is taken lightly...

Reverse discrimination in any form should not be accepted... So if anybody calls me a "chink" or starts making fun of me in one of those stereotypical "chinese restaurant" accents, expect to get a shot in the face...

It is time for the asian masses at Exit to gather up and stop taking this racist shit... We represent at least 35-45% of the people who visit Exit...


Exit management could try all they want to steer us away, but when it is all said and done our money is just as green as everyone elses ...

Robocock, call me a chink!

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Originally posted by eggmok:

what's exit . . .

lol...very aptly named...its a great place to "exit", especially if the people who go there are the kind that look and point and say "oh looky there...so many Asian ppl". Some people can't mind their own fuckin business and just "strut"!

THere's a disgusting thread on the sicktracks forum complaining about Asians at Exit.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by karch:

I don't think people are really racist that say "no offense but there's too many asians. They really just don't prefer asian people. And ofcourse Exit is really packed. So they blame it on the group they don't prefer(which are asians).

Why target one particular race??? If they "don't prefer" a certain group- guess what?- that's exactly what racism is.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by tastyt:

Why target one particular race??? If they "don't prefer" a certain group- guess what?- that's exactly what racism is.

I think there's a difference between preference and prejudice. For example, I'm not really into black girls. I don't find MOST of them attractive. That's just my taste. But that doesn't mean I hate blacks, and look down at blacks, it doesn't mean I'm racist towards them. I had a little convo about that with a black girl cause she was saying the same thing about white guys.

I'm not saying, when people say, "too asians in Exit" is the right thing to think or say. I think the people that say that, just jump to the wrong conclusions.


Use BROWN EYES guest list at Exit Fridays!!!

*Did you find your ecstacy?*

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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hey chink

if u shoot me in the face, you goto jail. and do you know what happens to a chink when he goes to a jail? he becomes the main target for other prison mates. i know because i been there. go ahead shoot me. i will be at exit this friday.

chink chong dong long dong siver.

Originally posted by ges1ner:

It is wrong for a "white" person to call a "black" person a "nigger", right? Charges can be pressed... But when any other race decides to call a person of asian descent a "chink", which is just as derogatory as "nigger", it is taken lightly...

Reverse discrimination in any form should not be accepted... So if anybody calls me a "chink" or starts making fun of me in one of those stereotypical "chinese restaurant" accents, expect to get a shot in the face...

It is time for the asian masses at Exit to gather up and stop taking this racist shit... We represent at least 35-45% of the people who visit Exit...


Exit management could try all they want to steer us away, but when it is all said and done our money is just as green as everyone elses ...

Robocock, call me a chink!

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Originally posted by karch:

I think there's a difference between preference and prejudice. For example, I'm not really into black girls. I don't find MOST of them attractive. That's just my taste. But that doesn't mean I hate blacks, and look down at blacks, it doesn't mean I'm racist towards them. I had a little convo about that with a black girl cause she was saying the same thing about white guys.

I'm not saying, when people say, "too asians in Exit" is the right thing to think or say. I think the people that say that, just jump to the wrong conclusions.

I see your point, but... would you start a thread "I prefer not to date black women?" Of course not... Unless you have your head up your ass, you would realize that would be a pretty stupid thing to do.

If people don't like certain races in clubs... then maybe they should get the fuck out of New York... because god forbid... they might just run into too many Asians on the subway... or in the park... or maybe even where they work. It's an INVASION!!! cwm6.gifcwm25.gif


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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You know all this have been debated over and over again many, many times.

Just let it be . . . whether you like asians or not they have always been in Exit . . . continue to be there and will be there in the future.

Don't like it . . . don't go. It really is that simple. cwm25.gif



“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” - Mark Twain


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