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How much pain??

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OK....so in about an hour I'll officially be getting my tattoo...how bad is this shit gonna hurt?

It's goin on my lower back and it's pretty big cwm6.gif


~*~I found myself trying to change you...

...If you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to*~*

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Nah you will be fine. It's not as bad as people say. And your lower back is one of the better, less painfull, places to get it done.

It's like somebody holding a lit cigarete just above your skin.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by baby3tears:

Ok so is it more of a burning or of a pinching/stinging sensation????


Yeh burning is the word, the shading is the worst bit and black is particularly bad as they really have to go over the same spot quiet a bit so you don't see holes.

You will be fine, have a few drinks before yuo go smile.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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<~~~~~~~~~scared cwm38.gif

Oh well, fuck it....I've been waiting for about year to decide whether I really wanted it or not and my mind is made...

It's something that I wanna do so I'm sure the pain will be worth it bc I'm gonna love it.. cwm12.gif


~*~I found myself trying to change you...

...If you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to*~*

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I don't want to scare you... just prepare you. I have a large tribal tattoo on my lower back. Imagine a triangle starting at the waist, about as wide as the entire back, narrowing down to a point just above the butt-crack. It took nearly 4 hours.

It's painful at first, but once the endorphins kick in it can turn into a pleasant high. Endorphins don't last forever though; I was ok until 2 1/2 hours into it, at which point I was close to tears.

Still, I'd do it all over again.

Make sure to let us know how it goes!



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Hey guys!!!! So I'm tattooed!!!!!!!!! The fucking outline HURT LIKE A FUCKING BITCH, but the shading and the coloring wasn't bad at ALL....I'm SOOOOOO happy I LOVE IT!

Can you guys help me out and tell me what to do to take the best care of it?? He said I could take the bandage off in about an hour (I just got back) and I just bought bacitracin....

He said to wash it with soap and water and then rub in the bacitracin....what do I do from there????

Thanks guys!


~*~I found myself trying to change you...

...If you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to*~*

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It's tribal with a heart in the middle...the tribal was shaded in and the heart is like a purplish with blue in it..it's PHAT!! Then he kinda like highlighted the tribal with blue, it looks phat!!


~*~I found myself trying to change you...

...If you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to*~*

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put neosporian(sp) on it 3 times a day..

keep it out of the sun for at least a week.. and if it must be in the sun, put the highest SP suntan lotion you can find..

you will want to continue with the lotion throughout the summer..

nothing worse than a fadded tattoo

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I would suggest not exposing it to sun all summer long. The newer the tattoo the more likely it is to fade. When I go to the beach I always put on SPF 45 or so on my back, and when I'm just lying on my stomach I put a hand towel across it.

I have two other tattoos I don't cover completely in this way, I just use sunblock on them, but because of the size of the one on my back and because it's nearly all black, it would be really unattractive if it faded.



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