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Area 1 - How was it for you?


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Well, well, well.

No real durprises for me, apart from Kevin Sauderson. He played before Coxy and he was fantastic. BUT.... CARL COX!!! stole the fookin show, the man was and still is god.

The Orb played a very self indulgent set. At least we got chance to cool down a little. It was funny watch people try to dance to some of the stuff they put on.

Oakenfold was poor AGAIN. Lots of Perfecto tracks. Juts a total lackluster set, a few nice tracks. I think he thinks he sets are like a rock star set - he can get away with playing the same thing at every gig. Where has the 'read the crowd' oakenfold of yesterday gone?

Then caught the end of Moby, who you just have to love.

Bouncey, thanks for getting my drinks all night mate, your a star.

Kim (my podium partner), good to meet your freinds as well, say hi to them for me.

back2basics - ifhegothitonbyasmanywomenasmenhewouldbesorted

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Man, I totally agree, Carl Cox totally stole the show. Man what a set. My legs are so damn sore right now it isn't even funny.

B2B, come one man, your little boyfriend was a nice guy.

Kim, thanks once again for giving me a truly unforgettable day.

Wombat, fun as always


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Carl Cox was for sure the highlight of the night! Bangin for 2 straigh hours! Didn't care for the Orb to much, but like b2b said, it gave everyone a chance to cool down. Oakie, was okay. I liked about the last 45 minutes of his set, the rest I didn't care for.

Also caught Moby at the end of the night. Very, very good!

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Yeh Moby was great, the end of the show was fantastic. Last 5 tracks were banging.

'Now for the fastest song in the world'

Yeh that guy a nice bloke, he just wasn't getting in my pants;)

I got 3 bloody numbers in my pockets, withy no recolection of who is who.

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1 was Paul, and I am sure the other two were some nice young lads that wanted to play with your british meat....

I don't really care too much for Moby. I saw him about two years ago and I wasn't too impressed. Not to mention by 930 I was ready to kill a certain someone if you know what I mean.

B2B, we need to set up some defenate plans for this weekend.

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I loved Kevin and Carl they were amazing, Oakey was dissapointing again.... ignore my spelling I am super busy today..

B2b, you need to give me directions so we can meet up before Kustom on Friday, I am so looking forward to it!!! Thanks for being my dancing partner on the box!

Everyone else it was so good to see and hang out with you!

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Originally posted by kimberlyco

I loved Kevin and Carl they were amazing, Oakey was dissapointing again.... ignore my spelling I am super busy today..

B2b, you need to give me directions so we can meet up before Kustom on Friday, I am so looking forward to it!!! Thanks for being my dancing partner on the box!

Everyone else it was so good to see and hang out with you!

check your PM's

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Where the heck were you guys?? :) I looked around some, but never did find you. Cox was beyond amazing - my mind is still recovering from his set. He gave "feeling the music" a whole new definition...I've *never* been that blown by *any* dj. It was incredible. I caught Oakenfold's set, but I wasn't really impressed by it - he was ok, but seemed like his mind was elsewhere. And after Cox...man, he just couldn't compete. Moby was great, too - I'd never seen him live before. I somehow didn't expect him to be that soft-spoken.

Met some great people at the show, too, and ended up partying with them until about 6 this morning. :) Needless to say, I'm not at work today...

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Bmitch, man did you miss out. I guess it doesn't pay to ditch Chicago for the east coast. Don't worry, here in Chi Town we don't hold grudges. We'll be welcoming you back with open arms once you realize that Chicago is the best City the US has to offer. lol Later


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Hello out there, obviously you all don't know me, but i was just surfing through the posts and i saw this... about Area ONe, and i figured that i had to put my two cents in too... well i would have to agree completely that Cox was AMAZING, i was quite preoccupied with the fact that at that point in time i had already lost all of my friends that i was with and possibly my sanity, so i didn't enjoy it fully, but i still thought he was amazing. however i did not even stay to see oakenfold... i was thoroughly enjoying the stylings of outkast.. hahahaha they actually were great!!! and who knew that moby was a comedian in his own special way. well... if anyone wants to talk to me... my AIM is sttarrkidd... drop me a line i'd love to hear from you!

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