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Boobie Sizes


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Originally posted by squeezemay

The plus to having them this size is the reaction I get from guys when I kiss or suck my own nipples.

HAHAHAHAHA! They are amazed.

I am a 36 C just like you, and I can kiss and suck my own too!!


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Originally posted by gambitrah

So I'm sure like most of the guys we want proof! :) Lets get some pics here girls! Lets say a "RateMyClubplanetrack" hmmmmm... idoubt any of you girls would do such a thing but one can always hope




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Originally posted by chula22



if there is enough interest im sure one of the web people on here (myself included) could whipup a webpage and post some hoo-hoo's :)

im soooo down!

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Originally posted by nitro449

What do all you girls think about breast implants??????: :rolleyes:

I HATE SILLY-PUTTY BOOBS!!!! About 99 out of 100 look absolutely ridiculous. The odds are really stacked against you. Unless there's actually something wrong with your breasts, like they're totally out of proportion, saggy, or shaped weird, I think implants are just bad news.

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Originally posted by misticminister

is it true that the smaller they are the more sensitive they are?

Actually I have never heard that before. I know that they are usually more sensitive right before and during pregnancy and right before and sometimes during a girls period.

That is a cute question though. I'd like to know that.

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by chula22

TASTY, When I put on my show for gabo I will make sure to give you front row seats.


If she is gonna have front row seats then what the hell will I have??:D :D Oh boy I can't wait!

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by rachel1997

IMPLANTS is for someone that has little tits that are so yucky that it's okay to get implants - but only to a B or a C to look like normal tits.

Everyone that get's tits to look like a damn whore that's gross.

I wish I had little tits, they are more fun, they will never sag when you get older cuz there is no weight holding them down and you can walk around w/o a bra!

I agree with that its not the size its the quality, And if you dont have either, dont worry cause breasts are only fun when their hidden. When you suck on them for a few min. it gets a little boring and your ready to go south!:D To me the perfect size is, whatever size my girlfriend is! Since I don't have a girlfiend, I think a b or a c is very nice and playful.

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Originally posted by gabo

If she is gonna have front row seats then what the hell will I have??:D :D Oh boy I can't wait!

HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry GABO, but with TASTY taking the front row seat there is only one more available.


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by chula22

HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry GABO, but with TASTY taking the front row seat there is only one more available.


Ok Ill take it!

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Originally posted by gabo

Sounds good, but don't forget that Iam in the union so Ill be 20 min breaks every 5 min.

WHOA! I am not sure if that is allowed. Wouldnt you rather just do your job and get it over with so that you can go home. If you keep taking breaks like that, the production will never cum to an end. ;)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by chula22

WHOA! I am not sure if that is allowed. Wouldnt you rather just do your job and get it over with so that you can go home. If you keep taking breaks like that, the production will never cum to an end. ;)

Nice choice of words lol. Isnt that the point, to drag it out. Since Ill be making minimum wage Iam gonna drag it out so I get overtime,Plus your gonna want someone whos gonna do some quality work. Anyone can be a "stagehand", but only some people can make an art out of it.

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Originally posted by gabo

Nice choice of words lol. Isnt that the point, to drag it out. Since Ill be making minimum wage Iam gonna drag it out so I get overtime,Plus your gonna want someone whos gonna do some quality work. Anyone can be a "stagehand", but only some people can make an art out of it.

I like your response. If I was interviewing you for an actual job under my desk you just might get it. ;)


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Originally posted by chula22

I like your response. If I was interviewing you for an actual job under my desk you just might get it. ;)


I don't think this guy sounds committed enough of an employee. Breaks? You'd have to force me to take them!

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by chula22

I like your response. If I was interviewing you for an actual job under my desk you just might get it. ;)


So wait... your not interviewing for a job under your desk. Iam very discreat. Ill come before anyone else and Ill leave after everyone else. The best part is youll walk around with a huge :D on your face all the time. All your coworkers will be jealous of you, because you will get that big promotion, cause the boss likes to see happy employees. Just don't forget if you get a raise, were a team I want 20 percent. heh heh:tongue: :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastyt

I don't think this guy sounds committed enough of an employee. Breaks? You'd have to force me to take them!


Breaks? Tasty for you there would be no breaks. Only plenty of overtime.


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Guest gabo
Originally posted by tastyt

I don't think this guy sounds committed enough of an employee. Breaks? You'd have to force me to take them!

NO dont listen to her! Its how well I will do the job, besides I can cut down on breaks.

Hey tasty: I hear there is a job opening for a stagehand(since Ill be quitting that job soon and getting promoted to under chula's desk:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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