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*yawn* *stretch*

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breakfast? r u kidding me....

u guys missed a really fun night! just walked in (hobbled actually, even in those real comfy shoes...)

turntables on the hudson was the shit. very cool, open to the water. actually saw Jersey for the first time in months! The propeller heads DJ was dropping some cool old stuff like james bond themes over stuff, and they had a live bongo guy there. totally sick. got waaaaaay packed to.

obviously went out after.

gonna go recover in the sun on the roof for an hour before workin' my way up to the family residence (where i will be forced to eat something!)

sorry u'all didn't make it!

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Hey it was great seeing all of you that came out to PS1!

Unfortunately My night turned for the worst and anyone that saw me at Turntables on the Hudson saw that I was in a very baaad way!

I want to apologize to all of you that saw me and just so you know..


In fact I'm usually just hopping around the place on Vodka redbulls and great music...

I'm just going through some tough personal shit at home and I kinda just "flipped out" last night.

I have alot of patch work to do with my girlfriend and some of my friends..

Sorry for beeing such a Jackass and making such a spectacle..

Sometimes Alcohol and depression don't mix..

It's like pouring gas on a very bad fire!

truely sorry for all of you who's night I ruined!

Plus I missed the Propellerheads....:(

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darn mugz sorry you had a bad night!!! next weekend we're going out at night instead of drinking at ps1 all day!!! i probably shouldn't have even been drinking since i have a cold. there was no way i could have gone out all night too! hope ya feel better and i'm sure everyone will forgive you for last night (whatever you did) - we all have those from time to time!

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