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5 htp Again!!!

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I stopped doing e about 4/5 months ago cos it just wasnt doing anyhting for me anymore I guess I just needed a break. I am hitting a night with loads of friends I havent seen for ages in a few weeks and have decided that as everyone else is why not!! but i want to have a good time it had just stopped being fun. I have tried 5 htp befor ebut didnt make that much difference. What i basically what to know is how far in advance should you pre load with it and how much is best. Is 3 weeks in advance too early to start?

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if you haven't taken in awhile, then two weeks in advance should be more than enough time to max out. 300mg a day, split up in three (100mg x 3 per day), should be about all you could ask for. by that time, you should be topped off. if by then you don't have a good time, either your pills are duds, or your brain is a dud~ :splat:

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Actually, the three or four days before you roll, if you are taking HTP it won't do you any good. The stuff is absorbed quickly into your system and starts to work, but not that quickly. So doubling up your dosage the day of or the day before you roll isn't going to affect your roll at all. I just take the stuff permanantly now. And then two weeks before I roll I double up every other day.

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Originally posted by sinergygrl

Actually, the three or four days before you roll, if you are taking HTP it won't do you any good. The stuff is absorbed quickly into your system and starts to work, but not that quickly. So doubling up your dosage the day of or the day before you roll isn't going to affect your roll at all. I just take the stuff permanantly now. And then two weeks before I roll I double up every other day.

<shrugs> Maybe it's psychosematic, I don't know. Seems to work for me, though.

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well well, the quality sleep comes in the form of Valerian Root, which is mixed in with the 5HTP. That is what aids sleep.

I tell you, my experience with 5HTP was negative. I took it for about 2 weeks before rolling, and I didn't roll that hard. Then I didn't take 5HTP for two weeks, took a pill from the same batch and I was fucked up. I don't know, I guess it's different for everyone.

until then kiddies... keep on :roll:

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5htp does make you sleepy (like a big turkey dinner) and in a better mood in general, thats why it is sold.

as for taking it the couple days before.. it will help with recovery but not the roll, even though some swear by it.

For me I can tell when I am getting high levels of seratonin by the totally fucked up dreams I get with 5htp. I don't get them for a week or so after a roll, then they are totally wacked.

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5-hydroxy L-tryptophan (5-HTP), is normally converted in the body from Tryptophan (found in food, like turkey). 5-HTP is converted to serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin. Historically Tryptophan itself was taken as a sleeping aid and immune system booster, however since it is no longer available, people now use 5-HTP.

Please note: those on Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) (i.e. Prozac and other drugs) should not take 5-HTP.

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