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Why Do Asians Hang In Clicques?

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In college I recall many all Asian clubs, parties, basketball leagues, etc. Then you have Chinatown, Koreatown, etc. Why do asians isolate themselves from others? I mean, they refuse to assimilate into American culture then they complain bout this and that. Why do they isloate themselves and form cliques? WHY?

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Originally posted by bungee

In college I recall many all Asian clubs, parties, basketball leagues, etc. Then you have Chinatown, Koreatown, etc. Why do asians isolate themselves from others? I mean, they refuse to assimilate into American culture then they complain bout this and that. Why do they isloate themselves and form cliques? WHY?

Let's see who get's the most drama, you with this or me with the trance post :)

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I disagree....

and the funniest part of this is that a group of like 10 white kids in a larger crowd of 1000's of white kids, will look at 10-50 asians and assume they're "grouped together cuz they won't assimilate".......hypocrites? yes....you just don't realize its YOU who's limiting yourself to your own race.....try to open yourself to hangin with EVERYONE.....I don't think you'll find any resistance from one nationality or another....as long as you're cool/friendly/outgoing.....

but I find that if there is any stereotype for asian people at clubs, its that they are really friendly, and I find asians representing at a lot of the BEST events in the city.....ya know, its nothing to do with Asian or not....I find that people at clubs are friendly.....some aren't, but it has nothing to do with their nationality....they might just be an asshole

fuck all this talk about "asian's this " and "asians that"./////I'm an asshole for even replying..... bottom line, its people who categorize people into nationalities who kill it

I hope I didn't offend anyone........except maybe make someone realize there's no need for this type of attitude......

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I am sorry but this is USA, not china. If I immigrate to China, I would learn the language, the customs, traditions, participate in their events, dance and party with the Asians. I would not be out forming Cliques, building my own towns, clubs where we isolate ourselves. Then why did I leave US in the first place? So I can create a mini US in China?

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Originally posted by bungee

I am sorry but this is USA, not china. If I immigrate to China, I would learn the language, the customs, traditions, participate in their events, dance and party with the Asians. I would not be out forming Cliques, building my own towns, clubs where we isolate ourselves. Then why did I leave US in the first place? So I can create a mini US in China?

get over urself

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this type of question has been debated 8,888 times already.

easy answer: birds of a feather flock together. it's the natural way of things. if you take a closer look around, you'll find that it's not just asians that do this, it's all ethnic groups. then from time to time some of the cut loose and assimilate with other mixed groups. i think you'll find one of the most diverse groups right here on clubplanet. in our case, it's the love of music and clubbing that brings us together.

also, look at it from their perspective...if you were in a foreign land dominated by the natives of that country, wouldn't you most likely seek out your own nationality - people who speak your same language, eat the same foods, share the same culture and ethnic/religious background? there's a lot of security to be found in those basic things when you're far from home. i don't blame them for hanging together.

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Originally posted by back2basics-

Let's see who get's the most drama, you with this or me with the trance post :)

Hmmm, seems this question will not be seeing to many responses. Have many, many asian friends, asked them this exact question, they gave me some mumbo jumbo responses. Either that or they completely avoided the issue cause they have no answers. I ask cause I am trying to understand their thinking and learn bout them.

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Originally posted by shugabooga

this type of question has been debated 8,888 times already.

easy answer: birds of a feather flock together. it's the natural way of things. if you take a closer look around, you'll find that it's not just asians that do this, it's all ethnic groups. then from time to time some of the cut loose and assimilate with other mixed groups. i think you'll find one of the most diverse groups right here on clubplanet. in our case, it's the love of music and clubbing that brings us together.

also, look at it from their perspective...if you were in a foreign land dominated by the natives of that country, wouldn't you most likely seek out your own nationality - people who speak your same language, eat the same foods, share the same culture and ethnic/religious background? there's a lot of security to be found in those basic things when you're far from home. i don't blame them for hanging together.

They start threads calling all asians to a meetup at EXIT, complain they are subjects of racism. I mean, what if a white person started a 'All White people, represent in this thread', that person would be villified as a racist. Or, 'a white party'. What is the difference between that and an asian party? That is the truth. Double Standard.

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Originally posted by bungee

They start threads calling all asians to a meetup at EXIT, complain they are subjects of racism. I mean, what if a white person started a 'All White people, represent in this thread', that person would be villified as a racist. Or, 'a white party'. What is the difference between that and an asian party? That is the truth. Double Standard.

actually you are wrong. the music board and the NY board are meeting at exit. whites with asians.

And please do come to the meet up...i'm serious. i have nothing against you. i just feel bad cause you are so close minded.


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These topics are getting ridiculous. First of whats the problem with people from the same ethnic background sticking together? There's a certain level of comfort that you achieve when you're surrounded by people with similiar backgroungs. And it that case it doesnt even have be ethnic similarities. It could be similiar interests, beliefs, ideas, or views of the world.

Second if you're gonna attack Asians about sticking together, then you should take a look around the city. Right next to Chinatown is Little Italy. Greenpoint in Brooklyn is largely Polish. Same thing with Bensonhurst being a large Italian community. And speaking of clubs. Look at SoundFactory. A large percentage of the people there are Italian. So its not like Asains are the only ethnic group to stick together. Its happening all aroung you.

Originally posted by bungee

In college I recall many all Asian clubs, parties, basketball leagues, etc. Then you have Chinatown, Koreatown, etc. Why do asians isolate themselves from others? I mean, they refuse to assimilate into American culture then they complain bout this and that. Why do they isloate themselves and form cliques? WHY?

With that outlook on life, I think that you might be the only one isolating yourself from society. It might be time for a realtiy check.

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well I'm asian. I dont care what nationality you are, long as your chill and friendly Im down to socialize wit any group. I think y some asians stick to themselves are because we could relate to each other. Personally I have friends of all different races, asians, whites, pakistanian, blacks. But I understand why we stick to our own kind.

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I'm both Italian and Asian (funny mix huh). More so Asian than Italian and I must say that I don't hang out with any Asians. None of my friends in high school were Asian and the same goes for college. All my friends are either white or of some other ethnic group. I don't really know why that is.

But I hear ya on the observation that all Asians hang out with one another but the same could be said for yourself. If you're white, then are most of your friends white? I think its all a matter of perspective. Do you think it's odd when a bunch of white people roll into a club together. I bet you don't even think twice. Then why do you think its odd if people of other ethnic groups hang together? Just another thought...

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I understand where you all are coming from. I was OK with explanations I got til three summers ago. I play basketball on a competitive basis with 3 asian dudes, we went to apply to play in this 3 on 3 halfcourt Asian basketball tournament in Chinatown, they told me I could not enter due to me not being Asian. WTF is that? I had to have a Passport proving I was Asian. Got no explanation other than 'Sorry, that's just the way it is'.

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Originally posted by ldoan

I'm both Italian and Asian (funny mix huh). More so Asian than Italian and I must say that I don't hang out with any Asians. None of my friends in high school were Asian and the same goes for college. All my friends are either white or of some other ethnic group. I don't really know why that is.

But I hear ya on the observation that all Asians hang out with one another but the same could be said for yourself. If you're white, then are most of your friends white? I think its all a matter of perspective. Do you think it's odd when a bunch of white people roll into a club together. I bet you don't even think twice. Then why do you think its odd if people of other ethnic groups hang together? Just another thought...

what are white people anyway? supposedly i'm "white" but what the heck does that mean? i'm english, irish, german, swedish, italian & dutch. just a euromix. call me european-american, i don't know. but maybe the reason you, as an italian/asian, hang out with "whites" is because "whites" are just a random mix of everything else.

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**sung to the tune of Madonna's "music"********




(except for Twilo of course where all the Asian kids would sit on the stairs and give you dirty looks if you asked for a smoke from them!)






(unless of course when you point out the fact that everyone sticks in clicks depending on the way you dress)




awe fuck it..

It's true..we are packs of social clicky cave men/women just like in the Ooga booga days!


"Dance artound the fire to the beat of the drummer..


"Beat off the intruder in our dance circle!"


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Dude only asians that are fresh off the boat hang in cliques.

My GF is vietnamese and she and her vietnamese cousin hang out with white kids. They dont date any asians or have any intentions of doing so. There is this FOB vietnamese guy who like stalks her always saying how bad he wants an asian GF etc... And he dont understand that not all asians are like that and some are happy to be assimilated into the melting pot. If my GF happens to have an asian friend it is mearly coincidental and no more likely than a white kid, in fact its probably less likely due to the fact asians are a minority and she dont go seeking them out. So this whole generalization about asians is stupid, its a generalization you can make about any off the boat imagrants, i mean back when all the itallians imagrated to NYC they stayed together, so did the irish, so did the jews, you all just notice the asians cuz you can pick them out.

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We all form our own little groups. I don't see any of us bashing native americans for making their living on reservations... religious groups such as morons, omish, and orthodox jews. Don't forget that trashy people usually hang out with a whole bunch of trashy friends, and the rich usually hang out with the rich

When my father came here from Turkey...he didn't know english, didn't know jack shit about the culture..so most of his friends were Turks. They cliqued because they were of the same background, enjoyed many of the same activities, spoke the same language, and they were all culturaly alike. It makes sence.

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well if u put it dat way...y whites hang wit whites? when i go to the clubs i c whites hangin wit whites...oh well u dont c that cuz majority of the clubs r surrounded by whites.... u only noticed the minorities cuz they just stand out cuz they r different.....just like a shirt wit an ink spot on it....ur gonna notice the stain first. corny example but true.... another thing is y ya may think asians hang wit their own kind is cuz some dont know english dat well and can relate better wit their own kind...come on wat they gonna talk to a white person in chinese? plus maybe cuz they r afraid of being different and the only asians around in a huge environment of whites...so y not just go and make some friends wit them and introduce them 2 ur friends:)

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

We all form our own little groups. I don't see any of us bashing native americans for making their living on reservations...

WHAT? native americans dont chose to be on reservations, they were forced there...

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

These topics are getting ridiculous. First of whats the problem with people from the same ethnic background sticking together? There's a certain level of comfort that you achieve when you're surrounded by people with similiar backgroungs. And it that case it doesnt even have be ethnic similarities. It could be similiar interests, beliefs, ideas, or views of the world.

Second if you're gonna attack Asians about sticking together, then you should take a look around the city. Right next to Chinatown is Little Italy. Greenpoint in Brooklyn is largely Polish. Same thing with Bensonhurst being a large Italian community. And speaking of clubs. Look at SoundFactory. A large percentage of the people there are Italian. So its not like Asains are the only ethnic group to stick together. Its happening all aroung you.

With that outlook on life, I think that you might be the only one isolating yourself from society. It might be time for a realtiy check.

This guy has the best reasoning of the bunch. I'm asian and I admit that I hang out with mostly asians? Why? Maybe because when they call my house and my mother picks up the phone, they can kind of understand what the hell she is saying. Maybe because in Jr. HS when we used to get in trouble for not getting all A's they can sympathize. Maybe they are the only one's who can take the smell of ethnic Asian food. Who knows? It's just natural for those of certain asian backgrounds to gravitate towards each other. Does that mean that you shouldn't get to know people of other ethnicities and backgrounds? Of course not. I would venture to say that more times than not, a "white" person has mostly white friends. That goes for blacks, hispanics etc. Of course people are going to chime and say, "Well i'm white and all my friends are hispanic." Or Black, or Asian, etc. That's probably because there is/was a bigger than normal concentration of that ethnicity in the area you grew up in. Listen - why do Asians come and make their own towns? Yeah it's easy for some of you morons to say, "Well if I went to China I would learn chinese..." blah blah. Yeah you would go to China, try to learn Chinese, get frustrated over the fact you can't, starve and eventually leave. OR You would find a McDonalds or other nonwestern restaurant where they understand some English and start going there regularly. Lots of Asians can't speak a lick of English when they come here. They want to be in an area where they can buy groceries without having a 20 minute dialogue trying to ask where the hell the sugar is located. Also generally there is easy access to ethnic grocery stores, video stores, clothes stores, etc. I don't know, I guess not everyone likes to travel across town to by some ethnic groceries. Yeah this is long, sorry bout that. But in summary, it's absolutely true that asians hang out in cliques, but there are lots of legitimate and understandable reasons why. It's more about the convenience of being with those of your own kind, than some negative attitude or wish to STAY AWAY from those who are different.

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