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For The Females Only!! Trust Me Guys U Dont Wanna Read This

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Ok we all know about periods

and right now....yes my friend is visiting hard core right now

I have the worst cramps I have ever had in my entire life

I am crying right now while im typing this

please someone tell me if they know a quick fire way to relieve cramps. I already took the mydol but its not working =(

someone help me pleaseeeeee!!!:cry::unhappy:

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A heating pad. The heat will relax the muscles. Next time get your self some alleve. When I was in high school I used to get cramps so bad, I would be sent home from school. So i was prescribed Anaprox (naproxin sodium aka. alleve).

If this is something you are constantly going through, see your doctor. Have you though about the pill?

Good luck!

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I understand your pain sweety. I get them the same way. I take advil. A nice hot shower always relieves my pain and if you have a hot water bottle use it on your back or your stomach.

Those things have always helped me.

There is one more thing I tried before but it was kinda nasty. I have found that sex during your period really helps. I didnt get cramps for a few months after that one time.

I hope you feel better sweety.

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<shudder> I know i wasn't supposed to read this post... But..Ugghhh.. Sex on your period. I still haven't been able to get the blood stains out of my matress... and that was after it soaked though the towel, sheets, AND matress cover. The sex wasn't even that good.... More sticky than the usual lube. The smell was pretty bad too. Sorry..Just my .02 cents.


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Originally posted by cmb1975

If this is something you are constantly going through, see your doctor. Have you though about the pill?

Good luck!

I have spoken to my doctor about going on the pill since my cramps are crazy and paralizing but since I am animeic I can't go on it cause it makes me really really sick. I tried one that was perscribed for my type of sickness and it lost a lot of weight and I was tired more than usual. So im stuck gettin these fawkin cramps.....::sniffle:: i feel like :blown: myself right now


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I seriously shouldnt have opened this topic (feeling a little queazy) but a close friend of mine had your problem. She would end up in a fetal position with tears in her eyes. Doctor prescribed codeine for her..she said it helps alot..so if if u can get ur hands on sum codeine ur good to go

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Cramps for me are a killer. My gyno finally perscribed me percocet... No one believes me, but yup, and it works nicely. I take a perc, cuddle up in a ball and go to bed. Sometimes if that doesn't work that well, I smoke weed on top of it, then i feel real good.

Before the painkillers, I tool ALieve, hot tea, showers, and laid down on my stomach.. Oh, exercise helps too, walking or aerobics, it gets the body moving..

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masturbating relieves cramps because of the contractions in the vagina....cramping is caused by the uterus contracting to push the blood out of it...so for some reason those vaginal contractions due to orgasm relieve the pain.....it's a little mini-work out for your female parts. of course hard-core sex would be better (gives you more of a distraction than just going solo!) but as the song goes "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need"

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Originally posted by shugabooga

masturbating relieves cramps because of the contractions in the vagina....cramping is caused by the uterus contracting to push the blood out of it...so for some reason those vaginal contractions due to orgasm relieve the pain.....it's a little mini-work out for your female parts. of course hard-core sex would be better (gives you more of a distraction than just going solo!) but as the song goes "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need"

Shuga used to be a sex ed instructor in her former life.
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Originally posted by Evan

<shudder> I know i wasn't supposed to read this post... But..Ugghhh.. Sex on your period. I still haven't been able to get the blood stains out of my matress... and that was after it soaked though the towel, sheets, AND matress cover. The sex wasn't even that good.... More sticky than the usual lube. The smell was pretty bad too. Sorry..Just my .02 cents.


If the flow's that heavy, do it in the shower!

Yes, orgasms are a great way to get rid of cramps.

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trust me i get such BAD cramps. they have gotten so bad i have had to go to the hospital so they could give me a shot of some muscle relaxer.(that happened about 5x) my doc put me on the piill which helps some but they also gave me a rx that is just for cramps. its called naproxen. the first few times it made me feel like i was fucked up but it worked. most of the time it does work and that says a lot for me ... since now advil, tylenol and midol all do nothing for me because i have a tolerance to them. when i would get my cramps that bad i would take like 3 of whatever pill i had every half hour to try to make them go away.

a heating pad is a good idea too... that will relieve some of it - but only if you have it really hot.

hope ya feel better!!

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