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Ok Mugz Is Officialy Single Again!!

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So why don't I feel so happy about it?

After living with the same girl for five years I thought I would feel free..

or atleast I imagined myself running around naked like Austin Powers in the opening to The Spy Who Shaged me..


but instead I feel scared..

and lonely..

and sad.

How long does it take for these feelings to go away so that I can move on with my life?:(

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mugz it's hard to say how long it will take to stop grieving the end of your relationship...one day you'll wake up and realize you're all better. just remember, time heals all wounds, and don't let anybody tell you "you should be over it by now" because no one else has walked a mile in your shoes. only you can decide.

where's jen?

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what happened bro?

You too..?

Damn must be the season of breakups!

sorry man..

we should meet up some time and bitch about women over drinks!


Jen's upset about Kathy and I splitting up..she's moping around the house and dosen't feel like posting anymore..

she might go with her mom since all the papers are under HER name.

Sad stuff!

i need a drink..

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<laughs> have you ever seen swingers?

("You're like this big fuckin bear man!")

<grins> If you haven't seen it you should be walking out the door right now to rent it. It's fucking hysterical. :) And the main character is in exactly your position.

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you have exactly 15 minutes to respond:

name a place and time within the next 15 min. (in the city) and i'll see you there with a drink(s), on me (disclaimer: # of drinks at my discretion, depending on how homeless people's pocket change i can rob on the way to meet you).

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Originally posted by silente

<laughs> have you ever seen swingers?

("You're like this big fuckin bear man!")

<grins> If you haven't seen it you should be walking out the door right now to rent it. It's fucking hysterical. :) And the main character is in exactly your position.

you wanna love the rabbit but you've got these big

fucking paws and you end up crushing it! just calm

down man before you blow it!

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Originally posted by loch

you have exactly 15 minutes to respond:

name a place and time within the next 15 min. (in the city) and i'll see you there with a drink(s), on me (disclaimer: # of drinks at my discretion, depending on how homeless people's pocket change i can rob on the way to meet you).


Thanks..too bad that emidately after posting this thread I ran off to the local DIVE on the corner of 30th Ave and 31st in Astoria and did exactly ten shots of yeiger..It's amazing I can actually see the screen in three dimensions now..(hic)

I know tomorrow I'll feel depressed AND hungover..

I almost even got a wild hair up my ass and ran down to vynil..

but then I realized that it was actualy diahrea so I came back home and got sick.

(note to self..no yeiger meister after eating Greek food)

Next time Loch..next time..

(by the way..where have YOU been buddy?)

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by mugwump


Thanks..too bad that emidately after posting this thread I ran off to the local DIVE on the corner of 30th Ave and 31st in Astoria and did exactly ten shots of yeiger..It's amazing I can actually see the screen in three dimensions now..(hic)

I know tomorrow I'll feel depressed AND hungover..

I almost even got a wild hair up my ass and ran down to vynil..

but then I realized that it was actualy diahrea so I came back home and got sick.

(note to self..no yeiger meister after eating Greek food)

Next time Loch..next time..

(by the way..where have YOU been buddy?)

LOL , what did I tell you Mugz, Some of the shit you come up with is funny as hell! I cant wait t meet you at the meetup!

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when i moved to ny, i had just ended a 5 year relationship and i was damaged goods.... i threw myself into my work and became a very unpleasant person. i ate, drank, bitched, and worked to much. i think all of that added to my misery in NY. sometime around feb-mar of 2000, i felt better about myself and realized that i was getting over him. however one night at twilo i was sitting with shuga and we were a little fucked up and i turned to her and told her that i still loved him...... when i was in dallas the last time i went by and saw his family and realized that i was healed. he called me about 6 weeks ago and we spoke for about 45 minutes. it was the nicest, most light hearted discussion i had ever had with him. when i hung up, this feeling came over me and at that point i realized i was totally free........

what i am trying to say here is that nobody can dictate how much time it takes to heal after a long term relationship. it took me about 2 years to feel 110% better. also we all move forward at different rates. keep your chin up, kiddo. you will feel better again, i promise.... see ya soon!!!

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Originally posted by stacychase

i threw myself into my work and became a very unpleasant person. i ate, drank, bitched, and worked to much. i think all of that added to my misery in NY.

wow. you just perfectly described like 75% of

the young urban professional population in nyc

and its suburbs.

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Originally posted by mugwump

Next time Loch..next time..

(by the way..where have YOU been buddy?)

around...just haven't visited these here parts (cp) much lately, but i'm still around. i might hit up summerstage with a couple of friends to catch the brit invasion sunday.

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Mugz- oh, how I feel your pain. In fact this is exactly why I didn't make it the park until 5:00 yesterday. I have to move next month, and it has been decided that when we move we move to different locations. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's over... but... well... we know how these things go. The problem is- he doesn't want it to happen! So I have to be strong... but it's tough... :(

Not to mention, I might have to kidnap the cat because he wants to take him when he leaves! NOOOO not my baby!!! :shake::worry::cry:

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not because you shouldn't have broken up, but it sucks after a long relationship for a while.

i don't agree with the getting over it thing. instead, for me, eventually i just look back on my old relationships fondly. i've definitely grown from all of them and don't regret any of it. i don't think i ever want to forget people that have meant so much to me. the question is how long does that take - i think its different every time.

ok, that sounds retarded / corny / etc., but its true. it just takes some time. i won't lie to myself and pretend someone is a bad person just because we broke up.

enough of that!

what are we doing this weekend?

how about drinks in greenpoint tomorrow? on me.

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Originally posted by tastyt

In fact this is exactly why I didn't make it the park until 5:00 yesterday. I have to move next month, and it has been decided that when we move we move to different locations.

HAVE to move? How does that happen?? Tell us D :/

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Question for you all: Who gets over a breakup faster? Men or Women? I know it's a silly question, but it always seems like it's the men who do only because they hide their feelings so well. If I'm wrong, then please help me to understand otherwise.

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I read somewhere that men have a harder time dealing with a breakup. Think about it. WHO in the relationship does most of the emotional work? If you live with someone or are married, who does most of the housework? If you had someone taking care of those things for you, wouldn't you suffer more from losing that person- than that person would suffer from losing you???

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Originally posted by gwyllion

Question for you all: Who gets over a breakup faster? Men or Women? I know it's a silly question, but it always seems like it's the men who do only because they hide their feelings so well. If I'm wrong, then please help me to understand otherwise.

unofficial poll and observation: men's & women's acuteness in emotions, sensitivity, and sentimentality are inversely proportionate to each other as they age.

women are more of those adjectives when younger, whereas guys are just asses.

men are more of those adjectives as they get older, whereas women became bitches.

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Mugzy, sorry to hear. I friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend of two years recently so I've been dragging him out to help him get over it. I know its tough to disassociate your feeling for someone overnight. I myself have become victim of falling in love but not under the right circumstances and had to force myself to let go. I wish I could turn off the little switch of love (lol) and be able to supress my feelings. This is why (and I know its bad) I try not to get too close, because usually I will end up getting hurt in some way, shape, or form. But anyways, I definitely up for hanging out for a drink or three :laugh:. Hopefully see you Saturday Mugz :tongue:

-Jamms :cool:

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yo yo mugz, check it. i was in a relationship for about the same amount of time as urself. let me tell you, being single is THEEEE BOMB!!! it takes a little while to get used to it (took about a year for me). but after that it's all about having fun. you will feel that sense of freedom. embrace it (rather than being afraid of it). it rocks.

shout out to mugzzzzzzz, who's really not as annoying in person, as he is in his posts (who knew?).

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