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the sketchiest thing ever - whats a girl to do?

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Ok, so last night I'm at vinyl by myself - Danny Teneglia is amazing. Anyway, I was supposed to meet up with a friend from school who I've been talking to online all summer. We decide to meet up by the DJ booth at around 2am. But get this - his father shows up instead! So this 42 year old guy in a suit (he's a lawyer) shows up and says that its been him online all along and that he absolutely had to meet me in person because he was falling in love with me! WFT! This old man said he was going through a divorce and wanted to "enjoy" younger people and was dropping all these sexual innuendos! Thank god I bumped into a friend from high school - but the creep wouldn't leave us alone and kept on following and dancing with us - and would not take a hint. What is a girl supposed to do in a situation like that?

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Yeah but not in the club cause bouncers would kick them out at same time ! Last thing u want is to be alone with him at night ! Trust me Octagon is better option if he goes there he will get fucked up badly !!! :half:

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u definitely have to be VERY careful with who u meet online. the good thing is u were in a public place.

if he got really bad, especially when he starts with the sex talk, just throw your manners out the window and tell him to get lost.

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Oh man i hope your not being serious... i definately feel for u... my friends brother has not stopped bothering me for the past few days ... I was with her celebrating her bday and when she leaves to go to the kitchen... he like grabs me and trys to kiss me but i was fast enuff to turn my cheek she came back so he backked away a lil....today he called me eleven times on my cell phone... mind u i didnt give him my number...the slick lil bastard took it from my friends cell phone and called me from it so i would think it was her... i picked up and BAM there there he was so i told him i had to go since i was at work... later on in the day i get some more calls from her number and he leaves some messages and then he tries calling me from some other number... again leaving some psycho messages... so i understand your whole "what the hell is a girl to do?" cuz i am just wondering what he is gunna pull out of his sleeve next... I feel bad but i think i may have to tell my friend about him going a lil bazirk... *hmph* :monkey:

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That shit is wacked....

If you really think he is coming onto you too strong you can always ask the bouncers for help. That is if you don't mind causing a scene of course. But I agree with the others before. Maybe you should tell your (real) friend and see what he thinks of that. I would wanna know if my father would be doing that kind of stuff.

Hey, maybe that guy is on this list serve as well...you never know!:blown:

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