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Listen up Bandit Boys (i.e. Nappy, Pathetic-one, Nafuck & Joey "I love anal" Carbone)

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GROPASAURUS - otherwise known as THE GREAT ONE outside of this pathetic message board you bandits spend so much of your meaningless lives on - is going to clear up some issues for ya. I find it humorous how you seem to think that some of us are the same person. The truth of the matter, ignorant ones, is that you are in awe of our GREATNESS and what we represent. You're unable to conceive the mere possibility of there being so many superior guidos around you. Now that I mentioned the "G" word (yes idiots, GUIDO), let's find out more about your backgrounds. I wouldn't be surprised if you're all a bunch of buddha worshipping wanna be ghandis with red dots on your forehead. If that's the case jockeys, hop on your camels and head back to the desert where you belong...NJ doens't need nor want your kind. Whatever your deal is, you must face the simple fact that you are inferior to people of my class...I wouldn't even let you shine my Ferragamo shoes, not that you even know what shoes are since your kind tends to walk around barefoot or strap on those disgusting sandals. The moral of the story is quite simple for you imbasils...GROPASAURUS runs the show going forward on this message board. Your commentary is neither wanted nor permitted. Heed my warning or I'll tear you up like a T-Rex. Bow before your MASTER!!!

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At first some of this was amusing, but it is getting tired. Yes, there are a lot of us that spend time on this board, but shit if you got paid to do this at work all day - why the hell not? In all fairness, you and your friends are the ones that compose the messages that are long enough to enter in a short story contest...........we can say the same about you.

Second, you do not know those guys as much as they do not know you, so how can you put them down for thinking that you were all the same person in the same breath as telling them that you think they are a bunch of "ghandis". Little hypocritical, don't you think?

I am not in any way insulting anyone, just stating my opinion......

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Your posts are TIRED and BORING!!:zzz:

The images of grandeur you have of yourself are just that. It is blatantly obvious to all that are subjected to sift through this frivolous non-sense, that the mere fact you invest that much time into a post means that YOU HAVE TOO MUCH OF IT ON YOUR HANDS!! Remember - LESS IS MORE!!;)

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Originally posted by drama


At first some of this was amusing, but it is getting tired. Yes, there are a lot of us that spend time on this board, but shit if you got paid to do this at work all day - why the hell not? In all fairness, you and your friends are the ones that compose the messages that are long enough to enter in a short story contest...........we can say the same about you.

Second, you do not know those guys as much as they do not know you, so how can you put them down for thinking that you were all the same person in the same breath as telling them that you think they are a bunch of "ghandis". Little hypocritical, don't you think?

I am not in any way insulting anyone, just stating my opinion......

Drama don't even waist your breath on this little one.

OK gropemyself. You want to play, let's play. Let's talk ignorance. How about you being the biggest ingorant son of a dirty cunt their is on this board. Let's talk how you are probbaly the son of welfare whore who pumps the gas into my car. You ASSume to much gropemyselfbecauseicantgetlayedasaures. I am not indian, ignorant, low class, nor do I bow down to a cum-wrangling low-life worthless piece of god-forsaken filth. Your posts are week (as your intelligence). You have the worst most pathetic come-backs I have had the misfortune of seeing. I only wish I did go to tempts so I could find you laugh at your sad self, kick you in the ass and make you go fetch me a drink, you fucking dog. I would then put you on a leash and walk you up and down the boardwalk like a fucking pet monkey. So plaese do us all favor and drop off the face of this earth. You are nothing but a second-class hack. You saw someone else post some retarded post and decided to copy them. the worst port is you're not even doing a good job at it. So, you're a lousy second-class hack. You in fact should feel honored that I took the time from my busy day to respond to someone like you. So unless you want the verbal punishment to continue spare yourself the pain and anguish. Quit while you think you're ahead.


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Originally posted by drama

In all fairness, you and your friends are the ones that compose the messages that are long enough to enter in a short story contest...........

Maybe their posts are so LONG because they are compensating for other SHORTcomings....;)

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

Yo nabuc, I don't think I've ever heard, seen anyone get as insulted at you just did to that joke......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

lets see what the twirp has to say:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Not as much insulted as annoyed. The first 5 people that popped up with this shit where funny. This one is a cheap knock-off. And how dare he call me a dot. I"m fucking Cuban and he should be kissing my ass, half-bred mutt that he is.


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Originally posted by gropasaurus

GROPASAURUS - otherwise known as THE GREAT ONE outside of this pathetic message board you bandits spend so much of your meaningless lives on - is going to clear up some issues for ya. I find it humorous how you seem to think that some of us are the same person. The truth of the matter, ignorant ones, is that you are in awe of our GREATNESS and what we represent. You're unable to conceive the mere possibility of there being so many superior guidos around you. Now that I mentioned the "G" word (yes idiots, GUIDO), let's find out more about your backgrounds. I wouldn't be surprised if you're all a bunch of buddha worshipping wanna be ghandis with red dots on your forehead. If that's the case jockeys, hop on your camels and head back to the desert where you belong...NJ doens't need nor want your kind. Whatever your deal is, you must face the simple fact that you are inferior to people of my class...I wouldn't even let you shine my Fagamo shoes, not that you even know what shoes are since your kind tends to walk around barefoot or strap on those disgusting sandals. The moral of the story is quite simple for you imbasils...GROPASAURUS runs the show going forward on this message board. Your commentary is neither wanted nor permitted. Heed my warning or I'll tear you up like a T-Rex. Bow before your MASTER!!!

I'm still waiting for something intelligent to come from you. I think you made a mistake about your shoes though - see above. " Fagamo shoes? Never heard of them.

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Originally posted by gropasaurus

GROPASAURUS - otherwise known as THE GREAT ONE outside of this pathetic message board you bandits spend so much of your meaningless lives on - is going to clear up some issues for ya. I find it humorous how you seem to think that some of us are the same person. The truth of the matter, ignorant ones, is that you are in awe of our GREATNESS and what we represent. You're unable to conceive the mere possibility of there being so many superior guidos around you. Now that I mentioned the "G" word (yes idiots, GUIDO), let's find out more about your backgrounds. I wouldn't be surprised if you're all a bunch of buddha worshipping wanna be ghandis with red dots on your forehead. If that's the case jockeys, hop on your camels and head back to the desert where you belong...NJ doens't need nor want your kind. Whatever your deal is, you must face the simple fact that you are inferior to people of my class...I wouldn't even let you shine my Ferragamo shoes, not that you even know what shoes are since your kind tends to walk around barefoot or strap on those disgusting sandals. The moral of the story is quite simple for you imbasils...GROPASAURUS runs the show going forward on this message board. Your commentary is neither wanted nor permitted. Heed my warning or I'll tear you up like a T-Rex. Bow before your MASTER!!!

Keep writing letters that no one read ROOKIE

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by joeycarbone

Keep writing letters that no one read ROOKIE

Carbone we'll pull and old school ECU beating on this jerk off!!!!!!!!!

I didn't even read his letter, to long....

Oh and Carbone would you like frys with that??? I'm practicing for my new career....

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