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Rodney has returned ladies and Gentlemen.........and cunts!!!!

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Ok I'm gonna keep this chapter on the serious side...The reason I posted that was because when I met sayno she was waaaaayyyy tooooo cool to say hello, how ya doing , nice meeting you...She brushed me off. Not the first time a good looking chick has done this and not the last...The way she came off was very rude and snobish...I don't like that..Maybee this is the way she is ..or maybee I precieved her like this but she maybee not...Any how I just think if I bs with someone for 2 or 3 months and meet them then say hello instead of laughing..Just the right thing to do if you ask me...

Next: My girlfriend kermzy...

You blew me off and refuese to shake my hand because I called a asshole 5 months ago on here..Come on sweetheart, just a little too childish....I expect ppl on this board to buy me a shot and I buy you a shot when I meet you. but I guess one little insult got your panties in a bunch...relax!!!!

Both of yous:

You two act like you are way above ppl..You shouldn't act like that...You will get burned in life trust me...I have no hard feeling toward the both of yous but you had it comming..You girls on this board are like a heirem of men hating bitches...

Next all the talk about me not getting ass. YOur right when I left college it all slowed down drastically...NJ girls are tough to impress..I'm very confient with my self..so those posts really don't mean shit...Fact is I have a serious problem with women on the relationship level.. And I can't get over it...carbone knows why!!! Simular to what happened to him and it sucks...

Soo you two and rest of your crew can , mock me, make fun of me, curse me out, do the thing with the flies, why wait till sept..I'll be out next weeked..Come say hello...I'm the nicest guy you ever meet...

PS cp, I have meet the both of them here is my review of there looks

Sayno,, very beautiful face...Nice bod..Good overall package...I love the hair..NICE... by the way ceeotter told me how nice you looked before I met you, that is why she introduced me to you that nite..

Kermzy...I think you could be a very good looking chick...(I'm NOT saying your not good looking but you have potential to be a hot piece of ass)You have the body just need some fine tunning...Go get your hair done in the city and your make up..I'm not digging the hair.. and you'll look like a million bucks...:eek:

My self..

Lose the 35 pounds I've gained in college and get on some hair replacement shit...

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Guest saleen351

I knew I was gonna take a beating for that other post but I had to say it..Why they attacked laurie is beyond me..So that was the catalyst that got me fired up again...Has nothing about looks or anything like that..The rest of the broads can all go fuck them selfs. We will never see a picture of them ever..They are toooooo scared...Ps xbebekiss is excluded from this drama..I've seen and chatted with her before and she is nice...You can totaly tell she is mature unlike her buddies...

PS cosmic am I finaly gonna met your ass tonite??????? You'll know who I am.. I"m the guy with all the flies after me in temps...LOL

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Originally posted by saleen351

Ok I'm gonna keep this chapter on the serious side...The reason I posted that was because when I met sayno she was waaaaayyyy tooooo cool to say hello, how ya doing , nice meeting you...She brushed me off.


First of all, you couldn't expect to post a message calling me and a good friend of mine C**TS in the TOPIC and NOT get ripped apart!


You might remember having some strong opinons on certain subjects on this board and to be quite honest, I don't agree with much that you have to say here! That was the reason for "brushing you off" NOT that I feel I am too cool!

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first of all saleen didnt you ever learn never call a woman a Cunt that is the most wrong thing to ever do. i have met you once and thought you were a cool guy but you dont know somebody after 1 meetin i actually knew saynotodrama but didnt know she was on this board till this weekend and she is really nice person from what i can see but everyone has their own opinions you just dont have to have so much animosity in your posts toward the ladies

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Dear Mr. Saleen,

When I met you my dear, I laughed the whole time, not at you but at you getting so flustered that I would think your real personality is that that you display on the board. You said, "awe come on you don't really think I'm like that do you?" I just laughed said uh-huh & walked away. I'm the last person to think they are too good for anyone, that's not my personality but I will play around w/people when I think they deserve it and I thought you did. You act like a jerk on here & expect people not to think that's how you really are, well then don't judge two people on a single meeting if you don't want the same done to you.

As for your friend Laurie, I don't even know the child & ment no harm, everything on here is all in good fun no? Makes the day go by?

As for not seeing a picture of the rest of the broads cause they are too scared, hardly the case! None of them have anything to hide they are all beautiful people inside & out!

Have a good day 351!

P.S. - as for you not liking my hair, well I won't even get into that.

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Guest saleen351

Sayno, how can you expect me to sit here and say nothing towards you and your buddy from what you did...I meet you like in june!!! I have said nothing till this point and probaly wasn't but what you posted on the other message board got me fired up.. YOu should be ashamed of your self for going after one person like that.Like I said I don't give a shit about what happened at xs, it don't bother me..But what bothered me is the nicest person on the board you attacked...And I can't let that happen...Your whole crew of men hating bithces are LOSERS..They will never post their pics....Maybee scared of ppl reactions... What I said is what I meant at the time...I let things go very quickly but just remember the way you felt when I posted your a cunt and that is how other ppl felt when you treat them the way you do...

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Originally posted by saleen351

Sayno, how can you expect me to sit here and say nothing towards you and your buddy from what you did...I meet you like in june!!! I have said nothing till this point and probaly wasn't but what you posted on the other message board got me fired up.. YOu should be ashamed of your self for going after one person like that.Like I said I don't give a shit about what happened at xs, it don't bother me..But what bothered me is the nicest person on the board you attacked...And I can't let that happen...Your whole crew of men hating bithces are LOSERS..They will never post their pics....Maybee scared of ppl reactions... What I said is what I meant at the time...I let things go very quickly but just remember the way you felt when I posted your a cunt and that is how other ppl felt when you treat them the way you do...

...I think you are getting a little too upset about all of this. I mean it is ONLY a message board - calm yourself....

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First of all none of us "men hating bitches" are losers, maybe in your eyes just because we won't post a picture of ourselves. You don't always need to put a face to everyone's name. If that was the case, then instead of signatures on the bottom of your post, this board would require a picture. This board is for peoples opinions, good, bad or indifferent. Just because most of us don't put pictures up, I really don't think it would categorize us as LOSERS. Maybe we think that those of you that post pictures are LOSERS.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by trikki

First of all none of us "men hating bitches" are losers, maybe in your eyes just because we won't post a picture of ourselves. You don't always need to put a face to everyone's name. If that was the case, then instead of signatures on the bottom of your post, this board would require a picture. This board is for peoples opinions, good, bad or indifferent. Just because most of us don't put pictures up, I really don't think it would categorize us as LOSERS. Maybe we think that those of you that post pictures are LOSERS.

bla bla bla bla....Not confident in your self sweet heart????....bla bla bla bla bla...That is all you talk about is bla bla bla bla...You do hate men!!!!!! They wronged you and that is why you ain't posting a picture....

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Originally posted by saleen351

Sayno, how can you expect me to sit here and say nothing towards you and your buddy from what you did...I meet you like in june!!! I have said nothing till this point and probaly wasn't but what you posted on the other message board got me fired up.. YOu should be ashamed of your self for going after one person like that.Like I said I don't give a shit about what happened at xs, it don't bother me..But what bothered me is the nicest person on the board you attacked...And I can't let that happen...Your whole crew of men hating bithces are LOSERS..They will never post their pics....Maybee scared of ppl reactions... What I said is what I meant at the time...I let things go very quickly but just remember the way you felt when I posted your a cunt and that is how other ppl felt when you treat them the way you do...

Not to start shit, but a few months ago thats exactly what you where doing. You attacked a shit load of us out of nowhere. You also did the same shit oh the LA board. You started with "innocent, nice people who never did shit to you." before you get up on a soap box practice what you preach.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nabuc1

Not to start shit, but a few months ago thats exactly what you where doing. You attacked a shit load of us out of nowhere. You also did the same shit oh the LA board. You started with "innocent, nice people who never did shit to you." before you get up on a soap box practice what you preach.


yo cuban backwards...what we did in la land is not attacking any one...We simply said la sucks..we did not attack anyone personaly..and they liked it cause they are still talking about it over there..also Ive never put a post up attacking some female except for this one...Everyone bashes each other in post but never to the extent of what they did.....are you mad cause of my tux joke....

You still working all crazy hours???? I hope you make cash cause it sounds like your job sucks...

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Originally posted by saleen351

Sayno, how can you expect me to sit here and say nothing towards you and your buddy from what you did...I meet you like in june!!! I have said nothing till this point and probaly wasn't but what you posted on the other message board got me fired up.. YOu should be ashamed of your self for going after one person like that.Like I said I don't give a shit about what happened at xs, it don't bother me..But what bothered me is the nicest person on the board you attacked...And I can't let that happen...Your whole crew of men hating bithces are LOSERS..They will never post their pics....Maybee scared of ppl reactions... What I said is what I meant at the time...I let things go very quickly but just remember the way you felt when I posted your a cunt and that is how other ppl felt when you treat them the way you do...

Spoken like a true hard up loser who can't even get some ass down the shore!! Give me a break with your whining - your sign on should be *williewhiner*.. Who cares what they said or did to laurie - everyone on this board has gotten bashed one time or another - it's called DRAMA. It's been here longer than you have so if you don't like it - SCRAM!! Some of us actually get a kick out of it and what you don't seem to understand is that the more you make an issue out of this - the more you are feeding into the hands of those who look for it. So let me give you a bit of clue here - either shut up about it already, or realize that each and every time you post about it, you will be read, re-read, and then read again for it!!

BTW - I CHOOSE not to post my picture because I LET those I WANT to know who I am know. And for those who I don't want to know - DON'T.. Simple as that. You on the other hand are the poor soul who WANTS EVERYONE to know who you are, and they might not WANT TO KNOW YOU. Maybe you should go incognito for a while - that might hep you out!

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Originally posted by saleen351

yo cuban backwards...what we did in la land is not attacking any one...We simply said la sucks..we did not attack anyone personaly..and they liked it cause they are still talking about it over there..also Ive never put a post up attacking some female except for this one...Everyone bashes each other in post but never to the extent of what they did.....are you mad cause of my tux joke....

You still working all crazy hours???? I hope you make cash cause it sounds like your job sucks...

I take nothing here seriously. No my job is fine hours sucks, pays excellent, and I like what I do, beside I least I have a job. Secondly it was you who said that this board was to talk shit and bust on people. That you where here to cause drama. Now that's all fine, it makes the day go quicker, but don't have a change of heart because someone you like gets the receiving end. You know this Laurie girl might be a really sweet girl but she opened mouth and inserted foot. It's her own fault she bragged on a PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD. By doing that she was open to critizism. No different than the way you critizied people, at the beginning of the summer, who said Merge was a great place. Like I said I'm not trying to start shit just just laying out the facts. Hope all goes well for you in Florida if you decide to go.


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Originally posted by saleen351

Next all the talk about me not getting ass. YOur right when I left college it all slowed down drastically...NJ girls are tough to impress..Fact is I have a serious problem with women on the relationship level.. And I can't get over it...carbone knows why!!! Simular to what happened to him and it sucks...

Well we now know where all you pent up anger against women comes from!!! And you call us men hating bitches - YOU'RE A WOMEN HATING PRICK!! Looks like your problem is with NJ girls. Get over it honey!!! Take what happened to you and move on already - stop feeling sorry for yourself AND MOST OF ALL STOP taking all your bitterness on the bitch who wronged you out on us!! Go see a shrink or something - Prozac may help. Or better yet - maybe you need group therapy.

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Guest saleen351

Sweetie, you ain't confident in your self too?? just more bla bla bla bla comeing from the broad who don't want to post their pics...and by the way I have no problem with women. What happend to me is fucked up,, you have no idea of what happed..I have no problem pulling ass from the shore..I've been doing it sice I was 19 with my brother fake id...do you really think I care what the men hating bitch group thinks...Post pics and maybee just maybee you will get some crediblity to your name...if not go hide behind your computer..

yo cuban backwards...I def going to fla..time to get away from NJ...I can't survive here any longer too much bs in this state...So sunny fla here I come...just need a job first before I go..

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Originally posted by saleen351

Sweetie, you ain't confident in your self too?? just more bla bla bla bla comeing from the broad who don't want to post their pics...and by the way I have no problem with women. What happend to me is fucked up,, you have no idea of what happed..I have no problem pulling ass from the shore..I've been doing it sice I was 19 with my brother fake id...do you really think I care what the men hating bitch group thinks...Post pics and maybee just maybee you will get some crediblity to your name...if not go hide behind your computer..

yo cuban backwards...I def going to fla..time to get away from NJ...I can't survive here any longer too much bs in this state...So sunny fla here I come...just need a job first before I go..

Um - do you speak the way you type?? Because if you do - that may be your first problem in not being able to survive here. Your grammar is freightening and your spelling is 10 times worse than that. Maybe if you took the time to form cohesive thoughts and sentences, you might actually be able to get your point across.

And basically you are contradicting yourself from one post to the next - first you can't get girls in NJ because they are tough, but here you say you have no problem pulling ass from the shore since you were 19 - which one is it?? And in your eyes I have NO CREDIBILITY because I won't post my picture - PUHLEZE!! Looks like you are the one with the credibility problem dear - NOT I!! And to think now I even know what you look like so when I see you I KNOW that it is YOU who can't speak, can't spell, can't get laid, knows he need to lose 35 pounds, has no job, and is a lying sack of shit. Gee - YOU GOT IT GOING ON SALEEN!:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

Sweetie, you ain't confident in your self too?? just more bla bla bla bla comeing from the broad who don't want to post their pics....Post pics and maybee just maybee you will get some crediblity to your name...if not go hide behind your computer..

just because people dont post their pics doesnt mean they arent credible......

i personally dont chose to post a pic because a) i dont have one, B) i dont want any stalkers, c) this isnt a hook-up board for me..it gets me thru my day when im bored and d) im sure no one cares what i look like anyway

saleen, you're like the only person from this board that ive met......am i busted?? far from it and u know it

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

Is anyone else starting to feel bad for this guy:confused: :confused: :confused:

What ever kind of attention you get, good or bad, you bring upon yourself. I had read a book on Zen Buddism that impacted me greatly. There was a saying it had "The bad karma that you put forth will always return ten fold." that's not verbadum, but it went something like that.


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Originally posted by nabuc1

What ever kind of attention you get, good or bad, you bring upon yourself. I had read a book on Zen Buddism that impacted me greatly. There was a saying it had "The bad karma that you put forth will always return ten fold." that's not verbadum, but it went something like that.


That comment was pure sarcasm. I don't feel one bit sorry for this guy. Your 100% right, you bring everything onto yourself.

:D :D

Isn't this the same dude who bashed all blacks because of the incident down in Asbury Park not too long ago? So its not like this is the first episode with this guy:cool:

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