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Ok sayno and kermzy ain't cunts anymore but trikki and ladybj are!!!!!!

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

The whole kemzy and sayno thing is over. we misunderstood each other and its over. Now I set my sites on the two biggest cunts on the board.Trikki and ladybj...

First thing first... I don't have a job cause I choose it..

I can form complete senteces if I was to write a book cunts...I don't proof read my posts...I do have a BS in Economics So i am not a idiot..I'm going to fla to start a busniess...Mad opurnities down there. No I didn't contrdict myself...I never said I get NO ass in NJ just a lot harder...NC bithces were easy...The saleen carbone crew ran that school!!!!! ECU

You wrote:

I can't wait till the winter when the clubs in the city actually pick and choose who can come in, because your ass will be out on the sidewalk, watching all the beautiful people going inside

and you will be standing outside.

So if you are soooo beautiful then why not post your pic???? Still scared???? I'll be in SOBE not nyc,, and trust me I've been to all and never got turned away once! I have nothing to proove to a couple of cum dumpsters that hide behind a computer! I'll be making an appearance this friday at xs come say hi, you don't even have to tell me your real or screen name...

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Originally posted by saleen351

The whole kemzy and sayno thing is over. we misunderstood each other and its over. Now I set my sites on the two biggest cunts on the board.Trikki and ladybj...

First thing first... I don't have a job cause I choose it..

I can form complete senteces if I was to write a book cunts...I don't proof read my posts...I do have a BS in Economics So i am not a idiot..I'm going to fla to start a busniess...Mad opurnities down there. No I didn't contrdict myself...I never said I get NO ass in NJ just a lot harder...NC bithces were easy...The saleen carbone crew ran that school!!!!! ECU

You wrote:

I can't wait till the winter when the clubs in the city actually pick and choose who can come in, because your ass will be out on the sidewalk, watching all the beautiful people going inside

and you will be standing outside.

So if you are soooo beautiful then why not post your pic???? Still scared???? I'll be in SOBE not nyc,, and trust me I've been to all and never got turned away once! I have nothing to proove to a couple of cum dumpsters that hide behind a computer! I'll be making an appearance this friday at xs come say hi, you don't even have to tell me your real or screen name...

Yo, SALEEN, why are you sweating pictures, bro? If you are causing drama for the entertainment sake, fine, but WTF bro?

The more you bitch and demand pictures the more you gonna get squat, literally. Oh, and BTW, no woman likes being called that word. It offends others as well. Keep the faith.

P.S. Y ou MADE the board on Friday, cuz. Way to go!!!!! The day flied by!!!!!

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WOW, you really hurt my feelings, :unhappy: Myself and Lady B have nothing to prove especially to a loser like yourself who can't get enough of the fact that we won't post our pictures. You see people like us don't GIVE A SHIT if you think we are C****.

We and a few more of the bashing bitches will continue to jump on assholes like yourself that think you are the be all end all of this scene. You see my friend you are just an amature who really doesn't know what they are talking about. I guess if posting your picture is what gives you credibility in this world, then I guess in your eyes I have none. But really I could CARE LESS what an unemployed loser thinks.

Bring on some more entertainment, SALEEN!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Get over the picture posting thing already!! It's the fucking internet - I am in no way shape or form posting my picture on a site where I have NO IDEA what type of person could be reading it!! I don't need to show myself off that way, and I certainly don't need the attention - unlike your lame ass!!

Now - getting back to the rest of your moronic post. Here's another tip free of charge - THERE IS NO NEED TO USE PROFANITY TO GET YOUR POINT ACROSS. Were you raised by a truck driver because that is the impression you give. As for you BS in economics - I thought you said you were a recruiter?? I see how you are putting your college education to use (RIGHT!) Maybe if you spent more time focusing on your education and NOT THE EASY BITCHES in NC, you might actually be able to understand where I am coming from. BUT I am probably wasting my time trying to speak rationally with a person of your mindset!! Here's a novel idea, why not go back to NC (you know - the state you RULED), this way you can get all the ass you want from those easy bitches? You were probably a change of pace for them since most of the time they are used to family members!

Here's something for you to think about - you are only as good as you portray yourself to be. You came on this message board in the beginning of the summer and started talking all this shit, starting all sorts of drama, and shooting your mouth off. Now - you have the NERVE to call me out as a CUNT.. You don't know me from a hole in the wall!! You have no idea who I am, what I am about, what I have accomplished in my life - BASICALLY YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME!! And that's becaus I CHOOSE NOT TO LET YOU!! You on the other hand TELL IT ALL on this board - looking for a job, moving to florida, girls in NJ are tough, yada yada yada. You have brought all this negativity on yourself - NOW DEAL WITH IT!! Yet another person who can dish it out but can't take it!!

Do yourself a favor buddy - and just let it go!! You have lost already - and the more you try to redeem yourself, the worse you make the situation. Just walk away quietly with your tail tucked firmly between your legs like the BITCH you are!!

BTW - where is that friend of yours who you RULED NC with?? I see how much of a friend he is by BACKING YOUR SORRY ASS UP!

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Saleen you opened Pandora's box here. Just drop it already. Drama is fun and all, but this down right offensive. Your attacking people for doing exactly what you did. Trikki and kadyb stood up for their friends, isn't that what started all of this you standing up for your's. If you had a right so do they. Just let this one go before you dig any deeper.


Rodney King would tell you to stay down if he where here.

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Saleen, it's kind of funny that now you are sitting with your tail between your legs, appologizing for calling some of the other people on this board C****. Why not cut the bullshit and think about what you want to say or who you want to say it to before posting. So you don't look like the complete loser that you are by having to appologize for starting shit.

Why not just head on out to the next state and try to "rule" the land there. BYE, BYE.

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Guest saleen351

My dearest sweethearts..I'm using my education, that is why I'm moving to FLa..My whole goal in life is to own my own business and that is what I'm gonna do...I'm alreadying working with some DJs and other ppl on the board expressed interest some busness ops.But for the time being it is fun to bs with some cunts on a board for a while..UT oh I can't sware on here!!!! What you raised by mary fucking popins??? I enjoy this. its fun, that plain simple, you two cunts think you sooooo high and mighty..I will nerver meet you cause you are scared of 2 things,, one you may enjoy my company and 2 I will know what you look like....You may be hoggers, you may be models but no doubt you are cunts!!!

Carbone doesn't need to stand up for me..We simple don't care!!!! And I never apologized for the cunt remarks tward kermzy and Sayno, I simple said it is over...and I think they agree...

I hope cp is enjoying all the drama, I ain't finished , I'm going out with a bang...

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You have to be the most IGNORANT asshole on this board. You just don't stop....like the fuckin energizer bunny. :bounce: Give it a rest already ! No one cares about YOU, the DAMN PICTURES, and what GIRLS CONTINUALLY BLOW YOU OFF. I mean you're a backwards reject from the 80's that is still driving his high school mustang! AND BRAGGING ABOUT IT!!!! PUUUUUUULEASE. Do yourself a favor and stop because you are embarrassing yourself.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Oh would you shut it already? What is wrong w/you? You talk in circles & contradict yourself constantly! We're all men hating bitches why? Because we can't stand you? Your one, and I use the term loosely, man! Seems to me your the only one here who hates the opposite sex, calling out all the girls just cause they'd rather stick needles in their eyes then deal w/you in any way, shape or form? Your an idiot, plain and simple. Get over the dam picture thing! Oh and by the way, your friend Laurie, the one who's rescue you felt the urge to come to, where's she been during all this? She seems real grateful for your assistance, so much so that she hasn't even said boo in your defense. :idea: wonder why?

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Originally posted by saleen351

The whole kemzy and sayno thing is over. we misunderstood each other and its over. Now I set my sites on the two biggest cunts on the board.Trikki and ladybj...

First thing first... I don't have a job cause I choose it..

I can form complete senteces if I was to write a book cunts...I don't proof read my posts...I do have a BS in Economics So i am not a idiot..I'm going to fla to start a busniess...Mad opurnities down there. No I didn't contrdict myself...I never said I get NO ass in NJ just a lot harder...NC bithces were easy...The saleen carbone crew ran that school!!!!! ECU

You wrote:

I can't wait till the winter when the clubs in the city actually pick and choose who can come in, because your ass will be out on the sidewalk, watching all the beautiful people going inside

and you will be standing outside.

So if you are soooo beautiful then why not post your pic???? Still scared???? I'll be in SOBE not nyc,, and trust me I've been to all and never got turned away once! I have nothing to proove to a couple of cum dumpsters that hide behind a computer! I'll be making an appearance this friday at xs come say hi, you don't even have to tell me your real or screen name...

Listen---Just b/c you're bald, fat and unemployed at the age of 24 is no reason to be calling girls: C--ts

Why don't you go to work, then to the gym and then, most definitely, grow up

PS.--Sorry if I'm being mean but the baby shit has to end.

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:idea:Why - I'll tell you why.. BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO JOB, NO MONEY, NO GIRL, NO SEX, NO HAIR - BASICALLY YOU GOT NO GAME!!!!! Now do us and yourself a favor, go run around the block, maybe a gym, JUST DO SOMETHING! All this time you have on your hands you should be out there trying to get rid of that secretaries spread and pilsbury dough boy belly you got going on! OH - and CVS is having a special on Rogaine and Trojans- buy one get one free!! May I suggest the Rogaine - would be more appropriate for your needs!!!;)

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This has to be the best thing ever. We the fockers sadly have to agree with the masses on this one. Who the fuck cares about whatever. We don't even know what saleen is talking about but he looks really corny. Dude you have to be hurting saying that nj girls are stuck up. Let the fockers tell you jersey girls are whore just like in every other state. If you can't get them here you won't get them anywhere. So WE the fockers agree with this all ok. Right.

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Guest saleen351

once again lady bj you go after looks, but what you never posted your pic..that right you fucking hogger you are scared...:laugh:

I have plenty of money, I've been saving for fla all summer, its been my plan and my goal and soon I will reach it!!!! So I'm not poor or anything assholes.. My whole goal in life is to own my own business, I got the training and backing I just need to mature a little business wise and focus and it will all come to me.....

Also I'll say this if you got the balls to say it to me on here then this weekend come up and say it too my face...Ahhh thats right none of you cunts or pussys (whataboutme and eviljav will)! If you not willing to say it in real life then don't say it on here. HIDe behind your computer you fucking fags! :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

once again lady bj you go after looks, but what you never posted your pic..that right you fucking hogger you are scared...:laugh:

I have plenty of money, I've been saving for fla all summer, its been my plan and my goal and soon I will reach it!!!! So I'm not poor or anything assholes.. My whole goal in life is to own my own business, I got the training and backing I just need to mature a little business wise and focus and it will all come to me.....

Also I'll say this if you got the balls to say it to me on here then this weekend come up and say it too my face...Ahhh thats right none of you cunts or pussys (whataboutme and eviljav will)! If you not willing to say it in real life then don't say it on here. HIDe behind your computer you fucking fags! :laugh:


in front of all your boys

i dont mind being a punk for a night!!!

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