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The Tunnel

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

As i wipe a tear from my eye.:( I am officially homeless. All I can say is that all good things must come to an end. I will never forget all the ill ass nights up in that place. R.I.P. my fair love............................................:cry: :cry:


Another homeless person here too. I still can't believe this. I mean to think that there won't ever be another Saturday nite where I'm gonna be gettin ready to go to Tunnel, waitin for saturday to come ya know? No matter how many times I was there (and I was there every sat without fail), I never got tired of it, not once!!! The music, the people, the atmosphere. And now just like that they decide to take it away from us. WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK!! THIS IS FUCKIN BULLSHIT!!! OMGGGGGGG:mad:

Well.........to my dear Tunnel...........R.I.P

And dont worry Bryan, you'll always be the Tunnebandit lol


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we used to have the sickest venue lime-up,nasa, usa, paladium,danceateria,the building , nation,robots, bliss, the 1st speed & key club. now twilo n tunnel . damn nyc wtf, like i said before this isnt a trend 4 the nyc nitelife. hopefully we have only a couple more months of Mr G. n whoever comes next will let the club scene breathe a lil. :idea: or follow me west!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Well I only went to Tunnel for a couple months straight. But Im still upet its closed. I loved tunnel b/c I could sit in the same spot for hours, listen to Nero spin and i would be having fun. All my freinds couldnt stand that so we would have to leave early and then eventually stopped going. I need new friends (right Ant). And now you are gonna leave me. THATS NOT RIGHT!! AHHH lol. Everyone of you better come to EXIT-EARTH on the 19th to support Nero. Bye.

Debbie mwaz

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Originally posted by lexis

ah yes the tunnel, i miss it so much, lol everyone hit exit/earth on the 19th to support DJE , my good buddy. you might know him from spinnig in the chandelier room in tunnel . god i miss that place. :o)


2 tunnel dj's at exit banging it out this week....the temptation is there to drop bombs...and :roll: :roll: :roll: all night

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Originally posted by kandekyd18

Damn! If I had only stayed here this summer, I would've got to enjoy Tunnel....I am gonna be sad too. Stupid landlord. Tunnel was my where I had my first club experience and now it's gone...

Now I feel like all th Twilo-lovers who lost their place. :cry:

same here.

when the going was good, i was proud

to walk further down the same block

and avoid the velvet rope crowd at twilo

in favor of something simpler.

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Don't Anyone Worry ,lol we still have Exit, Websterhall which will never close. World, Sound Factory, I mean Manhattan night life will never die!!!!! Who's hittin Websterhall on Halloween???? The freaks come out on Halloween,lol

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damn all the responses that were said already. do u notice that everyone who responded said the same thing. it was your first club, the best club, and the best atmosphere. i had some good times there. i waited all week just for sat. the music was def by far the best in the city well thats my opinion. to bad its not up for sale or cp peeps could by it imagine that lol.:D

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Originally posted by quoth

damn..that was the veryyyyyyyyyyyy first club i ever went to man, like first club PERIOD. and i sure miss them saturday nights of trance with ...STEVEN ZOR.

i know that i just responded but about the steven zor comment i had to respond. the best was when they would always say STEVEN ZOR throughout the night those were the times with him ediie biaez and vicious last year. R.I.P. TUNNEL
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Originally posted by lexis

i hear ya, tell me which do u like better: exit, websterhall or sound factory,lol. i must say twilo was pretty alright... R.I.P.

suffering sucotash honey twilo was the best

nice diverse crowd minimum juciers for a large club

and the best fuckin music

after twilo

SF def

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I Was a huge tunnel house head, i remember goin there back before the D-Tour days, waitin on Kerfew and when Tenaglia started... oh fuck.. it was damn slammin... and then they got a heavier sound with Eddie Baez on Friday's and you had Johnny Vicious with Age of love(loved that track) and Meet me at the Love Parade... awesome times.. awesome times

for about 1.5 years i went & hung out at Tunnel Every Saturday and Sunday and then hit soundfactory or carbon.. it was awesome... the vibe.. the people... goin up to the (then UNISEX Bathroom... i was at Tunnel many times.. and was there, the last saturday that they were open... (i was supposed to go with exit.. but my friends girl was under 21.. she didn't tell us this till the last minute... it turned out to be an amazing night) and it was scary to hear that Gatien was considering closing the club after the kid got shot.. because.. it seemed that this would be imminent.

i love exit(DRAPER!!!). i love sound factory(JP!!); i love vinyl (DT !)

but not one place will ever replace the tunnel

tunnel was the jam.. it was nyc nightlife...

it was infact the place where most people started they're clubbin days..

TUNNEL IS/WAS THE BEST... and i will always remember it.. everything about it will always be remembered...

even CHIEF at the corner entrance.. heheh.. he was always there

that big house head.. heeehee

TUNNEL.. we miss you...


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