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Brain Damage!

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Bad news folks, I found out I have an imbalance of seratonin in my brain. Wonder what that's from? Anyways people if you get alot of headaches on a regular basis, blurry vision or dizzyness you should see a doctor cuz u might be messed up like me. See you all at factory on friday.1

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

well it just so happens that my seratonin is messing with the blood vessels in my head causing migraines. all im saying is that its better to be safe than sorry. but ill still roll ne wayz...

just out of curiosity, did your doctor prescribe any medication(s) for your condition? if so, what are you taking?


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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Bad news folks, I found out I have an imbalance of seratonin in my brain. Wonder what that's from? Anyways people if you get alot of headaches on a regular basis, blurry vision or dizzyness you should see a doctor cuz u might be messed up like me. See you all at factory on friday.1

damn yo how long u've been droppin? sorry about the news man

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Ok . . I tried to be nice, now to be more direct:



It's not the attention span that's the problem (oooh...new music....wait...what? oh yeah) it's the memory loss.

Wait...who are you again?

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

but you'll never know the experience e gives you. i think everyone who has tried it will agree that its worth it to try it at least once.

i dunno dood.

the quality parties i attend totally fill me with happy

anticipation and leave me with a sense of complete fascination.

i'm smiling all night, and all it takes it attitude

and the confidence i'll meet people i know,

and introduce myself to still more new instant friends.

essentially, i'm achieving all the social climbs

ecstacy is accredited to making easier - only

i'm doing it with the right mindset.

guess i'm gifted.

thank god i don't need E.

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Some individuals truly don't give a fuck. That is why they role, despite the risks. Regardless of what Statistics, odds, moderation rules, or whatever information they may provide, it all boils down to "not giving a fuck."

For those of you who haven't taken it, you're not missing anything, especially with the risks involved. When one goes out to have a good time, one doesn't want to keep reminding one's self to drink a proper amount of water and not dance excessively so one doesn't pass out on the floor, or perhaps even die. Go out, relax, have a drink, and have a good time. Those who really enjoy house music and feel the vibe don't need it.

I have taken E only five times, and from those five times I know that it is better to just drink and smoke some weed, that's it. I would be lying if I said I didn't like the feeling, but I am the type of individual who gets very worried when taking shit like pills or tabs. For me, it isn't as natural and relaxing as having a beer/glass of wine and smoking some budd. Breaking out in cold sweats, having to drink a shit load of water, and having to be conscious about my heart beat deprived me of having a naturally good time. For those of you who can relax and have a good time on it, I wish you the best.

It has nothing to do with not being able to handle one's drugs. I have taken a shit load of drugs in the past. Ecstasy is just stupid shit.

Fuck ecstasy.

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I have to disagree. E can be very theroputic if its done properly. You never get anything in this life for nothing (trust fund babies excluded) so if you can keep your witz about you, you'll be fine.

Moderation, not more than once a month

Know your dealer (not a hard thing to do, if you can communicate comfortably . . . and treat the guy/girl with respect)

Water, drink plenty of it. .

Speaking of water, how does one NOT remember to drink water while they're rolling. I mean . . come on . . the way club kids dress up. . if you've got baggies on, you HAVE enough pocket space to cary not one, but TWO bottles of water comfortably ( I can keep an entire army division in mine . . as long as they don't get in the way of my schlong . .LOL). I guess it really does come down to not giving a fuck, and not giving a fuck can kill you.

Beer and weed better than E? Let me tell you something, I've been a chronic for quite some time now and I can tell you that the visious cycle of me getting stoned all the time has hurt me more than E ever has (both financially and emotionally) but I can't walk away from it, because it seems to be the only thing that relieves the pain of reality.

I think we can all agree that clean is better than any drug and I for one respect (and envy at times . .) anybody who can get through this life with NOTHING in their system. All of us burnouts can learn something from them . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

... it seems to be the only thing that relieves the pain of reality ... I for one respect (and envy at times) anybody who can get through this life with NOTHING in their system ...

i think that hits the nail right on the head.

it deeply Troubles me a fair number of rave/club-attendees are there not only for the music but also to escape a reality in which they'd rather not participate, if they had a choice. and that 'choice' comes artificially in the form of ecstacy, k, and anything else that provides mere hours of mental detachment from that ill reality.

has parenting in general declined So Much that they've borne a whole generation of kids even they themselves will never understand or with whom they will ever be able to communicate on any real, normal level?

has the quality of life in the u. s. of a. declined so much that it leaves the majority of its population searching for a way out - regardless of how dangerous it may be?

has human decency disappeared?

has pride and dignity in oneself been devalued That Much?

i really hate to bring anyone down who feels they can answer "yes" to all or most of these questions and just plain conclude that "life sucks and that's why i do what i do every weekend, several times if possible."

but yo, check yourselves.

if you're out there taking E as an enhancer and it's not affecting your everyday life, and you're convinced it will cause no harm - well, keep doin' it till something bad does happen to you or someone you know (just like hangliding and skydiving and snowboarding and other athletic natural highs - something bad WILL happen; however, broken bones heal. a fatal stroke happens in seconds.)

but if your whole mission in going out is to get cracked out, dance with total oblivion (not even enjoying the music or appreciating the good stuff and taking the rest with fair criticism), hook up with strangers you won't remember or care as much about tomorrow, wake up feeling down on yourself about your actions, and rationalizing yourself into doing it all over again next weekend... well... i think you really gotta ask yourself:

1. what in my life is making me do this?

2. can i change it?

and if the answer to 2. is "i don't know" or "i wouldn't know where to begin"

3. are there people in my life that can Help me get through this funk that i'm in?

and if the answer to 3. is "no" then FIND SOME.

the whole deal about being human and being TRULY connected to others (not the kind of "connected" that E makes you believe in, but the real sh!t that carries on day to day to day) is sharing each other's lives, helping each other out, and having the dignity and strength to admit you need help in return sometimes, and to just accept that, deal with it, and keep movin' on.


[let the flames begin.

what i've written will upset a lot of people.

and i know that.]

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I agree. Xtc is dangerous, and that is why i originally posted about what happened to me. I think that there has been a huge decline in the family and that it has led to increased drug use and crime (just look at how many school shootings there are) but there is a difference between recreational use and addiction. I myself started tripping on e last year in april. By july i had been arrested for something i didn't do and had to move out of my house. So with no emotional support, or any other type of support for that matter I had to survive on my own. By september I was working three jobs and entering college as a freshman. Still everyweekend I would go clubbing by myself, pop pills and try to forget who I was. So I think the hacker is right. Everyone should question why they are doing what they are doing. But the same goes with alcohol or anything else. I don't think its wrong to enjoy urself, but remember moderation is the key. I forgot that and ended up fucking up my health. So don't end up like me people.

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this is why i never strated taking anything

when i was growing up, so many of my friends came from broken homes. most of these kids started doing drugs, and it only made their lives worse. after witnessing these kids lives crumble around them, i just got more confused. why? why put this stuff in your body when in a few hours you'lll be back where you were before (or worse). it doesnt make any sense to me.

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