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An Introductory Lesson to Club Vinyl

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Originally posted by jimk29

The funny thing is that there are people saying vinyl is weak and its not "glamorous" like exit. The glamour is in the scene, the music, that NYC vibe that is being sucked out by the Exit heads... so sad.

The parties like what Be Yourself once was aren't totally gone. They're smaller now and the scene is...shifting/changing. Right now is a difficult time for those who aren't into the glitz/glamour/drugs/pick up scene (which isnt necessarily a BAD thing, just not what everyone likes) because we're going through a huge transition I think.

I'm hopeful that more parties will emerge that are tailored toward the crowd who love the music and aren't into the other stuff. I'm not saying those who ARE into the other stuff don't love the music, its just a different style/attitude about partying that not everyone is into.

All parties change and I'd be lieing if I said I wish Be Yourself hadn't changed to what it is now. It ain't for me anymore and I miss what it was, I miss my friday nights there. But there ain't nothin' I can do about it other than keep looking for the good parites, dance my ass off and do my small part to keep the spirit that I adore alive.

One piece of advice to those of you who party a lot and tend to really enjoy the rush of getting high, meeting people etc. One night...go to a party you love and MAKE yourself stay sober. Listen to the music and dance...alone. Don't look to meet people or meet any friends. Just enjoy the music. For some of you, might be a really amazing experience. For others, its just not what you do and that's alright too. I just won't be partying with ya.

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Originally posted by dw

I know about Fridays... I was wondering about Saturdays, since it sounded like that post by eviljav was talking about that

that's exactly what i was refering to..

I went again this Saturday DW for after hours..i got there at about 6:00

I like it man....Honesty the crowd and the Vibe is ODD i promise you that.. but if you realy appriciate garage and Deep house you will enjoy...and the people are realy realy cool...

it's open till about 10:00 i think they threw the light on around 9:30 cuz when i walked back to my car it was like 9:40 that what i recall..

this weekend should be great..

Vinly has a few REALY GOOD Jocks playing..so i will be there Thursday 100% and Sunday..

Danny howells is going to KILL~~~KILL~~~~KILL~~~~


Support Vinly

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Originally posted by ooana

One piece of advice to those of you who party a lot and tend to really enjoy the rush of getting high, meeting people etc. One night...go to a party you love and MAKE yourself stay sober. Listen to the music and dance...alone. Don't look to meet people or meet any friends. Just enjoy the music. For some of you, might be a really amazing experience. For others, its just not what you do and that's alright too. I just won't be partying with ya.

I love doing that, going out solo completely sober and jsut dancing, I love the music not any of the other bullshit that goes along with it. Music and dancing, that is what clubbing is about.

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Originally posted by jimk29

I love doing that, going out solo completely sober and jsut dancing, I love the music not any of the other bullshit that goes along with it. Music and dancing, that is what clubbing is about.

I agree 100%, but not everyone feels that way. It use to piss me off, I can't lie. But now, its pointless to let it get to me. That won't change anything nor will it bring the people who feel the same way closer so we can enjoy what we do together.

To each their own I say. And I just tend to stay away from the parties where the same perspective as I have tends to be in the minority. I just don't enjoy it.

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Originally posted by ooana

I agree 100%, but not everyone feels that way. It use to piss me off, I can't lie. But now, its pointless to let it get to me. That won't change anything nor will it bring the people who feel the same way closer so we can enjoy what we do together.

To each their own I say. And I just tend to stay away from the parties where the same perspective as I have tends to be in the minority. I just don't enjoy it.

So what are some of the other parties that you hit up... I am always looking for more to do.

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I'm responibly new to the scene, but I've heard great things about Vinyl (from some old-skool friends), but you all summed it up nicely for me! I just want a place to go that's comfortable, that I don't get molested, and that I can wear whatever the fuck I want!!! But most of all, I want to get lost for a few hours in some incredible music. I guess, by what you all say, Friday's with DT or Sundays would be perfect for that.

Thankx for such indepth reviews!!!



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This is an email a freind sent to Richie Hawtin, with his reply. He was trying to find out if Richie was playing elsewhere after Creamfields was cancelled. He wasn't but just look what he sugested ;)

OK thanks Richie. Its a shame but we will check out the NY scene anyway -

any recommendations??? Come to think of it, how much is a flight to

Detroit? Looking forward to the Closer to the Edit. Take it easy,


Check out Danny for sure... he's doing some amazing sets at the moment, but

make sure you take the whole thing in, not just 2,3 or 4 hours... he's an



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Awww damn, too bad DT isn't in NYC this weekend....was looking forward to the experience. *sniff sniff*

And Ooana, I'm right there with you in terms of going out by yourself, being w/just yourself and losing yourself to the music...I do this often (especially now that I'm in a new area) - love to sit back and let the music take me where it wants to. :) Oh and meeting ppl is great but that's not my primary goal......


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Like Ooana says, try flying solo and sober. That has always been my rule of thumb - if you can enjoy the party sober, then it's a good party for ya. If you need your elements just to be there... you might want to reconsider your reasons. Be Yourself used to be a party I could go to, week in and week out, always leave smiling and exhausted after the last song. I can't claim the same now, but I sincerely hope that some of the people here on the board can.

It's weird... I still can't get enough of Danny's music, but now on CD instead of in his 'home.' Maybe it's time for me to check him out in Miami? LOL

ichi :rainbow:

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Originally posted by nubreedfan

If you dont want to be molested, Be Yourself is prolly not a good idea for u (unless u one ugly mf). Fridays @ Vinyl is like prison release night. LOL

I just don't get this. None of my straight male friends who go to parties where there's a high gay population respond this way.

Yes, sometimes people can be too aggressive...and straight men do this to women all the time. But there are ways to handle it and fend it off in a method that doesn't become all encompassing or make you uncomfortable.

I spent the entire day yesterday at Junior with a straight male friend of mine. He is very good looking with a wonderful body and yes, he got hit on. But he handled it with style and grace and a polite attitude and from what he's told me....it didn't ruin his time at all.

If you walk in with a defensive "Oh no I'm around gay men and they're all gonna wanna try and touch me or fuck me! I better watch out or tell em' to fuck off when they try!" Yes, you will feel louzy. Yes you will feel threatend. Any woman can tell you if they walk into a space with that attitude...men can make them feel JUST as uncomfortable.


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Originally posted by ooana

I'm hopeful that more parties will emerge that are tailored toward the crowd who love the music and aren't into the other stuff. I'm not saying those who ARE into the other stuff don't love the music, its just a different style/attitude about partying that not everyone is into.

All parties change and I'd be lieing if I said I wish Be Yourself hadn't changed to what it is now. It ain't for me anymore and I miss what it was, I miss my friday nights there. But there ain't nothin' I can do about it other than keep looking for the good parites, dance my ass off and do my small part to keep the spirit that I adore alive.

Oo, sweetie, as long as Rob Fernandez and promoters like him are around, there will always be parties centered around the music. My concern is, now that the Tunnel is gone, what other venues, like Vinyl, force you to center in on the music? There's Centro-fly, but what else?

That party has changed, and I must admit myself that I haven't started supporting it regularly until about a month ago. I've known about the party ever since I started clubbing, but DT never overwhelmed me until recently. I can truly say that I go strictly for the music. The eye-candy will be there regardless, so that has stopped motivating me. I never did a drug in my life, so why else go to Vinyl but for DT?

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Originally posted by nubreedfan

If you dont want to be molested, Be Yourself is prolly not a good idea for u (unless u one ugly mf). Fridays @ Vinyl is like prison release night. LOL

That's madd funny!

It couldn't be worse than SF or Exit...could it? Do women have to just deal with it, if we're not "MF ugly?!?!??" Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be presumptuous, but I go strictly for the music not to find a guy. And if the music is awesome, I'm happy. I do enjoy meeting people and making new friends, but it bothers me when I'm lost in a song and some guy won't leave me alone. I find that the clubs that have a crowd that goes for the music, there is less chance that I'll be hit on...repeatedly. And Ithought Vinyl was more like that then some of the others.

Anyway, I have to see/hear DT, so whatever!!!!! ;) I'm sure it'll be fine!

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Originally posted by highmay

Oo, sweetie, as long as Rob Fernandez and promoters like him are around, there will always be parties centered around the music. My concern is, now that the Tunnel is gone, what other venues, like Vinyl, force you to center in on the music? There's Centro-fly, but what else?

That party has changed, and I must admit myself that I haven't started supporting it regularly until about a month ago. I've known about the party ever since I started clubbing, but DT never overwhelmed me until recently. I can truly say that I go strictly for the music. The eye-candy will be there regardless, so that has stopped motivating me. I never did a drug in my life, so why else go to Vinyl but for DT?

I totally hear what you're saying. I'll take this a step further and say that these venues right now aren't really fostered toward the kind of partying I'm talking about either.

Right now, the parties are either small or far between that I think really foster that kind of energy.

Some people do still go to Vinyl for the music...absolutely. But the vibe and the crowd has changed...TREMENDOUSLY, and for someone like me or those who went for the same reasons I did, I have to say its for the worst.

I'm delighted so many of you are loving Danny's work. But the party itself just isn't what it was when *I* loved it. Once again, I'm not saying that its BAD its just different and not my type of thing anymore (accept from 7am till closing).

Will more venues open that are more focused on the music, the passion for the music and loving the dance culture? I think so...and I hope so. It'll take awhile and there are lots of obsticles but there are a few people out there with enough passion and ghussto who are fighting for it. Till then, I'll take it in small doses, even in small venues...or with my friends at home. Just don't forget what made you REALLY love it in the first place...or what you discovered down the line that made you say "holy shit, THIS is what its really about."

And try not to get too cynical. It doesn't help. I learned this recently and I'm glad I did. Sorry I sound a bit like a preacher. :)

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Originally posted by jaxxart

I prefer a prodominantly gay popullation, b/c I'm a woman. So I guess Vinyl would be good for me!

Last time I was there it was not prodominantly gay at all. A good percentage, yes...prodominantly? No.

Prodominantly would be Roxy Sat or Junior. You might really enjoy it. As a woman, I definitely do. Its wonderful to have a change of pace and completely let go and not worry much at all about being hit on and when a man wants to dance with you..they dance WITH you, play off you...don't dance at you or <cough> try to dance in you ;)


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i just wanna make some points here...

be yourself at vinyl

it speaks for itself. nothing more nothing less.

people who loves danny's music and wants to be themselves are allow to be there.

if you cant accept others being themselves dont come.

who cares if there were gays? whats the big deal?

if you cant deal with it then dont come. period.

if you are not for music, then go someplace else.

its as easy as that.

i NEVER once had a bad time being sober at vinyl. danny NEVER dissapoints me, i dont think. but the speakers always leaves me ear ringing.....(theyre super loud, no way tts crisp and clean. hello? who said it was crisp and clean?)

ya everthing has changed after twilo closed. but hell its still the only place i can go to and truly being happy beacause danny is there. making those silly annoucements.

oh ya. DT HAS to stop at 10am(even though he is one of the best djs in the world and he wants to go on sometimes) because they have to pay overtime fee using that place.

um so ya. go someplcae else, if you are a straight boi or trendy girl or anyone who wants just to be IN THE SCENE.


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I've been to plenty of fridays and it never felt like a gay party to me. It's always felt pretty open, like anybody's party that came with the goal of working it out with Danny for hours.

Body and Soul has a different feel. I was there this sunday and there were lots of gay men. But, it wasn't cruisy and didn't look to be much of a pickup seen. If you're a hetero guy, you can probably spend the whole day at the party without being hassled or hit on by the fellows. At least that's how it's worked out for me. Unlike other gigs, nobody at Body and Soul is there to encroach on your personal space or your good time.

So, if you're a straight guy with an open mind, don't be put off by the few posts that proclaim it's a gay party. If you can add to the vibe or keep it steady, by all means check out B&S.

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