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Drama..... Please Read!!!! Please Read!!!!!!


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Originally posted by sumguy

anyways.... go sit in the corner and shut your fucking mouth until this bragging, secure, assuming, entertaining, non-meet up attending drug addicted master of your pathetic world riding a fucking horse called SUMGUY gives you the permission to move.

please give me something to work with here. someone.... anyone. take notes motherfuckers. class is in session and Mr. Sumguy is your professor.


Funny shit dude :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Who's next for a beat down!

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Originally posted by misk

well i'm bored as shit so i'll reply!!! u can step off ur high horse and blow all of those assumptions out of ur ass!! because to me this board((and your posts)) are simply entertainment!! i have NEVER attended a meet-up~don't plan on it and don't do drugs!! so u can chill with thinking ur the shit cause frankly the fact that u come on here and brag shows how insecure u really are!! anyways....i am tired and really don't feel like getting into this....sure i'll be hearing from u soon!!!

Misk, bend over and take your medicine from our resident doctor @ clubplanet Doc. Sumguy. If your the disease then sumguy is the cure. The time for talk is over with CP people. It's time for a revolution to overthrow the vail of mediocrity that has plagued this board since it's elder members were lost. Our brave leader in these times of turbulance is none other then sumguy. Out of the ashes like phoenix missle he will rise and change the desolate landscape that covers these lifeless messageboards! You are with us or you are against us.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Misk, bend over and take your medicine from our resident doctor @ clubplanet Doc. Sumguy. If your the disease then sumguy is the cure. The time for talk is over with CP people. It's time for a revolution to overthrow the vail of mediocrity that has plagued this board since it's elder members were lost. Our brave leader in these times of turbulance is none other then sumguy. Out of the ashes like phoenix missle he will rise and change the desolate landscape that covers these lifeless messageboards! You are with us or you are against us.

how long did it take u to think of that clever response?? looks like u seem to be the one bending over and taking it from sumguy!! "i like u sumguy!" "don't be mean to me sumguy" "long live sumguy!" shut the fuck up.....ur beat! wtf are u talking about with us or against us? no one is against anyone u moron....so why don't u save your sermon for sunday cause i'm not interested!

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Originally posted by misk

how long did it take u to think of that clever response?? looks like u seem to be the one bending over and taking it from sumguy!! "i like u sumguy!" "don't be mean to me sumguy" "long live sumguy!" shut the fuck up.....ur beat! wtf are u talking about with us or against us? no one is against anyone u moron....so why don't u save your sermon for sunday cause i'm not interested!

Once upon a time there was a utopia perfect in every way. People were intelligent and all posts were moderated for ignorance. Then came Dave the Admin......(the dark times). Misk eats her mom out in public. All intelligent post were immiadiately deleted and all professionals that were members of clubplanet lost their memberships and had their IP addresses banned from the CP servers. Misk is a transformer. Through the darkness came a light.....one post that changed everything. People from New York started talking to people that are from Miami. People in LA actually started posting on their LA messageboard. Misk sucks my nutz! You may ask yourself what post could've possibly changed it all.

Revolutionary Post ----> "Drama..... Please Read!!!! Please Read!!!!!!


Finally something put a smile on my face and gave me hope that todays dark shadows may be cast aside by sumguys bright shimmering ray of light. Misks mom sucks cow balls. A gentle touch of sanity can finally embrace our essence and give us all what we have been longing for.

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Originally posted by misk

how long did it take u to think of that clever response?? looks like u seem to be the one bending over and taking it from sumguy!! "i like u sumguy!" "don't be mean to me sumguy" "long live sumguy!" shut the fuck up.....ur beat! wtf are u talking about with us or against us? no one is against anyone u moron....so why don't u save your sermon for sunday cause i'm not interested!

misk misk misk..... i mean tsk tsk tsk. Apparently, georgecasta2 is quoting Pres. Bush. U know, that guy that runs our country? yeah anyway, I agree with georgecasta2 100%! This board is so very, how did u put it..... 'beat'...... and it is. It is so boring here that again, I come here to feel more intelligent. In a nut shell, this board went to shit because of 17 year olds such as yourself. Do u know what happened in NY on Sept. 11th? If u did, u wouldn't be asking what george is talking about when he said ' you're with us or against us'

Georgecasta2, thank you for your kind words. It seems that u and I are on the same level here. Misk, keep on commin' back with your wack ass replies and unprecedented level of untelligence. Remember, your stupidity makes me feel smarter. U go girl!

Wait a minute. Misk didn't I tell u go sit in the corner and not to move? What the hell r u doing??? Get the fuck over there. No not that one, that one. Good. Now stay.......stay.....STAY! Good girl. :laugh:

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17??! oh! u must know me!!:laugh: :laugh: however i do agree with u on something...this board can be beat and that is why i sometimes pass my time by going back and forth with people like yourself!! and georgecosta2~~>so intellegent with all the mom insults!! ooo.... no wait sorry...for a second there i thought i actually cared what u had to say! anyways...this is simply entertainment to pass the time ....and by the way~>i knew where his "with us or against us.." comment was coming from! just not seeing why it has anything to do with a messageboard or why your buddy is trying to start some fucking revolution or whatever he was preaching about!?!

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Originally posted by misk

17??! oh! u must know me!!:laugh: :laugh: however i do agree with u on something...this board can be beat and that is why i sometimes pass my time by going back and forth with people like yourself!! and georgecosta2~~>so intellegent with all the mom insults!! ooo.... no wait sorry...for a second there i thought i actually cared what u had to say! anyways...this is simply entertainment to pass the time ....and by the way~>i knew where his "with us or against us.." comment was coming from! just not seeing why it has anything to do with a messageboard or why your buddy is trying to start some fucking revolution or whatever he was preaching about!?!

17? I'm sorry. U have to be in the 8th grade at the most. Your use of grammer in this post is embarrassing. love that last run on sentence. u should have replied with what your brain was really thinking.... "duh duh duh, dumpf la tee da do dum dumb."

Take it easy honey. The U.S. may need your brain power for the war.

In the words of Red Forman from That 70's show..... "You dumbass." Please stop replying to this post. I'm starting to feel bad for you. Thanks.

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Misk, the time of reckoning is upon you. Leave your pain and sorrow behind you. Sumguy will lead you to the water but you must drown yourself in it to be pure. Sumguy will take you to paradise but you must walk the deserts to see the Osais. If sumguy wants your opinion he will give it to you young one. What do you tell Misk with to black eyes? Nothing......sumguy already told her twice. Learn young one!

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Misk, the time of reckoning is upon you. Leave your pain and sorrow behind you. Sumguy will lead you to the water but you must drown yourself in it to be pure. Sumguy will take you to paradise but you must walk the deserts to see the Osais. If sumguy wants your opinion he will give it to you young one. What do you tell Misk with to black eyes? Nothing......sumguy already told her twice. Learn young one!

:laugh::blown::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by ceejay187

Sumguy aka Sumdumfuk!



Sumdum...... oh oh oh! sumdumfuk. I see what you did u rascal! You took my CP name and kinda added your own little twist.

You took sumguy and just changed it to say sumdumfuk. Incredible.

Hey! I have an idea. Why don't you "ceejay" your ass on out of this post.

See I did it too! Instead of using the word "see", I changed it to say "ceejay"

That's my own little twist. I can make a funny too. What's even more funny is the size of the line outside of your mothers room last night.

I was 19th in line.:laugh:

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Originally posted by sumguy

this board use to be a good one. not any more. this board is like the tunnel. it started off great, but just keeps on getting worse with time. all of the people who use to post here are long gone; they took the fun and intelligence with them.... all that's left now are people who live for this board. i don't want to beat anyone up over it, like many of you would like to do to me, i'm sure. i take nothing that is said here seriously. I think that if this board were to shut down, some of u would commit suicide.

hmm - sumguy, new to the board, since august of 2001... what would you know about "the good old days" of clubplanet? or is "sumguy" just some new imposter name? you're just a whole little bundle of drama all on your own, ar'nn'tcha?

awwwwwww... how cute! :grin3:

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