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ok... this is going to be a bit hard, since i have been out of ibiza for almost two weeks now and everything seems like an amazing dream that happened long ago.

first of all, my experience at ibiza was not exactly what i was expecting, although it was equally amazing. i arrived in a ferry from barcelona unlike many others who arrive by plane. if i had to do it again, i would do the ferry again. it's a shitload of people your age, mostly italians and spaniards, everybody with the same mentality you have. there is a mini dance floor with thew cheesiest music playing, but after drinking ourselves to oblivion, guess who were dancing to the crappy beats. i passed out as i was drunk and tired... one of my most beautiful friends woke me up... she's brazilian, so you can imagine. she says while pointing to my right... marcos, look. not thinking much, i look and we were just arriving at the port of ibiza. i don't think i've ever been woken up in such an amazing way, but there it was... my dream come true.

after a short time, we were on the way to our hostel, which was in ibiza town. once all our bags were settled at our place, we left to salinas. salinas is a pretty amazing beach. it's got a little bit for everyone... family, nudist, straight, gay, glam... you call it. we went to one of the bars called sa'trincha. sa'trincha is at one of the ends of salinas beach. everyone was grooving to the chill, deep house that came from the bar. we drank some more and chilled for a little bit more. at night we went back to ibiza town, had a couple of drinks, watched fireworks and got ready for our first night out...

privilege... renaissance... deep dish... what more could you ask for?? it is renoun as the biggest club in the world. at first it didn't seem so, but as the night went on and we kept exploring the venue, we indeed agreed, it's got to be the biggest. the vibe was amazing, the club was full enough to feel a good crowd but not to crowded to the point where you could barely breath. and the music... what can i say... dj sneak opened up ther main room, at first i thought, this guy is amazing, but what was about to come was way better. the other room, was marcus james, funk d'void and cesar del rio. i couldn't recognize which was which, but they blew me away (frank, you would have loved this room... it was deeper than deep). i looked into the main room and deep dish had just started. i can't say too many specifics about the set because i was rather fucked up by then, but to those of you who know how highly i think of the set deep dish had at space last president's day, this was just as good or maybe better (loraine, can you imagine that??) it was probably one of the darkest sets i heard in ibiza, but it was so moving, nowhere near monotonous. oh well, it's deep dish, you know what to expect. only ali spun. sharam never showed up. i have heard his father had just passed away. we came back to our hostel around eight in the morning.

four hours later we were already up and headed to san antonio to check out the beach scene there. i was not expecting much from san antonio because all i had heard before were negative comments. i have to say i thought it was pretty amazing. we arrived there and had lunch at the infamous cafe mambo. we layed out for the rest of the afternoon at the tiny beach in front of it listening to chill house. the sun was about to set so we headed to the strip of beach in front of cafe del mar. the beach was full of people and the music was even deeper than in cafe mambo. as soon as the last bit of sun set, the entire beach applauded... magical. it was one of the most beautiful sunsets ever. two guys came and did a fire show for everyone. we were mesmerized with the things they were doing. it was all of course done to the house beats in the background. that night we went back to ibiza town and passed out. that would be the last amount of decent sleep i was going to get in a while.

we woke up the next day (august 10, my birthday) and headed to playa den bossa. i was eager to see what it would be like since everyone had talked so much about it. to be honest it wasn't all that good. it is loaded with people and the water was the darkest i had seen in the island. but bora bora made up for it all. bora bora is the beach club in playa den bossa. they were playing tribal house and it wasn't long before everyone was dancing. we stayed there for a couple of hours and then headed to ibiza town.

that night we went to amnesia. it was dance valley (the dutch party) and to be honest i wasn't too sure of what to expect. remy was a pretty much a disaster (it didn't surprise me). then francesco farfa, who was the main reason i went, tore up the dance floor. he played hard and fast almost in the lines of techno, but it was still house. he was amazing. after him, umek spun. his first couple of tracks were good but the rest of his set was pretty much a disaster. thank god amnesia has two rooms because other wise i would have killed someone during remy's and umek's sets. in the terrace the music was way housier and super chill. i saw jo mills (dc10 resident) and she was pretty amazing. the rest of the djs that spun there were equally amazing although i'm not entirely sure of who they were. i came back home like at 10 AM. my friends were leaving ibiza and from that day on i would be by myself. my schedule would now basically be... go out, come back home, pack my bags, change hostel, go to the beach, eat (maybe), go out... i had to change hostels for like four times in my one week stay because they didn't have enough accomodation for the whole week. so when i came back from amnesia instead of coming back to sleep i decided the beach would be a better idea.

i went once again to salinas. instead of staying were i had been last time, i walked past sa'trincha and found the most beautiful beaches i was going to see in ibiza during my stay. it was a part of salinas less explored by the people so they were more calm. the water was crystal clear and the beaches here were like little coves of rock that came down like little cliffs and landed on the water. it was surreal. i headed back to ibiza town and even though i was going to sleep for like four hours i ended up sleeping for one and a half hour. i guess it had something to do with the fact that in a couple of hours i was going to pacha...

what can i say about pacha... it is much more than i expected (and for those of you that know me, you know i had high expectations for pacha). all the myths are true. the most beautiful people of ibiza go to this club. i don't think i have ever been in a place with so many beautiful people surrounding me. the most stylish people in ibiza go to this club. it is a somewhat snobby atmosphere, but it is a club with much personality. i would also say pacha is the most beautiful club i went to in ibiza. it has a feel of one mediterranean architecture one would encounter in places like mykonos or santorini (the greek isles... you know, those mostly white houses that are on most ads that have anything to do with greece) i got there at around 2 AM and nobody was dancing... i thought great... my one night at pacha and it sucks. it was the def mix night and one thing so far was definitely good... the music. on the main room, lord g was spinning a rather vocal house. it was pretty fucking amazing. and little did i know it was nothing compared to the sets i was about to see. like i said, the dance floor was emptyexcept for one character. a guy fat guy about sixty years old with a funny dance... very mellow... he was definitely one of the originals. before i knew it, the place got packed. one could barely walk. for some reason i hadn't noticed how big the main room was and how many little corners and bars it had around (by the way, the pacha staff was even more beautiful than the clientele). i went to the terrace upstairs and it is probably one of the most perfect places i've seen to chill out (or come down) i didn't spend much time there because the music was way too good. when i came back down i went to the global room where hector romero was already spinning. he played one of the best sets i heard in ibiza the whole time i was there. sometimes housey, sometimes progressive, rather dark at some points. good as fuck. the global room is tiny compared to the main room and at the beginning it was rather empty. by the time satoshi tomiie took over it was packed. i went in to the other room to see what david morales was up to and it was even more packed. morales was spinning just like i imagined... rather vocally and anthemy gay house... but he was doing an fucking amazing job. i came back to the global room to see satoshi tomiie, who after the renaissance party at space (3rd of july) i wasn't too impressed with. well let me tell you, he fucking tore the place apart. hands down the best set i had heard in ibiza yet. and this even though he had problems with his equipment and the sound system in the global room was crap. at one point one of the speakers was busted and he had to turn off the bass for like five minutes before it went back to normal. and even with all this shit happening the guy was fucking unbelievable. it was housey... enough vocals to keep it interesting, but not to many where it begins to sound cheesy. one of the tunes i remember was 'it began in africa', but most of his set i had not heard of. by the end of his set i was about to pass out because i had not slept in a long ass time. i left the club at around 7AM and walked back to my hotel... it was close by. i packed my bags and changed to the next hostel and hurried my ass of to the most awaited party of my stay at ibiza... we love sundays at space.

this twenty two hour party begins at 8AM sunday and ends at 6AM the next day. so about the time i was walking back to my hostel from pacha, space was opening its doors. so obviously, how could i go to sleep when something like this was going on. i arrived at like 1 PM and prayed that i hadn't missed any of the sets i wanted to see, but i thought i'm sure they'll leave the big guys towards the end. satoshie tomiie had already spun, but i wasn't too concerned beacuse i had just seen him at pacha. i overheard some girls asking when steve lawler went on and he was supposed to begin at 6 PM in the infamous terrace... how awsome i thought... steve lawler... space terrace... sunset... i asked those same girls if they knew when kleinenber went on and theey told me 'he already spun... right after satoshi tomiie'. i wanted to shoot myself. one of the djs i was most looking forward to seeing in ibiza had already spun... how unfair. anyway, i stayed at the terrace. a guy who i thought was james zabiela was spinning an amazing set... like zabiela, he also scratched while spinning, but later i found out it wasn't zabiela. i remained in the terrace because steve lawler was about to go on and whoever was spinning in the main room was spinning dark and hard (too dark and hard). steve lawler was fucking amazing. another top set in ibiza. he played mostly tribal (obviously). i knew that kim (for those of you who do know whither and whence) was going to be there, but until then we hadn't seen each other. it seemed rather surreal that as soon as steve lawler started she appeared from out of nowhere (his set was the one we were both most looking forward to seeing). like i said, the set was amazing... but when he played billie jean, the crowd went fucking NUTS... what a fucking amazing idea to have ever remixed that song. we were up on one of the podiums (obviously) and no matter how tired i was, i was dancing my ass off. whoever it was that spun right after lawler did an amazing job. also on the lines of tribal. meanwhile the guy who was playing inside was even harder and darker than the one that had been before. i swear the guy was on coke or something because he looked even more accelerated than the music he was spinning. after this guy, java, one of the space residents, took over. java's set until then, was only second best to satoshi tomiie's. i honestly could not believe what i was hearing. it was mostly progressive but dark and evil progressive. for some reason i was not expecting that from him. my sleepiness would not get the best of me and i danced my ass off once again. after him came another of the space residents which was almost as good as java. on the terrace morillo took over. it was pretty much impossible to walk on the terrace. i didn't care to much because honestly he was doing a rather shitty job. his set was one of the worst i saw in ibiza... kind of throwing tracks here and there with no sense of progression... not my cup of tea. i went back inside and james zabiela was spinning. what i heard was good, but i was already passing out here and there... i mean, three days with barely any sleep... after zabiela, the music stopped and the owner of space came out to announce space's thirteenth birthday. after that sasha began his set and the place went nuts. i had never seen sasha in such top shape. the main room was PACKED. i would have to sit every once in a while because i was super tired. out came the space staff doing an amazing show. as sasha was spinning they brought out a white cloth that was rather elastic and with it, they covered the entire dance floor. i was at one of the edges, so i could see the peoples' hands below the white cloth... i don't think i had ever seen something like that. anyway, almost an hour after sasha had begun spinning, the power went out on the club. the dance floor emptied quite a bit and everyone was basically desperate for the gig to restart. obviously, everybody went up to sasha and began asking him stupid questions such as why did this happen, what are you going to do about this, etc. etc. one guy went as far as calling sasha acting like he had a question and when sasha approached him he said 'smile', stood next to him while one of his friends took a picture of him with sasha... i'm sure it's exactly what sasha wanted... a bright camera flash during all this chaos... he didn't look to happy. i felt kind of sorry for him because he looked rather helpless. anyway, little did i know that this was a blessing in disguise. he came back and began with an amazing ambient track. trying to bring his set to where he had left of he bluntly went on to a harder track. little after this, guess who stepped in?? SANDER KLEINENBERG! yes, after all i was going to see him. what can i say... by this time i was basically a zombie and was in a pretty shitty mood. but the music... WOW... i have to say i really like how sasha and sander work together. this was the only set that came to the same level to satoshi tomiie's the night before. i really can't choose between both because they were just different styles. sasha and sander dropped a bomb of amazing progessive. even though you could tell their styles were different, they complimented each other. i was so tired that i passed out several times while they spun. i left when they forced them to quit the music at 6 AM. no dc-10 for me. i went back to my hostel and passed out. what can i say... space does live up to it's fame.

the next day i met some italians. none of them spoke spanish and spoke very little english so i had a chance to practice my italian. i went out to dinner with them and at about 4 AM headed to amnesia for cocoon. sven vath had already began his set. it was amazing, but i had to take a break every once in a while since i guess i'm somewhat of a wimp when it comes to techno. the terrace was good but not as good as good as it had been last time. i also caught a little bit of diego rocca's set. he's from argentina. his set was rather progressive, somewhat obvious, but good. i unfortunately missed technasia, which i had heard great stuff about. i came back to ibiza at around 10 AM and headed straight to the beacch with the italians. we went back to sa'trincha and chilled there for the day. at 9:30PM that night my ship left back to barcelona. i passed out as soon as i boarded. i woke up like eight hours later when we were close to arriving barcleona.

i stayed in barcelona for abouot two days then headed to san sebastian. they were both pretty amazing, but i must admit i missed ibiza. i went to bilbao for a day to see the guggenheim museum and later that same day i left to paris. i had an amazing time there and my lastnight i went to a club called les bains. it reminded me a lot of living room in it's good old days (denisse a ti te hubiese encantado). i stayed in paris for a week and then headed to rome. i was happy to finally arrive at a place i could call home and not have to think about packing my bags to leave somewhere else the next day. words can't explain how happy i am here in italy.

BUT... i do miss you all. and i want you all to know that next summer i will be working june and july to go to ibiza in august. do yourselves a favor and do the same because it's worth it. i hope you are all satisfied with my review... sorry for its length... i hope you all did read it because it wasn't too easy to write. it's probably the lengthiest review i'll ever write. i have my ibiza pictures but i must scan them and forthose of you that know me well it might take a while. until then,

ci vediamo,


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all i can say is WOW. and here i thought i'd only want to stay for a couple of days. it seems as if every day you were there, you heard a better set. :::sigh:::

next year...i'm there!

phat review marcos. i have to tell you that it's going to be a tough day at work today thinking about all that great musik!

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Great review, aeroplano. I'm sure you'll like it even better next time you go, and stay longer, less than a week is def not enough. Next year I'll stay there for at least one month.

You need to go to other parties like ministry@pacha (why the hell did you go dance valley instead??), la troya, manumission, circo loco etc. and of course space during the rest of the week for the afterhours.

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I am sooo happy that you had a great time and that review has been the best one I've read in a long time!

I'm glad you got to see the better side of Satoshi cos he wasn't impressive in July!

Continue to have a great time and keep us posted.

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okay- i am on the next flight to spain. I have never met you before, but am crazy jealous. That was a hell of a description....i've had friends who've gone, but none of them had been able to sell the place like you. totally jealous.

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cover of clubs - get hooked up with the right people. i thought it would be impossible since i didn't know anyone, but you'll start meeting people once you're there. if not, flyers are the way to go, otherwise you'll be stuck paying between $35-$50.

hotel - i stayed in rather inexpensive hostels (relative to ibiza, because compared to other places in europe, hostels are expensive in ibiza) i also stayed in ibiza town, not in san antonio, and things do tend to be more expensive in ibiza town. my opinion... it's worth it to stay in ibiza town rather than in playa den bossa or san antonio. the atmosphere is way better.

food... i barely found time to eat, but when i did it would usually be something quick.


thanks babe! it's too bad you weren't in town when i left.


for some reason i was thinking that the old guy in pacha was some kind of a regular.


the line up for my week at minisrty pretty much sucked and i really wanted to see francesco farfa and jo mills.

about manumission and la troya asesina... give me a break dude... those two have to be the most commercialized parties in the island. but if i would have had an extra week i would have gone just to say i went.

i hope you guys are all going good in miami. right now i really don't want to go back, but you have no idea of how much i miss you. please keep the scene real in miami. ciao, marcos.

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Originally posted by aeroplano


thanks babe! it's too bad you weren't in town when i left.

yeah, im sorry that we missed each other too.

but i hope you got my messages that i left with your roommate's girlfriend.

either way, im glad that you had and are having an amazing time.

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Originally posted by aeroplano


the line up for my week at minisrty pretty much sucked and i really wanted to see francesco farfa and jo mills.

about manumission and la troya asesina... give me a break dude... those two have to be the most commercialized parties in the island. but if i would have had an extra week i would have gone just to say i went.

i hope you guys are all going good in miami. right now i really don't want to go back, but you have no idea of how much i miss you. please keep the scene real in miami. ciao, marcos.

I know manumission it's too commercialized... but what it's not in Ibiza?? I had a great time there at the Coco Loco (the smaller room at the right). There are too many clubs in Ibiza and many different parties, but very few besides space and bora-bora have a good vive regularly (not even cream, renaissance, perfecto).

BTW, Miami was better than anything in Ibiza yesterday morning - DT night best ever!!! :D

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NL>>> Have a great time and keep us informed!!

You missed DT last Sun @ space - It was THE BEST PARTY EVER!! You'd have loved it (very hard and trancey!!). You know i'm addited to danny now I'm totally phycho so I'm going to buy the ticket to Ibiza today!!!. I'll see you there (if you're still alive by then).

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Originally posted by panchodeejay

. . . I'm going to buy the ticket to Ibiza today!!!. I'll see you there (if you're still alive by then).

OK, Javier. . . you gotta let me know what the hell it is you do so I can drop medicine and go into your line of business. I wish I had time to hop around from party to party like you do, honey! I'm jealous!!!! :tongue:

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i don't think i''l be able to make it ibiza another time this summer -- i have to work on sep 24 and can't take the day off... so i got very depressed and booked a flight to NY, so tomorow.....guess what ...vinyl!!!:bounce:

i know... i need serious help with this tenaglia obsession. I'll give him a break after this w/e.

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