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Should "e" Be Legal


51 members have voted


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Alcohol and cigarettes are only *legally* regulated -- i.e., there are laws that say how old you have to be to purchase them, but not much to actually restrict access to them. I'm in favor of legalizing ecstasy, with more effective means of regulation to help prevent abuse.

Imagine a personalized card that allows you access to a certain amount of E per week/month/whatever. Every time you purchase E, the amount will be deducted from your card (think Metrocard, folks). You might even have to see a doctor to get one of these cards, to ensure that you don't have any preexisting conditions or medications that would make ecstasy unusually risky for you.

Obviously, there will always be people who find ways to beat the system, just as there are currently. But under this sort of system, it would be far easier to assign responsibility when things get out of hand -- unlike alcohol or cigarettes, which can be obtained easily and with relative anonymity. (You enter a minimart, purchase alcohol/cigarettes, get wasted. As long as you don't rat out the minimart and all the clerks in the area deny ever seeing you, there's no way of assigning blame.)

I'm with the folks who say that pure MDMA in moderation is relatively harmless. Keep in mind that much of the memory loss associated with ecstasy users has been scientifically linked to concurrent marijuana use, and that the findings of brain damage, while statistically significant, are not *practically* significant. Again, the key word is moderation -- and that's one of the motivations for the card idea I mentioned.

Of course, it will never happen, but what do you all think of the idea?

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E shouldn't be legalized 'cause we don't need more crackheads running around

E, even its purest form--with regular use, leads to depression and brain damage, that's why it's illegal in the first place

Life is difficult enough, imagine fucking up ur brain at a young age and trying to lead the rest of ur life in normal way---u're putting the odds against you

WHY??? for a cheap high?? should people destroy their life for a cheap HIGH???? I don't think so

Sorry, but in my honest opion E is a sorry myth that people are buying into and paying a big price for it in the process

stay away from that shit

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Originally posted by musicbeat

E shouldn't be legalized 'cause we don't need more crackheads running around

E, even its purest form--with regular use, leads to depression and brain damage, that's why it's illegal in the first place

Life is difficult enough, imagine fucking up ur brain at a young age and trying to lead the rest of ur life in normal way---u're putting the odds against you

WHY??? for a cheap high?? should people destroy their life for a cheap HIGH???? I don't think so

Sorry, but in my honest opion E is a sorry myth that people are buying into and paying a big price for it in the process

stay away from that shit

1. Its illegal because gov policy makes everything ilegal if it is an intoxicant with little other use.

2. Your medical claims about e are based on a few small scale studies, hardly proving anything.

3. People are using e when it is illegal.

4. How is E a myth?

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this is a really good thread i think , and im glad a lot of people are posting about this with good points and no one is really fighting, u know... my take on this is that we should make extacy legal. every day and year people die from drinking, smoking and other shit more than people dieing from extacy. I know people are gonna go against me on this one but oh well. And the people that would overdose on something like extacy if it is legal would be the same people that would overdo drinking and smokking. People are saying that its gonna turn your brain to mush and shit. But what is stopping people from turning their livers into mush from drinking and being hardly able to breath from smoking. I mean, people know all about that shit and yet people smoke 3-4 packs a day and people drink like fish every day... People are already educated about that and they still do it, so whats the difference if its extacty instead of cigarettes...The whole drug industry would be a great asset for the economy and would save lives in teh long run...I would like to know if we would be having this discussion if extacy was legal and it was alcohol that was illegal. would we be saying the same shit about it??

thats just my $0.02.

peace out


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Just because 2 drugz are legal, doesnt mean we should add another one into the pack as well, and have even more cracked out ppl driving and doing other shit. The ppl that drink, might not substitude their drinking with extacy use. They might drink, smoke, and then pop E all in access, just because its legal and easily available.

E isnt like smoking either. SOme ppl say smoking kills more, but it does so because we know of the long term effects and those who die from it are the ones that abuse cigs for decades.

There is no possibility of dieing from having an occational smoke or 2 during a night. But there is such a chance with E. Not everyones internal body chemistry is the same.


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Well the point to me is that we should legalize it becuase it would actually be safer for everyone if we could educate track and treat anyone who might be addicted. In my view I don't think the government should really be interfering in people private lives and try to regulate what subbstances you consume or don't consume. If you really want to fuck up your life drug or no drug it's obviously posible. Now if we wnanted to give drug users treatment that would be one thing, but giving peolle jail time doesn't make allot of sense to me.

Tp me it's not so much that drugs or good necesarily, but I think I can make that decision for myself. I don't see what harm a person is doing by sitting in their house taking a pill. The governmnet shouldn't try to tell people how to live if your actions aren't going to have a direct affect on someone else. guns and knives are legal , but most people use both responsibly. Same thing for alcholhol and tobacco. Most people use those in moderation. and even though thier legal, it's not like the government is giving some sort of red stamp saying they're great for ya. That's a decision you shouild make yourself. In the end the government can't make all our individual decisions for us.

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rad z

good points, but i just dont think that it would be a big deal having e legalized. it would be controlled just like every other substance. There are many ways that i think it can be moderated, like that metrocard idea thing that someone brought up before, i think people taking pills can be moderated a lot better than cigarettes and such. people are driving drunk anyway and i can be almost positive that people have gotten into big accidents and have killed people when thier cigarette fell out of their mouth and on their lap and swerved with a burning cigarette on their lap.

and on your comment about having somone die on e from taking it one time, if it is regulated by the gov't, it would be 100% pure without any outside chemicals and im sure they could even regulate doses..for example istead of a pill having 15 grams they make it 7grams, or whatever its measured in, whether thats right or not, i dont know, im just making an example.

peace out


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well i agree with keot that it should be up to the person to make his own choice whether to use it or not. And the fact is that's what people do right now. They have a choice of taking e or not and they make that choice based on their believe, knowledge, curiosity, etc...

I think ppl on this thread have 2 different perceptions of legalization. For one i am against legalizing it and making it easily available at a local deli (like alc and cig).

Other ppl are saying that it should be legal and monitored such as using the metrocard thing. BUt then it would be something similar to prescription drugz like prozac and shit.

The best thing for them to do is make the possesion of a small amount decriminalized. And lower the status of E into a less severe class of drugz, such as marijuana. Because if im not mistaking, right now E is considered and punished on the same level as heroin.


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

if e was legal...where the hell would u buy it? 7-11?

"yeah, could i have a pack of marlboro lights, a blow pop, and 2 X-files. oh wait, better make that 2 mitsubishis instead."


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

LOL.... 7-11... thatd be pretty fucked up... but funny
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Originally posted by msoprano13

i just read everyones post and whoever said it shouldnt be legal are totaly contradicting yourselves....please reread what you wrote and then maybe you will see what im talking about.......etc is the easiest drug to get...i bet anyone can make 2 calls and have it deliverd to there house thus increasing the chance of it getting into the hands of someone younger........legalizing would decrease the number of deaths, end the organized drug trade thus saving police officers lives when they go and do a bust casue most of the time a gun fight breaks out and make it safer for people to use........pure mdma is not that bad for you in moderation.......all the other shit mixed in with the mdma is worse for you...........think about that

No Question..

j303 what the deal with no!!!

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