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Help save Limelight!

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OK, it's on most of the boards already, but here goes anyway...

Next Thursday we have our final Community Board 5 hearing on Limelight. The Community Board meeting, if you can join in, is at 227 West 27th Street, 8th Floor (It's called Building A and it's at 8th Avenue and 27th Street). It will be NEXT Thursday, September 13 starting a 6 and we expect to get out by 8 p.m.

This is the community board that determines if they will stand firm with their NIMBY policy, or hear those of us who are responsible clubgoers and determine that we really AREN'T monstrous creatures of the dark.

If you can make the meeting, please RSVP with Dirk McCall at (212)822-2286


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Limelight and Tunnel have been riping peolple off from the get go.

The people who made it anything were the promoter's.

So who own's limelight now?

Mike and peter's wife........

I feel sorry for anyone who is involved with the true , behind the scenes people that own that club( excluding mike the new owner, hopefully he will do the right thing)

As for the rest , I hope they all go back to Canada.

Those people have hurt alot of promoter's and riped them off for a lot of money.

There cheap , dishonest, and rude...they do not represent the scene, thet represent the green.

A sad burnt promoter :(

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Originally posted by bryanautrey

Limelight and Tunnel have been riping peolple off from the get go.

The people who made it anything were the promoter's.

So who own's limelight now?

Mike and peter's wife........

I feel sorry for anyone who is involved with the true , behind the scenes people that own that club( excluding mike the new owner, hopefully he will do the right thing)

As for the rest , I hope they all go back to Canada.

Those people have hurt alot of promoter's and riped them off for a lot of money.

There cheap , dishonest, and rude...they do not represent the scene, thet represent the green.

A sad burnt promoter :(

We all know who has been "riping" people off since 1993... Gatien and wife are being deported as quickly as INS and DOJ can make it happen. Mike has nothing to do with the club by court order. John Blair and Beto Sutter are ready to get up to their eyeballs in debt to make this happen; Ben Ashkenazy is no fan of his deadbeat current tenant, so I doubt he's ready to keep any relationships going with the current crew. The 4th of the new partners is Jay Janis; I don't know much about him, but I know he is unbaffiliated with anyone in the current Gatien lot and has worked with Blair before.

So don't judge Blair and crew by Gatien, and don't judge them by Limelight. Judge them by the other parties and establishments Blair runs. And curb your bitterness on this one. You might be very surprised and end up a little less jaded. I'm giving them a chance, and I stand to gain nothing from this but a landmark to keep partying at.

ichi :rainbow:

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I don't know how my name became a part of this particular thread, but I did not post anything on this matter....I dont give a phuck about it. I used to work for tunnel, got fucked over plenty of times and still wanted to see that place stay on it's feet because I liked the space so much. But now I have grown up and moved on and I hardly ever post anything on this board so if someone got a hold of my user name and password, fuck you and karma will be sent from the heavens to destroy you, bye!!!!!!!!

Bryan Autrey a.k.a laphalot

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How does a building "only know how to be run crooked?" How do stone, glass, wood, and steel come to be so anthropomorphized that the people involved in the business operation are irrelevant? I am utterly confused at how you have arrived at such a conclusion. Please elaborate...

In case you are confused, the only thing remaining the same are the name and the structure at the address.


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Although I am stuck in DC right now, I will send everyone within driving distance that I can possibly get into that hearing. I am also working on some outside contact.

For those of you that are refusing to support this matter, it's time to get over those hang ups about how Peter did this and that, and so and so at the door didn't give me a comp and I wasn't let in the Skyy Bar so that place is crooked. What you are looking at here is a real threat to one of the city's landmark clubs. For all of us, this is a threat to our favorite venues, to our scene and to our lifestyle. The city has been after the clubs for so long, and if we let them take a big club like Limelight, what's to stop them from closing other ones? Regardless of whether you like the venue or the owners or anything else, you need to work for the whole of the matter and not what individually serves you. We all need to support each other and help each other or there's a lot we stand to lose. Please, if you are in the NY area, take the time, take your lunch break early, do SOMETHING, and show your support and your pride in your scene. If you can't be there, contact Blair's company and see what else you can do.



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Thank you, Aly, for your support. Limelight, love it or hate it, is in the same Flatiron and Chelsea neighborhoods as a number of our other favorite clubs, such as Centro-Fly, Cheetah, Ohm, Aria, Hush, Splash, G, Twirl, Heaven, The Roxy, Joy, Metronome, XL, True, and Lava Lounge; places from 12th to 28th, from 5th to the Hudson... Yes, even the newly-fabulous plywood pleaure palace Filter-14... and they are all targets. Centro, Ohm, Cheetah, and Aria were all mentioned by members of CB5 as blights on the neighborhood. One even commenting that Limelight is "the first" and certainly not to be the last that the neighborhood gets rid of, noting with a derisive sneer that Centro-Fly had just been nominated "Hottest Club in NYC, and therefore the biggest nuisance."

Peter Gatien has nothing to do with any of those clubs, right? Or does he? Why does a club by a certain name assume the reputation of the management? What if Blair proposed to call the place Papayalight? Or Limedarkness? Or Smudgepot? Would it still be suh a hated place? I say the arguments about what Gatien did are damned silly and baseless as a basis for argument against John Blair.

First they came for Twilo, then they came for Limelight and Tunnel. They got Tunnel, they might get Limelight. Next comes Centro? And then? Sound Factory? Exit? Vinyl's area is becoming more heavily residential, that's probably on the list... What does it take for us to stand up and speak our minds? To show that WE, the PUBLIC, should determine what is in the public interest, rather than a handful of uptight pensioners looking to make a quick million off the apartment they bought 30 years ago?

See you at the meeting, or not.


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Hey, listen: what's going on with NYC clubs is rapidly approaching discrimination, in my opinion. Perhaps it's a class issue - wealthy Manhattanites who have the money and power to transform a neighborhood via lobbying. They can scrub their streets clean of what they perceive as filthy lifestyles or people.

I like to think of NY as a city of tolerance and multiplicity - where varying races, classes, etc. can coexist. This isn't just a club issue - this is a philosophical one. It's simply unfair to shut down an entire subculture simply because you dislike its hours, or music, or members -whatever. As the excellent San Francisco Late Night Coalition says, "Dancing is not a crime." If drug use is the the city's concern, then by all means send in undercover DTs to make sure no one is shooting up on the dancefloor. I for one have absolutely no problem with that. I don't want to party in a drug den - and if you're using, a bit of composure and discretion is a good thing. If safety is the city's issue, then establish regulations to make sure the club is adequately air-conditioned and that enough free or cheap water is provided. As for noise - aren't there already noise ordinances in place?????

If we want public perception to change - if we want to combat this crack-down, then we must show up when given an opportunity like this town meeting.

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Wow, im really sad to see whats happening to the NYC clubs.

I moved up to boston about 7 years ago and the clubs here are okay. Nothing like NYC... and now with all the BS in NYC, Boston is starting to look good!!

I hope things work out and NYC keeps their #1 status!

(Boston could never be NYC ;) )


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Dating back from Disco 2000 and ending with Gatecrasher (the Tiesto night) and Keoki last Friday..

(need I ramble off all the talent I've lost my mind to at that club)

Gatien or no Gation it would be a sad scene to see those doors boarded up once again..


Do some of you want to see bigger DJs doing more VELVET ROPE Clubs with dress codes and small dance floors?

I say NO WAY!!


I'll try and make it to this ichi..

This creature of the night is right behind ya'!

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I will be there as well! I'm not quite as articulate as everyone else, however Presence alone shows support. And I agree with Pkern completely. It's not a club they are shutting down, it's a culture they are censoring.

And by the way, if they do allow the public to speak, PKern is who you want to do it! If she has a platform that she believes in, she kicks ass persuading other people in an educated and logical way. She'll leave them with nothing to say!

Are we really supposed to RSVP? And is it too late to do so???

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