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has made love with someone?

like how did it happen u just did, and how did u know that it was making love???

i never have at least i dont think i have

like ive been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and we never have, i love him and all but so where's the whole "making love" thing come in

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...mmmmhhhh, I think I had too much coffee or I've been locked alone in this office for too long cause I can't make sense to all this.

Are you asking what the difference between "making love" and just simply "having sex" is????? [scratches her head and thinks 'it's too late....I should go home soon"] ;)

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That's like asking how do you know when you're in love? You just know! I guess the best way I can describe it, it feels like you and your partner are one being, body mind and soul combined, working towards the goal of mutual pleasure- it's like you can feel your partner's pleasure as your own. It's rare but when it happens it's just mind blowing.

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Originally posted by romy20

has made love with someone?

like how did it happen u just did, and how did u know that it was making love???

i never have at least i dont think i have

like ive been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and we never have, i love him and all but so where's the whole "making love" thing come in

Well, It was our first time together. He had Jon B. playing. He knew that I dont really drink(at all back then). So you had two champagne glasses filled with sprite. He got down on his knee in front of me and just started staring at me. Telling me how beautiful I was and how he loved my eyes.

Then he placed his pointer finger under my chin lifted my head and and kissed me very gently and slow. He slowly began to lay me down and push me towards the top of the bed. We just kissed and touched eachother for about 15minutes. Then we started undressing eachother.

He was 5'9 tanned skin puerto Rican with the sexiest voice. He had about 8, 81/2. And his foreplay was amazing. I have never had sex or made love in slow motion because it bored me. But he knew exactly how to do it and make it enjoyable. He was a little to big for me though.

He knew when to slow down and when to go deeper.

He just stared into my eyes and kissed me the whole time.He never took his eyes off of me. He made me feel so beautiful.

I actually cried while we were doing this. He kissed me tear away and it was OOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh Ssssssssssoooooooooooooo good.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Wow, Chula- I nearly cried just reading that! That sounds beautiful... sniff... :*)

Me to Tasty. And the sad part about it, is that it was our first and our last time together. I havent spoken to him in years. We lost contact with eachother as usual.

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that sounds almost like my story!!!!!!!!!

It was the 1st and last time with my baby :( ....he was in the Navy (a former coworker of mine) but he kept visiting me over and over everytime he came back from overseas.....i knew there was something there because when i first met him ::sparks flew:: but we never really got to say anything until he left.....

well this time when he cameback, as soon as i saw him i flushed as i always do when he walks in the room(its so embarresing)

anyway long story short...he picked me up from work at 8......and we just parked and talked..talked for hours......just holding hands and talking (as if we were the 1st to invent volcabulary lol) anyway it started raining and i was sitting on his lap while he was holding me and he started crying......telling me he hated the navy and that he so regreted leaving me because (as we both agreed to this) there was so much left unsaid and undone.......so im all depressed now and i start crying silently (always trying to be the strong one :rolleyes: ) and he starts kissing my face..all over my face....everywhere except the lips......then he layed me down and kissed me everywhere (and i mean everywhere hehe) and finally when he did manage to kiss me on my lips before he did.........he said "i love you" and i felt so much pain..the kind of pain only happiness can give you..and then he kissed me and the rest is history......::sigh::

there are some days that you just love to remember but if you ever had the chance to relive it....you wouldnt do it again. it'll spoil........needless to say i havent spoken to him since.......but i heard he was back in town :D

(i still made it a long story lol)

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girls will always get played.

an acquiantance of mine did similar shit to get into his gf's pants. At some point he didn't know what to say, so he blurted "Look, aaaaah, I love you". Needless to say she bought his act and unspread those legs for him. (it's ironic in a sense that months later, he did end up falling in love with her)

After reading the first story, I was like 'wow' --- only to find out it was the first and last time this romeo saw this doll. Life can be a real bitch...

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thing is i kinda strayed, i was always that nomad type when it came to relationships......until i found my baby whose really holdin it down now :D...so you can say, i never saw him again lol

but like i sad before ::there are some days that you just love to remember but if you ever had the chance to relive it....you wouldnt do it again:: even if it wasnt "real love" god damn it it sure as hell felt like it (on both parts) ;)

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Lifa can be a bitch sometimes sosul. But it was worth the memory.

KAT: Your story was so Kute. That sounds so nice. How did you guys lose contact? We lost contact because he is the type to always change his number. Mine always stayed the same until I finally changed it. And neither one of us can contact the other.

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since he was in the navy he was traveling alot....back and forth.....i was also in the process of moving and stuff.....after he left wespoke like everyday..then the letters started as he was overseas...then we just lost contact (navy mail takes like a million years) my best friend is stationed in va and a he opens my letters in front of me lmao...he gets it like the day before he visits so......well then i got with the current bf (which was in the process around that time anyway) and you know i try to avoid him as much as possible when hes in town......;) im just so afraid of not having anything to say to him:confused:

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Originally posted by clubkat

it was just really good sex ::grrrrrrrr:: lmao


sossul, i know he didnt love me and I didnt love him. Well i did but as a friend. I know how he is and I know what he likes to do. And thats not my style.

But it was good for the moment.

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