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this is what should happen to the palestinians who were parading

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You people are so fucking ignorant it makes me sick...honestly. Try being pissed off at Bin Laden..who by the way is not Palestinian...and ohhhhh believe me, when Palestinians or other minorities die, you won't see them celebrating but let me tell you that Israelis and other people who fuck with people's lives by destroying their homes and stealing their land DO laugh about it. Why is there so muchhhhhhh ignorance in this world?And in this country?You people have been way too brainwashed.Wake up@:mad:

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Well first of all have you ever ever imagined what the jews have been doing with the palestine ppl ..

They have killed thousands of them

the same way russia have killed thousands of afghans

and the same way india have killed thousands of kashmir's

I feel sad about what happened. THe tradegy of WTC is something very shocking and makes me angry but at the same time we need to think now that there are ppl out there in this world who are like us and who even have feeling ...

So we should look for PEACE in this world not WAR ...

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it's understandable to be angry cause i am too....but the approach is all wrong...it's not palestinians u should be worried about~~>yea some were in the streets celebrating and that is disgusting.....but bin laden isn't even in palestine...and most palestinian-americans are very upset about this and i just don't think it's fair to categorize them all together~~>don't get me wrong....absolutely want the motherfuckers who did this blown up.....but a lot of people are wrong or misinformed on who it is.

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too bad israelis and russians didn't kill enough of them. Hopefully we will finish up and "clean up" that part of the world :D

yeah sassa u know your shit, i saw a lot of israeli's celebratign on tv when those fucking palestinians blew up a bomb outside a nightclub in tel aviv. Look at the world today, anywhere there is a conflict, fucking muslems are involved. Here, chechinya, middle east, indonesia, macedonia. Hmm... that should tell you something about who actually fucks with peoples lives.

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Surely you're all aware that it's not clear the celebration footage seen on television is even from this *year*? Some people are fairly adamant that the footage is of Israelis celebrating after Scud missiles were launched against Iraq at the beginning of the Gulf War.

There *are* reports that a *few* Palestinians have celebrated the attack, but nothing on the scale that the media have (possibly falsely) portrayed.

Just some food for thought, before too many people get up in arms.

BTW, I know some Palestinians who lost family members in the attack. Have a little heart, people.

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Wow I guess the one good thing about this board not working before was going to the other boards. At least the members were not as ignorant as you people.

You people know nothing but this country and the news you see and listen to is runn by jews(cnn). Did any of you notice those clips of the palistinians were supposley a couple hours after this horrible event. For all we know is that cnn( run by the jews) could have just told you that they were celebrating over the horrible event that took place in this country. That for all we know could of have been footage of the palistinians celebrating a week prior when jew soliders left a certain territory over their. What if that really was true? How can you judge a whole country of people over the action of a small amount.

Did you guys notice the clips were the same 5-8 faces but not whole large goup of people. It's funny how the news showed the reaction of the palistinians first trying to pin it on someone then they stop showing the clips. Let me teach you guys a lesson on something the news failed to tell you. The very next days thousands of palistinians in schools and mosque's gave a moment of silence for the victims and prayed for them. Hundreds also donated blood but you see cnn news didn't want to show you that but somebody on the ezdreamer club board was so kind to share those pics if you want to see with your own eyes. Why aren't we seeing NEW pics of the palistinians cheering but the same 5-8 faces? Because there aren't any.

If they were really cheering it is fucked up but you guys know that our country supports israel with 15 billion dollars a year. So we are practicly aiding israel to kill the palistinians, because you don't hear about it you don't know that the average of 10 kids die a day over their from israel troops. They also might be mad that our counrty is the one and only country that veto's all the proposel's that NATO comes up with to help the palistinians.

Are reall concern should be to get that fucking piece of shit Laden and all his cells and kill them.

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Some of you guys are straight out calling all the angry people ignorant and and misguided. Lets put it this way......

I don't remember a single American cheering when we ever heard of acts of terrorism being performed in the meddle east by or against the Palestinians. Yet they cheer when mass murder is comitted.

Here is my take.......FUCK EM. They are worthless human beings and they should be treated as such.

We should treat them the same way we treat mosquitoes....Try to squash every single one.

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I don't remember a single American cheering when we ever heard of acts of terrorism being performed in the meddle east by or against the Palestinians. Yet they cheer when mass murder is comitted.

I guarantee you that if the U.S. were to drop a nuclear bomb on the Palestinians tomorrow, there would be thousands of Americans celebrating. I hope that puts things in perspective for you.

Please look beyond your anger to consider the complexity of the situation -- and the fact that, contrary to what some of us were raised to believe, Americans are not better human beings than the rest of the world.

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Originally posted by hoke


BTW, I know some Palestinians who lost family members in the attack. Have a little heart, people.

ditto....and it is sooo true about the footage~~same couple faces and nothing really saying a time or reason for celebration!! there is a lot that we don't know....not fair to categorize...think before we speak and try not to come from anger!........it is only right to be angry but listen to what everyone has to say...u might learn something.

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You guys ever hear of propoganda? Those people could have been celebrating anything. The people of afganistan are AGAINST the taliban gov't. They are all being starved and killed by the fundamentalist gov't, they need our help and would not do this. If it was Palestinians then you have to understand that they view the United States as their enemy for helping Israel. Of course there gonna celebrate. The U.S. has economic embargoes that keeps people poor in the middle east, especially in kuwait. These embargoes are supposed to hurt Saddam Hussein and all them but he just takes from the country and it leaves the people starving. Then Hussein tells the people that there children are dying because of U.S. involvement, and he controls ALL news and outside information. The great nation that we are we cannot broadly condemn a people. We must search for those responsible. Our nation is based on diversity and immigration, thats what makes us great. All of you racists should leave cuz your no better than the terrorist, your calls to hatred disgust me as much as the celebration of death disgusted you.

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Originally posted by misk

ditto....and it is sooo true about the footage~~same couple faces and nothing really saying a time or reason for celebration!! there is a lot that we don't know....not fair to categorize...think before we speak and try not to come from anger!........it is only right to be angry but listen to what everyone has to say...u might learn something.

I'm glad to see that others noticed the same people in the footage. Cnn fucked up and they know it. Like I said not more than 2 -3 hrs after this tradgy they show footage of palistinians dancing with joy. Can you say they were looking to pin it on a group of people. The palistinians were the SCAPEGOAT. Now all the correct info has came out these last 5 days and the palistinians had nothing to do with it. Like I said who knows if even that footage was correct. We all know Cnn has tons and tons of footage of the palistinians. I just wonder why the news didn't show the footage of the thousands of palistinians who gave there condolences and prayers and even blood for are victims. Didn't your sociology profs give you guys a lesson on how are media can be misinforming.

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Originally posted by massad

too bad israelis and russians didn't kill enough of them. Hopefully we will finish up and "clean up" that part of the world :D

fucking muslems are involved. Here, chechinya, middle east, indonesia, macedonia. Hmm... that should tell you something about who actually fucks with peoples lives.

I understand you are angry

but are you saying by wiping out the second largest religion, close to 3 billion people world wide will make this better.

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to all the "macho-arrogant-misplaced-patriotism-guns-ablazin-ignorant-misinformed-propaganda-believin-trigger-happy-nuke-the-entire-ethnic-group-and-their-country-and-categorically-make-widesweeping-generalizations-and-racist-remarks-all-caps-writing-with-multiple-exclamation-points" posters on CP:

GET A FUCKING CLUE. the fact that you write in short bursts of caps and exclamation points screaming epithets shows your stupidity.

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to all the "macho-arrogant-misplaced-patriotism-guns-ablazin-ignorant-misinformed-propaganda-believin-trigger-happy-nuke-the-entire-ethnic-group-and-their-country-and-categorically-make-widesweeping-generalizations-and-racist-remarks-all-caps-writing-with-multiple-exclamation-points" posters on CP:

That made me smile. Not an easy thing recently :)

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Originally posted by massad

too bad israelis and russians didn't kill enough of them. Hopefully we will finish up and "clean up" that part of the world :D

yeah sassa u know your shit, i saw a lot of israeli's celebratign on tv when those fucking palestinians blew up a bomb outside a nightclub in tel aviv. Look at the world today, anywhere there is a conflict, fucking muslems are involved. Here, chechinya, middle east, indonesia, macedonia. Hmm... that should tell you something about who actually fucks with peoples lives.

OH REALLY??Do you mean to tell me that there are no other conflicts in the world that do not include Muslims?Get off your high horse pal. I am Muslim and I don't go around killing fucking people that aren't Muslim. Don't you dare try to generalize all of them into a bunch of sadistic motherfucking killers. You seem to be so narrow minded and caught up in what you think is right that you haven't allowed yourself to look at the other side of things. There are Muslim leaders and people who are DENOUNCING this act and telling people that this sort of thing is against their religion, which it is. So PLEASE don't try to twist this shit around like you know something because you obviously don't have a single clue what Islam and the people who follow it are all about. ben zona.

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Originally posted by sassa

OH REALLY??Do you mean to tell me that there are no other conflicts in the world that do not include Muslims?Get off your high horse pal. I am Muslim and I don't go around killing fucking people that aren't Muslim. Don't you dare try to generalize all of them into a bunch of sadistic motherfucking killers. You seem to be so narrow minded and caught up in what you think is right that you haven't allowed yourself to look at the other side of things. There are Muslim leaders and people who are DENOUNCING this act and telling people that this sort of thing is against their religion, which it is. So PLEASE don't try to twist this shit around like you know something because you obviously don't have a single clue what Islam and the people who follow it are all about. ben zona.

name me one conflict that doesn't involve muslims? (AFRICAN tribes don't count)

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