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What if you are choosed to Afganistan


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you dont want a ground war in afganistan, believe me. i grew up in russia, during the afghan war, and it wasnt a happy time. the terrain is not like Iraq, so the natives can hide behind rocks and ditches and perform guerilla sneak attacks. russia has lost hundreds of Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters and hundreds of pilots, to shoulder -held Stinger and TOW weapons. they lost major armor detachments, including BTR personnel carriers, T-72 and T-85 tanks and other modern equipment. major roads are trapped in a sea of land mines, anti personnel grenades and other devices. the population is extremely hostile, and suicidal in the name of jihad. the climate is hellish, during the day a melting heat, during the night, extreme cold, and no water anywhere. its a miserable wasteland, non arable except for poppie crops. the casualties will be staggering. this may be another vietnam. afghanis are ruthless and stupid, they only know the koran and allah, they will kill anything and anyone for their god.

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I get scared everytime Bush makes a speach or when makes a decision. I have a really bad feeling that this "war" on terrorism is going to be really messy and eventually lead to something far worse. I agree that the US should not send in ground troops in Afghanistan. They will all be wiped out. Vietnam should've taught them that lesson. The US has virtually no margin for error because it has to keep its Muslim allies. They are the best chances they have of eliminating terrorists. The US also cannot afford to make mistakes and accidentally kill innocent people. That will only bolster the Islamic fundamentalists. This "war" will be won by intelligence and not by military strength.

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I doubt that its gona be a ground troop that will launch the first attack. Most likely there will be air reconn and air strikes. Draft is the last thing that would occur in this country. Plus we have the Russians and few other military peeps on our side. I am more afraid of some shit going on in US than what will happen if I get called for the arms. :confused:

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Are u guys serious, we have them out numbered a million to one.they wont goto the ground on this, they are going to find them and bomb the SHIT out of them.Who ever is in the way, oh well. Im tired of felling sorry ,we just lost a ton of innocent people.Enough is enough.:mad:

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Originally posted by wise

Are u guys serious, we have them out numbered a million to one.they wont goto the ground on this, they are going to find them and bomb the SHIT out of them.Who ever is in the way, oh well. Im tired of felling sorry ,we just lost a ton of innocent people.Enough is enough.:mad:


you exist as oxymoron to your own screenname.

your simplistic and idiotic logic that outnumbering someone and blindly dropping bombs is utterly moronic.

if you're all in favor of strike, the very least you can do is present some well thought out military strategy, and not "we're #1. bomb the motherfuckers!"

yeah, enough stupidity is enough.

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Originally posted by loch


you exist as oxymoron to your own screenname.

your simplistic and idiotic logic that outnumbering someone and blindly dropping bombs is utterly moronic.

if you're all in favor of strike, the very least you can do is present some well thought out military strategy, and not "we're #1. bomb the motherfuckers!"

yeah, enough stupidity is enough.

Its interesting to see what kind of military action the US is going to persue. I believe claiming a war on Terrorism is about as conceded and 'gun-ho-ish' as claiming a war on drugs, the enemy is not tangible he is illusive. What is more interesting to observe is the motives of these terrorists. These people did not die in vane. These terrorists died for there beliefs. They must have thought that killing these people in the WTC would actually change something. What is it that they wanted to say? What was there message? Was it that American isn't impregnable? Was it that American's have to wake up the rest of world matters? Along those lines why is it that America never recieves foreign aid but always doles out when third world countries need something or are involved in some sort of emergency. Through the past week many ignorant US citizens have expressed their veiws and have physically shown there views to Paki's, Shieks, and maybe if you can find one Afghani's. How poorly can American's be shown if not through these ignorant people. For one thing American's surely are ignorant of the world around them. How many people do you know that can tell you what the PLO stands for. Or can explain what the Israeli-Palestian conflict is about. Do you know the name of our Secretary of State of Treasury? Ton's of american's don't even know there own Congressman. (Side note: being that your from WNY how does the skyline look now that the WTC is gone? I used to love rollerblading down JFK Blvd. now two huge things are deleted from that skyline its going to be mad different)

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i agree with jmuneton, declaring a war on terrorism is going to be as productive as shooting a bag of confiscated marijuana. the biggest threat to terrorism is not US bombs and bullets, but money and political stability. regions that are experiencing a higher standard of living and modernization, will be less likely to be radical and fundamentalist. in order to cut off the hand of terrorism, you must cut off the head, which is an unstable and backward government. to do that, we must all unite in an international coalition of politically stable and moderate countries. pariahs like afghanistan and iraq must crumble

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Guest saleen351

Give me gun, a cd disc man with Jps America track on repeat and I'm there!!!!!!!!!

Some thing to remeber, I don't care where America fights ppl always say the terrain issue, Its all BS, what war is fought in the middle of open grassy fields????/

Also in the Gulf only 1% bombs and missles were smart technology...We saw it as a chance to unload unused Vietnam artilary...We are 10 years in the future,,,the F-22 Raptor will not see action, it is not finished but think about this, the F1-17 Stealth Fighteer was built in the 70's but never saw action until the 90's...So what does the US have now?????????/ I don't know but I don't want to be the the reciveing end of it.....We will crush AFGAN like it no tommorow.......

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by perfecto25

regions that are experiencing a higher standard of living and modernization, will be less likely to be radical and fundamentalist. in order to cut off the hand of terrorism, you must cut off the head, which is an unstable and backward government. to do that, we must all unite in an international coalition of politically stable and moderate countries. pariahs like afghanistan and iraq must crumble

Ben ladin is worth $50,000,000, so hes got money then why is he fighting us,,,I'll tell you why ,,,he is evil and blame his problems on the US,,,,we work hard, we party hard and we fight hard,,,they are lazy bastards that cry,,,well get the tissues out cause there is gonna be a lot of crying over there, when we crush them..!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yo tribal knows his shit! wish youd write more post on the subject since ur so informed, most people just talk stupid shit. i'm thinking that the us should send in the air force first, then have a huge movement of us ground troops from pakistan. this would allow the u.s. to search for bin laden accurately. then russia(if they agree to help) could send their troops in from the north, or allow us ground troops to move through russia into afghanistan from the north, this pincer movement would fuck shit up.

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out of curiosity - has any of you been watching the news as of late? did we notice that no one knows where bin laden is? the russians claim (post factum, of course), that they knew where he was prior to tuesday's events. now they havent got a clue. the pakistanis claim the same thing. it has been proven by the russia's afgan experience that afganistan not a country into which you want to go with ground forces; its a hellish country in terms of terrain and weather. however, it is impossible to fight this by air forces only. the man hides in caves - are you gonna bomb every cave? are you gonna condemn the entire country, the entire people, because the extremist freaks are the ones in power? its not a democracy over there, these people didnt elect the taliban - its a militia government, i.e. they took over in a military coup. ground forces, however miserable the prospects of the benefits of it are, are going to have to go there and hunt bin laden and co on foot. because thats the only way to do it, he isnt anxious to come out and talk to us. and many innocent people are going to die, and as trigger-happy as so many of us are right now, that will only mean more funerals and memorial services.

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Originally posted by jmuneton

(Side note: being that your from WNY how does the skyline look now that the WTC is gone? I used to love rollerblading down JFK Blvd. now two huge things are deleted from that skyline its going to be mad different)

let me just say that from this side of the river, (i was late for work)i witnessed the second plane crash & explosion as well as the collapse of the second tower with my very own eyes.

there's nothing more i can say or describe that hasn't already been said everywhere.

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Originally posted by masaru

Hi,New York people.

First of all I really want to say,

You are safe and no one should be invoved in WAR which president Bush says.

What do you do if you are selected for military?

Should there be a draft you better believe I am gonna sign up for that shit. It will be a difficult war and we will lose many more Americans. But the fact remains that this is OUR COUNTRY and a great tragedy has befallen it. As a citizen of the USA it is your duty to go and protect it. GOD BLESS AMERICA and may GOD have no mercy on the souls who are responsible for this cruel and unjust act of terrorism.

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Originally posted by wackydream

...did we notice that no one knows where bin laden is?

...however, it is impossible to fight this by air forces only.

...ground forces, however miserable the prospects of the benefits of it are, are going to have to go there and hunt bin laden and co on foot.

...and many innocent people are going to die, and as trigger-happy as so many of us are right now, that will only mean more funerals and memorial services.

that, unfortunately, are also my sentiments.

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Originally posted by urallge

Should there be a draft you better believe I am gonna sign up for that shit. It will be a difficult war and we will lose many more Americans. But the fact remains that this is OUR COUNTRY and a great tragedy has befallen it. As a citizen of the USA it is your duty to go and protect it. GOD BLESS AMERICA and may GOD have no mercy on the souls who are responsible for this cruel and unjust act of terrorism.

If son of Bush and son of powell is not selected for military forever

can you still your patriotism?

I think famous son of politician is never drafted.

You USA ppl should take against this war.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by masaru

If son of Bush and son of powell is not selected for military forever

can you still your patriotism?

I think famous son of politician is never drafted.

You USA ppl should take against this war.

Elvis, Joe Dimmagio, and tons and tons of others have been selected...Go look at all the baseball records and you'll we see a majority of them were selected...It is a lottery not a decsion making process!!!!

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