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For all you nay sayers out there: they slit the throats of the women on the planes!!!

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Yea fox news is reported that womens throats were slit on the planes...They died gasping for air and bleeding to death , unable to scream for almight god to help them.... Instead of dieing instantly in a ball of fire then died slowly and painfully!!!

Where is my M-16!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez

know this how, fox news. sorry, but i know this might sound not right but there is no way i'm believing you. there are going to be several stories on how they took control but i really don't think they will ever find out.

Absolutely. Please everyone take everything you hear from the media with a grain of salt. Remember what they say....believe only half of what you see and none of what you read...or something like that....

ps...lukey...nice meeting you recently (at tempts labor day weekend!)

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Guest saleen351


go read it for your selfs. They don't get deep into it but they do state it...We do have some of the black boxes already...

And no you don't die instantly from a slash to the throat you must bleed to death..

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Originally posted by saleen351


go read it for your selfs. They don't get deep into it but they do state it...We do have some of the black boxes already...

And no you don't die instantly from a slash to the throat you must bleed to death..

A cut to the Jugular vein (which is in your neck) kills you before you even hit the floor. BTW not that I know from experience (LOL), I learned that in my anatomy & physiology class.

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i searched all over all the newsboards... and didnt see anything that said they slit theyre throats... plus how did they call theyre family members with theyre throats slit??? how did they cut everyone of theyre throats??? it sounds a lil like hype/propaganda...

if could show us this in writing then thats a diff. story...

More importantly i think its a lil too early to tell how the people on the plane died if not from impact... i think most of the efforts are going towards saving the missing and buried as opposed to researching the dead peoples bodies...

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of course something like that happened. Think about it. They hijacked a plane with box cutters. I don't know about you, but box cutters don't exactly frighten me. They had to do something to show they meant business. The first thing they probably did prob before anybody even realized it was a hijacking was kill a few passengers to make sure everybody knew what would happen if they got out of line. With 50 or more people to control you don't do it with threats while holding a razor blade and some plastic. You do it by showing blood. They knew ultimatly everyone aboard that plane was dead so why not scare the others on board so much so that they won't get out of their seats.

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Originally posted by saleen351


go read it for your selfs. They don't get deep into it but they do state it...We do have some of the black boxes already...

And no you don't die instantly from a slash to the throat you must bleed to death..

not for nothing....but do u believe everything u read????? don't let the media turn u into a hyped up war craving lunatic!!! not that i don't think we should take action but i just can't take these unthought-out posts from misinformed people.

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