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***Was anyone watching George W tonight???

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I thought our prez made a prettey decent speech. He is certainly promoting patriotism and showing a strong sense of pride and will.

Proud to be an American!!!!!!!!

Does anyone who watched the speech think he left something out or didn't deliver as well as he should have?

Also, he did promise to rebuild NYC.

Hellz fuckin yeah!!!!

And before this I didn't like George W.......

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"...will work with these two leaders, and we WILL rebuild New York City!"


If Bush follows through and rebuilds the trade towers, I will be totally confident in saying it was a good thing he was elected (provided of course this is paired with a well-handled military effort where needed).

I must say though, his promise to wipe terrorism out of the world as a whole is just a wee bit too ambitious, wouldn't you agree?

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I thought the was awesome...simple, short, and to the point! Its time for all Americans to be patriotic. I had the chills. The Bush Doctrine...the speech that will free the entire globe from terrorism. Mark this day donw in history as well.

gotta love his fierceness too.

get ready here we come!

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Guest saleen351

when they showed the lady whos husband stopped the terrorist, I almost broke down, How strong is she...She is a true America, I don't know how she did it! Bush was good, he was clear and to the point. I don't know if any of you guys understood why the camera was on that black lady wearing a gray suit for so long? WEll she was the only one not to vote for military action. The only fucking one, her name is barbra lee, her district is in cali by sanfran. Fuck her!!!!!!!

I almost started chantting , Rudy, rudy, rudy, like the movie...The talaban is done!

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Wow, that was one of the best speeches i have EVER heard. I didnt like Bush until today, but he changed my mind today. I was thinking what it would be like to have Gore in this situation....hmmmm... cant think of anything good. Gotta say that speech was on point!!! And his composure, and showing of emotion (real or not), and the way he behaved after the speech.

Was great to see Pataki and Giuliani (best friends now??) I say we do anything to keep Giuliani mayor for another term (wonder how many people here going to get on my case for this one) NO ONE could have handled this, and any crisis, the way Giuliani has. He is by far the best mayor we could have right now.


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Did anyone happen to notice how the entire congression would give standing ovations except for the supreme court judges most of the time.

I did see the justices applaud at times, but I have no idea why they just sat and applauded for a lot of the key issues instead of giving a standing ovation.

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Saleen351 said it best.....Fuck Barbara Lee....FUCK HER. She doesn't belong in congress.

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Bush definitely showed some true leadership today. Its about time he stepped up to the plate and show his true capabilities. He has tons of people who doubted his capabilities before tonight. I know that he changed a lot of people's opinion tonight! Hopefully, he will continue on being a true leader of the U.S.!!!

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Bushie kicked some major ass tonight. The events that occured on 9/11 call for some serious action. He's stepping up to the plate and doing what needs to be done. I love the confidence and passion he showed tonight. Clinton looks like a fucking wimp compared to him. I guess we will see.....

*On CNN tonight, they said that they were building 4 five story buildings in place of the WTC's.

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Ah chill mso

Ya gotta admit it really was a good speech. I didn't vote for the man or anything, but he is really doing a good job in this crisis so far. Hate to see where this is gonna lead though we may be fighting covert wars for years. although hey maybe that's what it's gonna take. I just hope we really promote democracies instead of right wing dictotorships.


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Originally posted by somebitch

i think hes a horrible speaker. his words dont seem geniune to me at all... he just says what we want to hear, any idiot could do that.

EXACTLY- I cant beleive this many people think he did a good job. First of all, Its not like he wrote that speech. Second of all his delivery was horrible. He inspires absolutely no confidence. He has no presence.

Third, that speech was nothing if you compare it to the speeches given by past leaders of this country at critical moments in history. You cant even compare it to FDR's "Day of Infamy" speech, or LBJ's "We Shall Overcome." come on. I mean, THAT is what kids are going to read about for generations?


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Originally posted by msoprano13


How do you know he did not mean russian mafia, asian mafia, there are more mafias then just Italians... I am Italian, it did not bother me.

Other than that, that was the first good speech I have seen from the new President. I was actually impressed.

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Dunno about it being one of the greatest speeches of all time, but it sounded like a good speech

The demands he made on the Taliban were more than I expected, but they make sense and are quite comprehensive, and it would be great if all of them were to be achieved.

He's probably a much better motivator on a more personal, one-to-one, face-to-face level

An example of that was when he talked to the rescue workers - that seemed like much less of a prepared speech, if it was one at all

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I thought it was a really good speech and I'm glad he made it clear that this was not going to be a religious war whatsoever. Especially when he said that these terrorists blaspheme the name of Allah with their actions. I would be shitting my pants right now if I was a country that was harboring these groups.

I also tried to imagine what Gore would have been like giving the speech. Probably some shit like "We'll only use recycled missles" and "Plant a tree for every person that has died" or some shit like that. I just don't think Gore could convey the same "don't fuck with us" attitude that Bush did.

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I think the Bush administration has a very good speechwriter(s). They had him say everything that needed to be said. But as for Bush personally, I still have zero confidence in the man. I'm glad he read it through a couple times so he didn't stumble over any words with more than two syllables. Thank god his daddy picked a good cabinet for him, or else I would be very scared at this time.

Anyone else think he always looks really confused when speaking to a large gathering? Maybe he just has some kind of permanent aloof look to him. I don't think he qualifies as very good leader, as he has basically been forbidden to speak off-the-cuff. After his "crusades" and "dead or alive" fumbles, I don't blame them. And them telling Rudy to get off the air because he seemed to be the one leading everyone through this crisis, that says it all for me.

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