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YES, More=Less

I came to this conclusion recently, I was enjoying the beautiful weather, sitting outside with Mike, Allyssa and Nicole (names have been changed to protect the innocent) when it hit me as we were talking, More=Less. I confirmed this with Mike as soon as the girls got up to go look at the flowers or some such shit. So here it is, take it to heart.

While having somehow or other found myself involved with this girl I realize that she wants MORE, if I do get involved with her or continue to fornicate with her it will =LESS for me (LESS, money, partying, time riding motorcycles, watching MTV, etc). Therefore using E=MC squared (the theory of relativity) and some basic accounting principals I conclude that if I give her MORE, that means LESS for me. I refuse to have LESS for me, so I say NO.

Mull it over, MORE=LESS, avoid relationships, especially for all you winter sport enthusiasts, cold weather is upon us and you need to be saving for the upcoming season. If you can find a girl (or guy for you ladies) that just wants to molest you and take advantage of your manhood go for it (this was my original hope), however this seems to be highly unlikely so watch out.

This Public Service Announcement has been brought to sd.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

I have a snowboarding question to ask if you do...

Glad somebody appreciates my thought process.

I actually ski, but I should be able to answer your question regardless, I've been working in and out of ski/snowboard shops for the 7-8 seasons. Let me know what it is.

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Originally posted by lollib

I guess that is a way of looking at it. Although you just havent met the right girl yet to make you want to want to give up some time for yourself. If you did, then you wouldnt even have those thoughts running through your mind!!

Your absolutely right, I haven't met the right girl yet, I don't doubt that when I do meet her I will be completely throw myself into our relationship, be in love and be excited for mushy time with her. I also wouldn't consider it "giving up time" I would want to spend my time with her, I would value every moment I had with her. All I'm saying is I'm not going to waste my time in a relationship thats not right for me. I have therefore included my description below of the perfect woman, if any of you women feel you meet the criteria specified, please PM me, otherwise don't bother wasting my time.

Size 6, 36C's, athletic, fun, dirty in bed, who swears and talks shit, who's sarcastic, intelligent, loving, caring, understanding and helpful, who looks as good in a Vera Wang in Monte Carlo as in some Bonfire gear hiking in the Cascades, who travels and understands the world, who can party with the best of them yet also sit at dinner and discuss the finer points of various political enigmas or the advantages of free market societies, and makes tons of money for me to spend and lets me be Mr. Mom and let the kids cut school to go heli-skiing, who loves me and accepts me with all my faults.

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Originally posted by sd

Glad somebody appreciates my thought process.

I actually ski, but I should be able to answer your question regardless, I've been working in and out of ski/snowboard shops for the 7-8 seasons. Let me know what it is.

Remember EVOL Snowboards??? they were a company that was around in the mid 90's... anyway. im looking for boards from them and i cant find shit for them anywhere ... can you help me b???

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Originally posted by sd

Your absolutely right, I haven't met the right girl yet, I don't doubt that when I do meet her I will be completely throw myself into our relationship, be in love and be excited for mushy time with her. I also wouldn't consider it "giving up time" I would want to spend my time with her, I would value every moment I had with her. All I'm saying is I'm not going to waste my time in a relationship thats not right for me. I have therefore included my description below of the perfect woman, if any of you women feel you meet the criteria specified, please PM me, otherwise don't bother wasting my time.

Size 6, 36C's, athletic, fun, dirty in bed, who swears and talks shit, who's sarcastic, intelligent, loving, caring, understanding and helpful, who looks as good in a Vera Wang in Monte Carlo as in some Bonfire gear hiking in the Cascades, who travels and understands the world, who can party with the best of them yet also sit at dinner and discuss the finer points of various political enigmas or the advantages of free market societies, and makes tons of money for me to spend and lets me be Mr. Mom and let the kids cut school to go heli-skiing, who loves me and accepts me with all my faults.

WHEW! Poor women. She needs to be perfect!
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Originally posted by dgmodel

Remember EVOL Snowboards??? they were a company that was around in the mid 90's... anyway. im looking for boards from them and i cant find shit for them anywhere ... can you help me b???

I do actually. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they were bought out by Ride which was then bought out by K2. The whole snowboarding industry consolidated in the mid 90's. I remember in about 1996 there were 350+ snowboard companies at the yearly trade show in Vegas. A year later there were less than 50. The growth that had been experienced in the Snowboard business leveled off and to continue to expand the next step was to buy out your competitiors. This was the reasoning behind the consolidation as well as the advantages of economies of scale. There were also a lot of really poorly run business's tthat failed.

So to answer your question, I don't think your going to find another Evol. If a shop has a board even a year old it gets sold a 50% off, if its still around after 2 years they practically give it away as it has no retail value. Since Evol has been gone for a few years I wouldn't hold out waiting for one to show up. The flip side to this though is that the reason those year old boards are so cheap is that its obviously not the "new" thing and more importantly the improvements in design year to year are huge, boards hold better on ice, have better dampening ability and are lighter. So go out and get yourself a dope new ride, like a Burton BMC, or a Ride Timeless. Sorry to break the bad news to you, I'm sure you were emotionally attached to your board.

Now back to the subject at hand. Ladies anyone out there meeting my criteria.

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I have one thing to say....SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

If you have a great gal you can do all those things together and if you don't then she should have respect for you and for herself that you still need to do your individual stuff.


one last thing to say......grow the fuck up!! unless you are planning to spend the rest of your life as a bachelor.

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Originally posted by sistatrixie

I have one thing to say....SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

If you have a great gal you can do all those things together and if you don't then she should have respect for you and for herself that you still need to do your individual stuff.


one last thing to say......grow the fuck up!! unless you are planning to spend the rest of your life as a bachelor.

shes right. you are being selfish. you are thinking about what someone can do for you, and the qualities they need to have to be compatible with you. open your mind or you will never find anyone suitable. i bet when you find the right girl she will not be what you expect.

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Yeah, sometimes you cant help who you fall in love with. Believe me, I have an idea of what I want but if a person I meet doesnt fit all those qualities, it doesnt mean I wont give them a chance. I am also thinking that your post of your perfect girl was a little exaggerated? No??

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Originally posted by tastyt

Good luck finding her- in the meantime may I suggest stocking up on plenty of lube...

tasty, I appreciate your concern. Luckily I have a significant amount of K-Y Jelly left over from my ex, who was really dry. Enough to insure that I have a never ending supply of lube.

I am also involved in the research and development of SEX Toy for men (potential names at this point are, "The Handless Wonder", "Wang Off" and "Licks Your Balls and Gets You OFF"), a SEX Toy that will get men off as well as a vibrator does a woman. Once I have completed this research and this SEX Toy is being manufactured I will be able to wait for the woman of my dreams to be created.

Hopefully they get this stem cell research moving and can genetically engineer her soon so I don't have to wait to long.

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ok so more=less....more for her less for him right?

so if the girl is always the independant type right.....and she always has money on her (but she didnt have a job at the time) so she goes on a shopping spree (well she bought a pair of boots lol) and her guy goes "where did you get the money from" and the girl says "as long as its not out of your pocket dont worry about it"....so the guy gets all pissed cause he wants to know....but the girl feels as though if she not doing something to disrespect him to get the money ::stripping, cheating, pimping ect,ect::, he shouldnt need to know.....doesnt the less=more system apply for him? and should he not get all ballsy about it??

or does he need to know evvverrryyythhhiiinnnnngggg:confused:

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Originally posted by sd

I am also involved in the research and development of SEX Toy for men (potential names at this point are, "The Handless Wonder", "Wang Off" and "Licks Your Balls and Gets You OFF"), a SEX Toy that will get men off as well as a vibrator does a woman. Once I have completed this research and this SEX Toy is being manufactured I will be able to wait for the woman of my dreams to be created.

You could always just use the vaccuum cleaner like that guy in Scary Movie. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by sd

YES, More=Less

she wants MORE, if I do get involved with her or continue to fornicate with her it will =LESS for me.......I conclude that if I give her MORE, that means LESS for me. I refuse to have LESS for me, so I say NO.

If you can find a girl (or guy for you ladies) that just wants to molest you and take advantage of your manhood go for it (this was my original hope), however this seems to be highly unlikely so watch out.

This Public Service Announcement has been brought to sd.

Those have gotta be some of the best lines I have read today....

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clubkat - More=Less is valid for both girls and guys.

lollib - Exaggerated!!! If anything I thought it was understated. HAHAHA

The More=Less theorem was the result of the frustration of the difficulty in finding that person that is right for me. The difficulty of finding someone has been discussed on numerous occasions right here on the CP boards. The premise of the whole thing, is I'm not going to get involved in a relationship where I am going to give of myself for a relationship that will not work and a relationship I won't be completely commited to, I believe I'm better off abstaining from women.

The truth of the matter, as I alluded to before, is that I can't wait to meet and fall completely in LOVE with the woman I am going to share the rest of my life with, the woman who is going to give birth to and raise my children with me. The woman I'm going to share the experience of life with, the exhilerations, the sadness, the joy and strain. The woman who will be my best friend and confidant, who can lean on me when she needs love and nurturing and care, who I can turn to when I have doubts and concerns. I can't wait for all of these things, I see my parents who have this kind of relationship and I can't help but be amazed and envious, and just hope that I can be that lucky. lollib, your right , you have no control over you fall in love with, or when or how it will happen, and I'm glad I don't, it'll be amazing when it does.

Until then, I'll follow tastyt's advice and go out and get a vacuum cleaner. I am also looking into the viability of Road Trip method, stimulation via colon.

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Well, when you put it into those words, makes it seem a lot nicer. I couldnt agree with you more. At this point in my life, I am not going to be with someone for the hell of it. I dont need to be in a relationship but when I fins that certain someone, then I will be ready to give it my all. SD, couldnt have said it better myself;)

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