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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by Rad_Z


What orthodox neighborhoods do u go to?

Even though, i totally disagree with saleen's racist views,

he does have a point about the flags in those neighborhoods...


If you go down to brooklyn, around prospect and verrazano, You'll probably agree with saleen.

Thank you, I say kick all of the orthodox jews out of the country...and another thing, orthodox and regular jews usually DON"T LIVE IN THE same neighborhoods.... Trust me my mother is realestate agent....

Also for the ppl who wanted to tell on ppl and report to DAVE I say "are you fucking kidding me, you fucking losers, give me a fucking break, the 1st amedment protects us, if you don't like it don't post, Damm you ppl must of been hall monitors in elementary school...." God the NJ board kicks ass compared to some of you "P.C." losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck the orthodox, I'll fucking run em over with my car...Do you ppl actually think those bastards would fight for this country?? An orthodox with a m-16, yea right............never gonna happen...

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(saleen and robocock), you people are ignorant, racist and lack the intelligence to make any valid and substantial points in your argument. throughout history, the jews have persevered filth like yourselves, and have come out prosperous and powerful. you seem to hold that success against this particular group of people. looking back at history, much of the advances in sciences and society were contributed by jews, (Oppenheimer - Manhattan project, Georg Cantor - theory of infinity and advanced matrix composition, Einstein, Stravinsky, Gugenheim, Saharov, etc, etc). the jews will be there when you and i are gone, because they are resourceful and shrewd people, much unlike yourself. it takes a fool to rabidly spew hate-filled rhetoric at a particular ethnic group, yet it takes a mind to justify and recognize a significance of that ethnic group. i wish you no ill, i just feel sorry for you, and your skewed and amateur perception.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by perfecto25

(saleen and robocock), you people are ignorant, racist and lack the intelligence to make any valid and substantial points in your argument. throughout history, the jews have persevered filth like yourselves, and have come out prosperous and powerful. you seem to hold that success against this particular group of people. looking back at history, much of the advances in sciences and society were contributed by jews, (Oppenheimer - Manhattan project, Georg Cantor - theory of infinity and advanced matrix composition, Einstein, Stravinsky, Gugenheim, Saharov, etc, etc). the jews will be there when you and i are gone, because they are resourceful and shrewd people, much unlike yourself. it takes a fool to rabidly spew hate-filled rhetoric at a particular ethnic group, yet it takes a mind to justify and recognize a significance of that ethnic group. i wish you no ill, i just feel sorry for you, and your skewed and amateur perception.

Bro you wanta get into a pissing match about jews and itialians, I don't fucking care, all I'm saying is that they don't fly flags. Its that simple. With out americans jews would all be dead from hitler or the arabs. So fuck you cause we saved your asses....

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i really dont have any coments on this post, i actually think that youre pretty stupid and mindless but thats ok...

anyways this reminds me of a mean ass joke that my friend made once...

how do you fit 40 jews in a cab?

(ans: 2 in the front 2 in the back, 36 in the ash tray)

i know this is mean but it doesnt reflect any of my views ... just something i thought i d share...

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Let me begin by saying my view on Jewish people is distorted, because of the fact that my brother and I have been denied jobs because of our German last name, pointively at times. That to me is absolutely wrong but we would never be able to do anything to subjugate those employers to any penalties because the World Jewish council would never let anything happen to defame their position within American society, the same way they have lacked in their handling of the media in the Middle East. Perseverance is one thing but their lack of cohersion and assimilation into society and bigot views of some has led me to view them harshly. Experiences breed you, and unfortunately for my view towards jews it has leaned negatively. In terms of what the situation is right now, the US foreign policies of the past 50 years has a lot to do with the anti american sentiment in the Middle East. We created Israel in 1948 and decided that we should give them the land back, why (because of WWII, we had no right to take the land from those countries), should the U.S. have gone back into history and recreated borders and brought back old civilizations just because it can...

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Originally posted by saleen351

Bro you wanta get into a pissing match about jews and itialians, I don't fucking care, all I'm saying is that they don't fly flags. Its that simple. With out americans jews would all be dead from hitler or the arabs. So fuck you cause we saved your asses....

the russians saved the jews in europe, not us

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wow... jews shouldnt be hated that much... they are a small country and look how much they are rising... they run better than Michael Johnson when you roll a penny down the street...

ppl might be saying this (me)... but once u think of it... thats how they are rich!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bigpoppanils

the russians saved the jews in europe, not us

Your history is sooo off, you need to read a book or two buddy

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Originally posted by saleen351

Thank you, I say kick all of the orthodox jews out of the country...and another thing, orthodox and regular jews usually DON"T LIVE IN THE same neighborhoods.... Trust me my mother is realestate agent....

Also for the ppl who wanted to tell on ppl and report to DAVE I say "are you fucking kidding me, you fucking losers, give me a fucking break, the 1st amedment protects us, if you don't like it don't post, Damm you ppl must of been hall monitors in elementary school...." God the NJ board kicks ass compared to some of you "P.C." losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck the orthodox, I'll fucking run em over with my car...Do you ppl actually think those bastards would fight for this country?? An orthodox with a m-16, yea right............never gonna happen...

What car would that be, the 1986 Mustang LX? You really deserve to be put to sleep you know that? What's wrong w/you? Actually what's wrong w/me for constantly asking that question? You shouldn't even be mentioning the Jersey board, considering NOBODY likes you there. Your ignorant, your rude and you have nothing going for you. No hair, no job, no life. Normally I'd never say those things to a person but you have no redeeming qualities, I can't even feel bad about it.

And trust you, your mother's a real estate agent? Who cares what your mother does, what does that have to do w/anything? who are you to judge any religion? What kind of person are you? Maybe if you tried to be a better person, better things would come your way!


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Jews were the first settlers in Palenstine. There more than 7 arab countries....how many countries do the jews have?


Robocok: U ignorant racist fuck...pick up a history book. Israel isn't causing problems...its defending itself. Israel should bomb gaza & the west bank, get rid of the Palenstinians. They are just as evil as the Taliban & bin Laden. Why do u think the US supports Israel? b/c Israel is the ONLY democracy in the middle east. All those poverty stricken arab countries harbor terrorists & opress their ppl...afganistan, syria, iran, iraq.

The Jews were slaves for 40 years & 6 million were killed in WW@, we perserved. Hollywood is run by JEWS! Israel, a tiny country defeated 6 ARAB COUNTRIES in 1976.

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Originally posted by n30

i really dont have any coments on this post, i actually think that youre pretty stupid and mindless but thats ok...

anyways this reminds me of a mean ass joke that my friend made once...

how do you fit 40 jews in a cab?

2 in the front 2 in the back, 36 in the ash tray)

i know this is mean but it doesnt reflect any of my views ... just something i thought i d share...

UR just as igorant & racist as robocock! That cruel joke made me tear...my grandmother was in a concentration camp. I hope U GET HIT BY A BUS U WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!
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It's really hard for me not to directly respond to all of the ridiculously inflamatory biggoted and ignorant statements and jokes. Any person who has made a single statement or joke that has been derogatory to the Jewish people is a person I pity, just think about what you are doing, I am Jewish, you have never met me but you feel the need to insult me, and you feel that you know what type of person I am, that is logically impossible, this might seem confusing to you (robocock, saleem, N30, etc.) But it is a very simple concept.


With out americans

jews would all be dead from hitler or the arabs

There are American Jews....not all Jews live in Isreal or lived in Europe during WWII

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Originally posted by twilogoddess

The Jews were the first settlers in Palenstine. There more than 7 arab countries....how many countries do the jews have?


Robocok: U ignorant racist fuck...pick up a history book. Israel isn't causing problems...its defending itself. Israel should bomb gaza & the west bank, get rid of the Palenstinians. They are just as evil as the Taliban & bin Laden. Why do u think the US supports Israel? b/c Israel is the ONLY democracy in the middle east. All those poverty stricken arab countries harbor terrorists & opress their ppl...afganistan, syria, iran, iraq.

The Jews were slaves for 40 years & 6 million were killed in WW@, we perserved. Hollywood is run by JEWS! Israel, a tiny country defeated 6 ARAB COUNTRIES in 1976.

I beg to differ. Jews were not the first settlers. Philistines and Phoenicians were one of the few tribes to first settle in this area. When the first mass wave of Jewish immigration to Israel started in the late 1890's, the percentage of Jewish residents in Palestine were only around 1%. After the three major waves, that number shot to almost 50%. What you wrote is complete bullshit...where are you getting your information from?Democracy my ass....Israel is no democracy. And if you were so smart, TwiloGoddess, you'd realize that there are Arab democracies in this region as well,so NO,Israel is not the only democratic state in the Middle East. Second, I would like to address the "defending themselves" phrase. Defend themselves from who,first of all?Do you by any chance watch news other than CNN,which is extremely biased? The Palestinians don't have much support from the outside and they in no way in hell can afford the military equipment Israel has. Palestinians kids fight with stones and sticks they gather together, while Israeli soldiers (probably some guys from my high school class as well) shoot these kids with AK-47's and tanks. Fucking TANKS. So, before you say something as ignorant as you did, please read up on this topic. I'm sorry to say this, but you don't know jack shit about the Middle East. Living an hour away from this bullshit and being afraid every time you sit in a bus was life for me for a while. Even having my Arab and Jewish friends together couldn't be possible, even though none of us cared about who we were. You cannot possibly begin to learn to understand that.

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yea, and barslut, you arent really robocok? gee, fooled us there. this thread is completely pointless. im only replying as to what sasa said. sasa thats bullshit hon, sorry. #1, name me 1 real democracy in the middle east besides israel and turkey, where citizens have more than 1 party. technically iraq is a democracy, with the baath party in control, for the past 30 years. so saddam gets statistically impossible 99.7% of the popular vote. yea, next. #2 the fact is many israelis are extreme in their view toward palestinians and yes, the palestinians are treated like shit by the border soldiers. why? heres a clue. almost every month, there is a suicide bomb, and not by a far off wacko like McVeigh and unabomber, but state sponsored groups like Tanzim and PFLP. israel is protecting itself just like america is protecting itself in the current situation. how can you blame people for being defensive and vigilant, when they have been attacked 3 times by 6 arab nations in the last 50 years? sadly to say, 1. there will probably be another war soon, 2. i dont see any clear resolution to this conflict. also one more important point, sasa you said that the war in israel is little kids with stones vs trained soldiers. way to go sasa! you got the sympathy! such a clear black/white situation, kids vs soldiers right? wrong. you forgot to mention Hamas, Hezbolah, Force 17, groups which attack israelis on daily basis, not with stones, but with assault/sniper rifles, mortars, firebombs and grenades. the people who live in Gilo, are shot at daily by the palestinians. imagine getting up for work, having your coffee and having to duck for stray bullets every morning. sad picture, not exactly kids with stones now is it? you also forgot to mention the hideous anti-israeli propaganda played on palestinian state media, urging young kids to attack soldiers. this situation isnt black/white, right/wrong. we must all see the gray areas. ciao

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Originally posted by tribal

yea, and barslut, you arent really robocok? gee, fooled us there. this thread is completely pointless. im only replying as to what sasa said. sasa thats bullshit hon, sorry. #1, name me 1 real democracy in the middle east besides israel and turkey, where citizens have more than 1 party. technically iraq is a democracy, with the baath party in control, for the past 30 years. so saddam gets statistically impossible 99.7% of the popular vote. yea, next. #2 the fact is many israelis are extreme in their view toward palestinians and yes, the palestinians are treated like shit by the border soldiers. why? heres a clue. almost every month, there is a suicide bomb, and not by a far off wacko like McVeigh and unabomber, but state sponsored groups like Tanzim and PFLP. israel is protecting itself just like america is protecting itself in the current situation. how can you blame people for being defensive and vigilant, when they have been attacked 3 times by 6 arab nations in the last 50 years? sadly to say, 1. there will probably be another war soon, 2. i dont see any clear resolution to this conflict. also one more important point, sasa you said that the war in israel is little kids with stones vs trained soldiers. way to go sasa! you got the sympathy! such a clear black/white situation, kids vs soldiers right? wrong. you forgot to mention Hamas, Hezbolah, Force 17, groups which attack israelis on daily basis, not with stones, but with assault/sniper rifles, mortars, firebombs and grenades. the people who live in Gilo, are shot at daily by the palestinians. imagine getting up for work, having your coffee and having to duck for stray bullets every morning. sad picture, not exactly kids with stones now is it? you also forgot to mention the hideous anti-israeli propaganda played on palestinian state media, urging young kids to attack soldiers. this situation isnt black/white, right/wrong. we must all see the gray areas. ciao

You are right. Both sides have their bad and good...but Palestine doesn't have what Israel does...US support and 5 billion dollars a year. (from our own pockets, mind you). So that means, if I go back to Israel I can get a check for a thousand dollars from the US government just because I'm an Israeli citizen!Isn't that sweet! Politics in this region are clearly biased and favoritism is leaning heavily towards Israelis. Palestinians are not really like in the Arab world, mind you. They have their faults. But mostly it's a whole lot of stereotyping and generalizing of the people. I've met the most intelligent Palestinians ever and could never compare them to the people over there. I guess it depends on how you look at things...but it's such bullshit when a high ranking Palestinian official is assassinated and the media doesn't say shit about it, but when an Israeli cabinet member is killed, all hell breaks loose...where does the majority lean towards to?You got it, Israel.

Tribal, thank you for responding in a mature manner, I really appreciate it. Have a good weekend.

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Have you ever heard of the mossad....well for your information, without them the US would be in hell rihgt now, they are the most highly specialized intelligence in the world, and who are they, israeli jews. so unless you want to die by being attacked, which come to think of it wouldnt be so bad afte rthe idiot things yo uhave to say, then go ahead....


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pickles16

Have you ever heard of the mossad....well for your information, without them the US would be in hell rihgt now, they are the most highly specialized intelligence in the world, and who are they, israeli jews. so unless you want to die by being attacked, which come to think of it wouldnt be so bad afte rthe idiot things yo uhave to say, then go ahead....


Stupid jews:

Jews are the only people that get killed (about 6 million of them) then 50 years later they sell out and buy german cars.. MORONS!

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sad to say, after saleens reply, i feel no interest in this thread, it lost its debatable significance. i feel sorry for you saleen, i hope you go to school, travel, engage, and learn about areas outside of jersey, and then judge an entire race of people. in one crude comment, you have insulted two great cultures. proviniciality spawns xenophobia and misplaced contempt. good luck to all of you.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by tribal

sad to say, after saleens reply, i feel no interest in this thread, it lost its debatable significance. i feel sorry for you saleen, i hope you go to school, travel, engage, and learn about areas outside of jersey, and then judge an entire race of people. in one crude comment, you have insulted two great cultures. proviniciality spawns xenophobia and misplaced contempt. good luck to all of you.

Hey for two summers I was a valet at this place called David Magen in Deal NJ. Rich jew town. Any how these ppl were speding 30k alone on just the flowers for these weddings, and the thing that struck me as odd, they all drive Beemers or benzes..WTF. I just don't get it. Trust me I would never drive a foriegn car if that country just 50 years ago killed 6 million ppl of my faith and culture and would have kept on killing if us didn't stop them...Common sense to me...not racist

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by xkingchangox

Im not a Jew, however I do 95% of my business with them and have never encountered any of them being stupid as saleen has said. I think hes just mad because he had to park their cars and they spent more money on flowers then what his dad brings home in a year.

I don't think so, I sold my saleen351sc speedster, why don't you go see what that car goes for???? IDIOT!!!!!! I was 17 years old when I was a valet and and I made 300-400 a wedding for 2 hours of work...So fuck you. Stupid jews buying German cars is such a slap in the face for all the americas that saved them..

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Originally posted by saleen351

Stupid jews buying German cars is such a slap in the face for all the americas that saved them..

...and stupid Americans buying Japanese cars is such a slap in the face for all the Americans that experienced Pearl Harbor on December 6, 1941.

..and stupid Japanese buying American products is such a slap in the face for all Japanese that died as of the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

...so what's your freaking point?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, getting back to robocock's question:

Originally posted by robocock why did Hitler killed so many jews?

Because he was a highly dangerous fanatic who needed to deliver some scapegoat in order to fool and delude people that were simple and stupid enough to believe in the superiority of any race or religion.

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