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Sf's Paris

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Originally posted by guccigrlnyc

Paris is a chill guy/girl whatever you want to call her, lol ITs all about like you guys said who your with and how you look, I am kind of glad she doesnt let some people in, there sometimes are way too many people in there. You def have to be with girls if your a guy or you at least have to look good and know her, I know she turns down some guys but after the 3rd time around on the line you usually will get in, just be patient, I know I am cool with her and always say hello, she always walks me right in no matter who i am with, so if any of you guys need to get in, come with me! Shes overall choosy about who gets in, but hey just imagine if just "anyone" got in imagine what the crowd would be like, it would no longer be the :PRETTY PEOPLE PLACE: Well good luck to you all, see you SATS at 5am, another thing is if your not a regular she can tell so you usually won't get in so go with regulars and you should have no problems!

muahz <3 Cristina <3

So true what you said. But, it ain't so much the "pretty people place" anymore though.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Not true...just coz I like to rip it up on the dancefloor wearing baggy pants and sneakers does not mean that I can be stereotyped according to that.

THats like saying that your choice of clothes at a gym defines your character.

Every choice you make is a representation of your self.

An exception of clothing would be wearing a uniform. ie: school, military, ect.

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SF is suppose to be the "PRETTY PEOPLE PLACE"?????

Since when did they start to be known for that?

WHat i recall is that SF was known to be a "half-naked juicehead half-naked hoochie" place.

And a half naked hoochi doesnt really have to be "pretty" to get into SF.


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Just a point of concession towards both sides of the argument here...

Yes, it's true that paris is doing his/her job in not letting everyone in. HOWEVER, if I had just driven alllllll the way to NY from DC (and I can honestly attest it's a long, boring drive and you're on the jersey pike for an eternity) and you get turned away from the club, that's quite a lot of time wasted and I'd have some harsh words for the doorperson whether it was Paris, Bill Clinton or my mom. So, I'd say Sosultan has the right to be pissed and vent. Ingrid, we know you're sweetie and it's cool your speaking in Paris's defense, but if his being annoyed bothers you you're probably just best off to ignore it altogether and the more luck you have with Paris, more power to you. :) now, let's all take a nice deep breath and smile :D

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i hate to see this as another hate thread. you guys are calling paris names and talking shit, but do u notice how every1 knows who she is and she is sum1...while u are just the guy that got turned away from SF. if you were someone of importance, that would never happen.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Just a point of concession towards both sides of the argument here...

Yes, it's true that paris is doing his/her job in not letting everyone in. HOWEVER, if I had just driven alllllll the way to NY from DC (and I can honestly attest it's a long, boring drive and you're on the jersey pike for an eternity) and you get turned away from the club, that's quite a lot of time wasted and I'd have some harsh words for the doorperson whether it was Paris, Bill Clinton or my mom. So, I'd say Sosultan has the right to be pissed and vent. Ingrid, we know you're sweetie and it's cool your speaking in Paris's defense, but if his being annoyed bothers you you're probably just best off to ignore it altogether and the more luck you have with Paris, more power to you. :) now, let's all take a nice deep breath and smile :D

Thank you* The whole thing was is that i really wasn't sticking up 4 anyone but the way he asked the question SFparis what is that "cunts" story led me to believe that something happened to make him fee that way. But nothing happened except that hes just a nasty person and thats how he likes to ask questions to found out things like he supposely said he wanted to do *

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Just a point of concession towards both sides of the argument here...

Yes, it's true that paris is doing his/her job in not letting everyone in. HOWEVER, if I had just driven alllllll the way to NY from DC (and I can honestly attest it's a long, boring drive and you're on the jersey pike for an eternity) and you get turned away from the club, that's quite a lot of time wasted and I'd have some harsh words for the doorperson whether it was Paris, Bill Clinton or my mom. So, I'd say Sosultan has the right to be pissed and vent. Ingrid, we know you're sweetie and it's cool your speaking in Paris's defense, but if his being annoyed bothers you you're probably just best off to ignore it altogether and the more luck you have with Paris, more power to you. :) now, let's all take a nice deep breath and smile :D

I don't know why you and the xtcgirl think I got rejected at the door after I clarified that her assumption is off. My last visit to SF was over 6 months ago and I didn't have problems getting in. I have no personal problems with Paris, I don't even know what that transvesy looks like. I inquired into her history simply out of boredom & curiousity sake. To clarify, you don't have to personally know someone to form your impression on them. I have no doubts that Sadam Hussein is a dirt bag that shouldn't be alive, though I never met the man. Similarly, the Paris' nasty rep convinced me that she is a bitch. Judging from this thread (and many others), it seems to be the predominant opinion, which in turn justifies the 'cunt' label I gave her. RBY said it best, "who gives a fuck about Paris?" For those of you who take this shit a lil too seriously, you need to relax a bit.

If you noticed, I lost my interest in Paris early in this thread shortly after the crackwhore came at me with her nasty, ghetto bitch style. I let this thing go a while ago, while she just couldn't contain from tossing insults left and right. I don't think I witnessed another CP member getting pleasure from unloading such nastiness. I guess that's one way to feed off your emotions...

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Originally posted by sosultan

I don't know why you and the xtcgirl think I got rejected at the door after I clarified that her assumption is off. My last visit to SF was over 6 months ago and I didn't have problems getting in. I have no personal problems with Paris, I don't even know what that transvesy looks like. I inquired into her history simply out of boredom & curiousity sake. To clarify, you don't have to personally know someone to form your impression on them. I have no doubts that Sadam Hussein is a dirt bag that shouldn't be alive, though I never met the man. Similarly, the Paris' nasty rep convinced me that she is a bitch. Judging from this thread (and many others), it seems to be the predominant opinion, which in turn justifies the 'cunt' label I gave her. RBY said it best, "who gives a fuck about Paris?" For those of you who take this shit a lil too seriously, you need to relax a bit.

If you noticed, I lost my interest in Paris early in this thread shortly after the crackwhore came at me with her nasty, ghetto bitch style. I let this thing go a while ago, while she just couldn't contain from tossing insults left and right. I don't think I witnessed another CP member getting pleasure from unloading such nastiness. I guess that's one way to feed off your emotions...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: LOL NOpe Try Again*

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Originally posted by sosultan

I don't know why you and the xtcgirl think I got rejected at the door after I clarified that her assumption is off. My last visit to SF was over 6 months ago and I didn't have problems getting in. I have no personal problems with Paris, I don't even know what that transvesy looks like. I inquired into her history simply out of boredom & curiousity sake. To clarify, you don't have to personally know someone to form your impression on them. I have no doubts that Sadam Hussein is a dirt bag that shouldn't be alive, though I never met the man. Similarly, the Paris' nasty rep convinced me that she is a bitch. Judging from this thread (and many others), it seems to be the predominant opinion, which in turn justifies the 'cunt' label I gave her. RBY said it best, "who gives a fuck about Paris?" For those of you who take this shit a lil too seriously, you need to relax a bit.

If you noticed, I lost my interest in Paris early in this thread shortly after the crackwhore came at me with her nasty, ghetto bitch style. I let this thing go a while ago, while she just couldn't contain from tossing insults left and right. I don't think I witnessed another CP member getting pleasure from unloading such nastiness. I guess that's one way to feed off your emotions...

Ghetto bitch style**lol pretty funny consedering I live in Wantagh LOng Island home of Jones Beach**Don't be mad because you started this nasty thread w/ your nasty personality* So thats how you find out stuff about people calling them cunts. REAL MATURE AND NICE OF YOU* GROW UP LOSER*

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i've known paris for a lil over 10 years at this point and she's not a bitch. people she's tough with at the door or, people who witness how tough she can be take it as bitchiness.

did u ever stop to think that maybe she's got her job cuz she's good at it?? one of the best...by far?

i don't think she was 'that girl' in high school just cuz she works the door at a club. what makes u think she doesn't have a 'normal' full time job? maybe u wish u could make what she makes?

hahahaahha, sorry to get snappy but i'm sick of people rippin' on the door people at the clubs. they make or break the crowd for the most part so, imo, respect what they do.

regardless, no need for all the foul language i read in this thread. ewwww, i wouldn't let u into my job either! :)

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Originally posted by nickybarnes

fuck paris and everyone who likes that mentally retarted human/alien ..(i dont even fukin know if that fuck is human or alien):blown:

wtf is up with the nastiness??? jeesh! people need to take your damn happy pills or something or....stay the hell outta my city! y'all give new yorkers a bad name.

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Originally posted by eviljav666

I think paris must have read this thread and Laughed out loud at some of the comments made about her and towards others....

cuz some of you people are way out there....

103 jauncey

tru tru tru

and i am not going back to this thread anymore. its gettin rediculous how many posts we have!

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Originally posted by ceejay187

Listen you fukin Clown, I happen to know the manager Of Sound Factory! Im one of the managers at CRUNCH FITNESS downtown! ASSWIPE! So before you go saying that im not allowed in get your facts straight! My first post of this bullshit when Paris turned me down was when i first started going to Factory!

The End!

PS You clowns are fukin hilariousssssssss

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

what in hells name does being manager of CRUNCH have to do with knowing the manager of SoundFactory? I Don't think that's a proud thing to brag about..being around sweaty people all day for a living

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