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US won't retaliate, US to aid Afghan instead

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WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites), bracing for war against Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s Taliban regime, offered $320 million in humanitarian aid Thursday for the Afghan people and neighboring states ``in a time of crisis and in a time of need.''

no justice will be served instead we will aid the country who harbors terrorists.

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Originally posted by andwhysee

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites), bracing for war against Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s Taliban regime, offered $320 million in humanitarian aid Thursday for the Afghan people and neighboring states ``in a time of crisis and in a time of need.''

no justice will be served instead we will aid the country who harbors terrorists.

WTF?!?!?! our country is retarted... didnt we used to give aid to those afghanistan bastards?? and look wut they did to us! now we're not gonna retaliate.. instead we're gonna do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what bush said in the beginning of all this mess and HELP THEM EVEN MORE?!?! i dont understand the logic of some people i swear..... :confused::rolleyes:
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Originally posted by unclebuc

Are you retarded......They are sending aid to the millions of people who are being starved by their government.

Thank you!

Keep in mind that the Taliban is not some elected governing body. The Taliban over-threw teh former government of Afghanistan. Now they are ruling with an iron-fist. Starving their own people. Pushing them from their "homes". Killing women for trying to go to school, or not wearing a veil.

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ok ok ok .... jesus christ.... i should never have opened my mouth! i wasnt completely aware of exactly whats happening with the u.s helping afghanistan.. so i jumped the gun a lil bit- some of u people r so fuckin mean to other board members... so i took it the wrong way and instead of tellin me to use my brain and ripping into me..... maybe someone could inform me of whats really goin on in a different way? maybe a way that doesnt make me feel like im a horrible person for gettin mad at what i THOUGHT the post was about... shoot me cuz i fucked up... :rolleyes::blown:

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Originally posted by linabina

ok ok ok .... jesus christ.... i should never have opened my mouth! i wasnt completely aware of exactly whats happening with the u.s helping afghanistan.. so i jumped the gun a lil bit- some of u people r so fuckin mean to other board members... so i took it the wrong way and instead of tellin me to use my brain and ripping into me..... maybe someone could inform me of whats really goin on in a different way? maybe a way that doesnt make me feel like im a horrible person for gettin mad at what i THOUGHT the post was about... shoot me cuz i fucked up... :rolleyes::blown:

dont feel bad

a lot of americans dont have any idea what has gone on in afghanistan overt he past few years, or an idea of what's been going on in most foreign countries for that matter

and if people still give you shit....ill take them out

just say the word.........

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It is so horrible the way they treat women over there did any one read the article in the newspaper on how the women are treated or watch behind the black veil on the news. It is so sad how some parts of the world live. I am so glad i was born in the US. You never realize how good you really have it until you are brought to realization of how things go on in other countries. How in 2001 there are still places in the world like this.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

dont feel bad

a lot of americans dont have any idea what has gone on in afghanistan overt he past few years, or an idea of what's been going on in most foreign countries for that matter

and if people still give you shit....ill take them out

just say the word.........

thanks hun.... i had somewhat of an idea of what goes on there but i guess i responded too quickly before realizing what this post was really about... im sorry i said anything... but thanks for backin me up :)
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Originally posted by linabina

ok ok ok .... jesus christ.... i should never have opened my mouth! i wasnt completely aware of exactly whats happening with the u.s helping afghanistan.. so i jumped the gun a lil bit- some of u people r so fuckin mean to other board members... so i took it the wrong way and instead of tellin me to use my brain and ripping into me..... maybe someone could inform me of whats really goin on in a different way? maybe a way that doesnt make me feel like im a horrible person for gettin mad at what i THOUGHT the post was about... shoot me cuz i fucked up... :rolleyes::blown:

awww dont feel bad ur not a horrible person, hey im with u too, i havent been keeping up with things so im kinda lost lol


then again im always lost lol


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Bush is offering the aid package to the thousands of refugees who have fled the Afghan border lines in light of threat of US Military retaliation. I believe that it is the right thing to do, they aren't the ones responsible for this horrific act of terrorism. And we are and will retalliate with our military. NAVY seals and special forces have already been deployed to Afghanistan, and our gov. and miltary are calculating our attacks as we speak. We are also mobilized in the middle east, we are just awaiting instructions. We do not want to stoop as low as them and kill and injure innocent people.

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the US has always been the biggest aid donor to afghan even b/f sept. 11. the poor economic situation in a lot of these countries is a terrorist recruiting tool. they promise aid to the families of people willing to die for al Qaeda or other organizations. the problem w/ Islamic fundamentalist states is that the way of life they teach restricts economic growth.

for example, when you don't let woman go to school they can't contribute to the productively of a country.

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Let me ask all of you people one question..............


Listen, the Taliban has been stealing the aid for years and keeping it for themselves while continuing to starve the regular citizens. We are not even in that country yet. Do you actually believe that the Taliban will all of a sudden say 'Oh, I guess now we'll let you get the US aid considering they are going to attack us'. Don't be so naive.

It is in my opinion that we cut off all aid until we establish a presence in that country and make sure it is going to the right people, because all we are going to accomplish with all this is feeding those buttfucks in the Taliban.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Let me ask all of you people one question..............


Listen, the Taliban has been stealing the aid for years and keeping it for themselves while continuing to starve the regular citizens. We are not even in that country yet. Do you actually believe that the Taliban will all of a sudden say 'Oh, I guess now we'll let you get the US aid considering they are going to attack us'. Don't be so naive.

It is in my opinion that we cut off all aid until we establish a presence in that country and make sure it is going to the right people, because all we are going to accomplish with all this is feeding those buttfucks in the Taliban.

i agree with dj steph that it would suck to give aid to the exact people we are fighting... but damn, haven't you seen the pictures on cnn... thousands of displaced refugees, holding out their hands to passing cars hoping they'll throw out a buck...

i think we should Definitely aid the Afghan people, however very carefully that might have to be. If it takes bombing SAM's and defense mechanism's belonging to the Taliban, so be it....

As long as we get 50% of the attempted aid out there, that makes a big difference to their health and their psyche to see an american flag on the foodbags they receive.

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i think that thats the right thing to do 1. feed starving afghanis (build up local support for US) 2. go after Taliban and bin laden, not by a massive military strike, but thru covert special force ops, that way, we kill the fucking terrorists, overthrow taliban, and not kill innocent civilians. this way, we seal our fate for the future, becuase otherwise think about it, we kill bunch of afganis, destroy the taliban, but they will hate us even more, and nuke us the next time. this way, we can cool down and eliminate much of the hate, because when a starving afghani sees a bag of wheat with an american flag on it, he will think twice about the bullshit muslim anti-west rhetoric. bush may be as sharp as a bowling bowl on some issues, but he is right on this one. as much as i hate the fucking towel head bastards who preach all this fundamental bullshit, blowing them all to bits is only gona make more probs for us.

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Ok put it like this...none of us really know WTF is going on. The gov keeps a lot from us. Everyone has their own different opinions and or sorces where they hear or get things from. So I think we need to stop attacking eachother cause some hasnt heard about the newly devised things our gvt has planned

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Originally posted by tribal

i think that thats the right thing to do 1. feed starving afghanis (build up local support for US) 2. go after Taliban and bin laden, not by a massive military strike, but thru covert special force ops, that way, we kill the fucking terrorists, overthrow taliban, and not kill innocent civilians. this way, we seal our fate for the future, becuase otherwise think about it, we kill bunch of afganis, destroy the taliban, but they will hate us even more, and nuke us the next time. this way, we can cool down and eliminate much of the hate, because when a starving afghani sees a bag of wheat with an american flag on it, he will think twice about the bullshit muslim anti-west rhetoric. bush may be as sharp as a bowling bowl on some issues, but he is right on this one. as much as i hate the fucking towel head bastards who preach all this fundamental bullshit, blowing them all to bits is only gona make more probs for us.

Providing aid to starving people is exactly what we should be doing - especially if we're claiming to be different from the terrorists. Hate is diffused by mercy and generosity, which doesn't mean that we should be buying Bin Laden a condo or anything, but it does mean that we should respond with a higher moral and humanitarian standard than those who attack us.

In addition, so much of this mess is caused by poverty, not by religion. Poverty leads to desperation, which leads to religious fundamentalism. And you don't get much poorer than Afganistan.

I think groups like the Taliban are extreme examples of a general perception third-world nations have of the U.S. America is outrageously wealthy and powerful. Our standard of living is absolutely off the charts compared to even the most prosperous European nations. Our poor live like kings compared to others. So if you're a starving Afganee, America can easily seem like a fat, greedy, over-priviledged uncle who refuses to help its hungry cousins, especially if they don't have anything to offer in return. Toss in some religious differences and voila! Blowing up the World Trade Center - the very emblem of American economic prosperity - sounds like a pretty good idea.

Just to be clear, because I can already hear the cyber-gasps: I'm not condoning terrorism. But it's not as ideologically simple as President Bush would have us believe either. It's not about "enduring freedom" or democracy. It's about hunger and desperation and everything else that comes with having your country beaten up for 20 years. And America is in a wonderful position to help eleviate some of this pain - and I'm proud to be part of a nation benevolent enough to feed and protect those who need our help.

Okay, I'm done.


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Originally posted by pkern


and every now & then, she pops in and drops us a tale of wisdom...

to those who felt slighted for having people jump down their throats: honest mistake, true. however, they are as inconsiderate for jumping down your throat as you were inconsiderate for having a rant of a reaction without giving it 30 seconds worth of thought.

read. digest. absorb. respond. in that order. otherwise, you end up regurgitating nonsense and thus, have people shove it back down your throat.

it goes without saying then, that some people have better digestive tracts than others. but enough of this puking metaphor. :puke::tongue:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Ok put it like this...none of us really know WTF is going on. The gov keeps a lot from us. Everyone has their own different opinions and or sorces where they hear or get things from. So I think we need to stop attacking eachother cause some hasnt heard about the newly devised things our gvt has planned

thank u. someone needed to say that
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Originally posted by andwhysee

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites), bracing for war against Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s Taliban regime, offered $320 million in humanitarian aid Thursday for the Afghan people and neighboring states ``in a time of crisis and in a time of need.''

no justice will be served instead we will aid the country who harbors terrorists.


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