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millions of $s in gold & silver in a vault under bldg 4 of WTC???

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my mom (who, bless her heart, might not be the most reliable source of info) told me she heard that there is millions of dollars of gold & silver buried in a vault under building 4 of the WTC. can anybody shed any light on this? sounds kinda crazy!!!! is there a bank or something that is/was in that building?

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Originally posted by xpander

just a joke mate......

but in all seriousness.... sadly, there ARE people who would do that at a time like this.

true. i heard that some people posed as volunteer helpers to loot the ruins. they stole jewelry and other valuables from the wreckage and off bodies and parts

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it is very true, there is gold under the world trade center. My friend works at the World Trade Center disaster area for a crane company and he told me they got rid of all of the volunteers because the Federal Reserve stores gold under and nearby the World trade center in massive vaults.

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Guest jaxl
Originally posted by shugabooga

my mom (who, bless her heart, might not be the most reliable source of info) told me she heard that there is millions of dollars of gold & silver buried in a vault under building 4 of the WTC. can anybody shed any light on this? sounds kinda crazy!!!! is there a bank or something that is/was in that building?


I heard the same thing too and I thought it was another rumor getting started, but it looks like it was true.

Shame that there are scumsuckers out there that are sick enough to loot the ruins. But I thought that the security was pretty tight around the immediate area and no one without proper ID wasn't getting in.

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yup its true, i used to work for a swiss investment bank down there and their commodities department used to take delivery of gold/silver/platinum in the vaults down there. i heard theres something like $120 million in gold and another $120 million in silver down there.

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my brother was telling me about a news story regarding some mafia involvement... apparently some very connected italian dudes hijacked some of the wreckage trucks and were on their way to cash in on the scrap metal (and we're not talking chump change here - it was worth like 150 grand; many many tons of scrap metal - two huge freight trucks' worth) when they got stopped and the trucks were recovered thanks to a tip from the wreckage plant guy who knew something was definately up.

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Yes this is true. There were several private banks and investment companies that were located in the WTC, there's is a lot of valueable stuff that is located underneath the ruins of the WTC. But but for me if i found somethin like a ring down there i could not keep it, just know that it might have belonged to someone that died in the building would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Sometimes i just think that my conscience is weird.

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Not just gold and silver, but the company I work for has a billion dollars in bonds in a vault under there. Not to mention tons of confiscated weapons and drugs from the CIA, Port Authority, Police Station... Bad news if some of that got into the wrong hands.

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wow, this has turned out to be a pretty interesting topic (thanks mom!). the implications and after shocks from Sept. 11 are so far-reaching. it's like a 1,000,000 pound boulder was dropped in a lake as big as the world and the ripple effect is never-ending.

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Originally posted by finea

Not to mention tons of confiscated weapons and drugs from the CIA, Port Authority, Police Station... Bad news if some of that got into the wrong hands.

Yeah, I saw that on the news. They said if they can't recover all of the drugs and weapons that were lost in the collapse, then they can't prosecute some of the criminals then for lack of evidence. That would tend to suck.

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I agree that most likely nothing will be found intact. Fortunately, in regards to the lost evidence in criminal cases, there is a stay in place on any criminal awaiting a trial for which evidence may be lost. This should help keep people that should be in jail there for at least the short run. The long run is a different story. it never stops astounding me how ridiculously huge the implications of the whole thing are. It's like a twisted game of 6 Degrees of Separation where everyone and everything is connected to the disaster somehow. And it's usually not six degrees.

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