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has this scary thing ever happened to you while you were sleeping!??

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This happened to me plenty of times.. I know it happens to my friends, just wondering if its common for you guys & if anybody has an explanation...

As I was falling asleep last night around 2:30 AM, I heard this really scary laughter repeating in my head. I tried to move but could not budge. (I was told to move your fingers to get out of this "freeze") It feels as though your mind is awake but your body is still asleep. I know this is a very awkward description but this shit FREAKS me out. After about... 30 seconds of this body "freeze" you break lose and wake yourself up.


some people say its the devil holding you down.... some say your losing your "faith" . is their a scientific explanation???

n e body.....?

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i think it's called a nightmare!! but seriously i kind of know what u r talking about...it has happened to me~like i knew i was having a nightmare and it was scary music and shit...but i felt like my eyes were open and i was 'frozen'....i thought i was just not as in deep of a sleep as normal or something along those lines? great now it is probably gonna happen to me tonight!!!:worry::shake::eek::( :worry2: :cry::unhappy::hey:

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Fuck me running, that shit seriously freaks me out! It's happened like twice to me where I was half asleep with my eyes closed, yet I felt like a light flashed in front of me and I heard this woman laughing/talking. I opened my eyes and couldn't fuckin move at all. I started freaking out and I could hear my breathing getting louder and faster, but I still couldn't move. I finally tried opening my mouth so I could ask my g/f if it was her that was talking, but it felt like there was a clamp keeping my mouth shut. After about 30 seconds of trying to open my mouth, my body finally came 'loose' and I was able to roll over and sit up. I woke my g/f up and asked her if she had heard anything, but she was clueless to what I was freaking out about. It felt like some seriously fucked-up demonic shit.

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i've had something similar happen to me... while i'm falling asleep, i hear someone yelling my name. i freak out for a second and can't react. then 30 seconds later i feel like i'm falling and jolt awake. it's pretty annoying since afterwards it take me forever to get back to sleep! i think it all has to do with some physiological aspect of sleeping, the way your body and mind shut down. from what i hear, its completely normal.

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Here's something I dug up over the net. I had a few of those "dreams" too.

Scientists theorize that such experiences are probably caused by the brain and body being slightly "out of sync" with regard to sleep/wake functions. Normally, during REM sleep, the body is paralyzed (which is a darn good thing, else you'd go around acting out all your dreams!) Usually, when the brain wakes up, it switches off the body paralysis and you get up and go about your business.But in these cases, the brain neglects to flip the switch (or else the switch doesn't work quite right) and the body remains paralyzed even though the mind is now wide awake.It is usually reassuring simply to know what is going on in these cases - it can really help reduce the anxiety factor. You might be surprised to learn that some people actually SEEK this anomalous state, and try to prolong it when it occurs. Why? Some say it is a good springboard to out-of- body-experiences, and/or lucid dreams.
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Sleep paralysis is the experience of waking up (usually form a dream) and feeling paralyzed, except for being able to breathe and move the eyes. Hypnogogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis may occur together. These conditions are common in people with narcolepsy but can also effect others, particularly people who are sleep-deprived. Although a pretty terrifying event, these events are not physically harmful. There are two major types of sleep paralysis: common (typical) also known as CSP and hallucinatory (hypnagogic) sleep paralysis known as HSP.

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Well now you've gone and taken all of the excitement out of it with your scientific mumbo jumbo. At least it was kinda thrilling before when I wondered if it was demonic forces holding me down. But now it's like I know the ending already to a scary movie. Oh well. There's still the voices in my head that I can still ponder on.

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what you guys are talking about is somewhat like what happens to me. but what i go through is more the following:

it's as i'm just falling asleep. i feel that someone is closeby and coming to hurt me, but i know that it's just an aural hallucination and me seeing shadows. and i know that if i could just sit up it would all go away, but i just can't move. but this only happens to me if i go to bed very late and i've smoked a lot.

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Hypnogogic experiences are behind the old wives tales of everything from "The Nightmare" to "Alien abductions.."

It's quite an old phenomenon..

I still get them and HATE THEM!

wet dreams are always a pleasant surprise though..

(Though unfortunately not common for me anymore):rolleyes:

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o hell yes...that has happened to me but only once. i woke of from sleeping and tried to move but i couldnt, it felt like somebody was holding me down and when i tried to yell for help i could not open my mouth. it was the scariest moment of my life, but now that there is a scientific explanation for it im kinda eased about it.

as far as people laughing, that has happened also. on more than one occassion, it usually sounds like children laughing and calling my name...kinda scary shit...and i usually cant fall asleep when that happens....hey but NYQUIL solves it all! LOL:D

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I have had these type of dreams for years now. They are freakin' scary.

I think I wake up, I am in my room, the only light that is on is the Alarm clock, pitch black other wise. The only thing I can move is my head and my body, none of my limbs. I scream and yell but no one hears me... and it seems as if the dream is going on for a long time.

One time I felt as if I fell off the bed and then I was stuck between the bed and the wall, and someone was laughing at me and would not help me get up, it was still dark, and I could not see who it was.

I have been trying to get a definition out of any dream book, but it seems I can't narrow down what exacly is my dream...

Can someone else see if they can find out what this means..

I havent had it for a while, but it has been a nightmare that I have been having since I was about 12/13 years old....been a long time....

My solution to this nightmare, is do not go to sleep just because you have too, but because you are tired. Those dreams seemed to happen if I went to sleep earlier, and I wound up sleeping less because of it...:D:cool::idea:

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WOW , Thanks for that explanation.

Although they are scary as shit!! The laughing noises thats going on in your head is like the voice in a acid trippin mind game. They seem so dark, evil & twisted... PRETTY FUCKING SCARY!

They happen to me when I sleep late... when Im really tired, but when they happen.. I cant sleep for hours.

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