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ever wonder why you can't get a date?

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so one would swear that i was an alien or something... i don't understand why i am dating challenged... hahaha. i think i am destined to live in an apartment by myself with 15 cats and eat tv dinners for the rest of my life... so where are all the prince charmings???? OH PRINCE CHARMING?!?!? where the fuck have you been all my life... ok so i am a little bitter, but sometimes you just want someone to think about and say goodnight to and know they are thinking about you right??? awww ok now everyone feel sorry for lil starr as i sit here and wallow in my own self misery...

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...about not getting a date, but it does seem that when "they" do eventually come around, they all seem to come at the same time, so whereas you ideally would want to spread them out, you know, somewhat sequentially, you try and juggle them. Sucks hairy horse cock!

Anyway.. is this a pity party for one, or can I bring some chips and dip?

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don't sweat it, things will look up when you least suspect it. Stop thinking/dwelling on it and it will fall in your lap. Of course, there is the other theory of Carpe Diem, [seize the day], go out and get what you want.. if s/he doesn't approach you, you approach him/her. Consider it a personal challenge to yourself. Everyone loves a winner.. not a whiner..

by the way.. pass the cheetos.. :goofy:

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Just Be Yourself, and the rest will sort itself out.

Trust me, I'm in the same boat. Add to that the fact that up here in the capital region, there are not many cool females to begin with (read: tempermental chickenheads), and things get REAL depressing.

It really sucks when all your friends have hot girls and tell you about all the sex they're always having...

meanwhile you're spinning trax that they're dancing to, and you realize that at the end of the night, you're the one who's lonely.

So yeah. 5'7, 180 lbs, black short hair, Spanish, I like sunsets, poetry and my favorite color's Magenta.


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Originally posted by scorpiontiger

Having never been a girl, I couldn't say for sure, but I thought they loved DJ's. The only spot hotter than the VIP for a girl to strut her stuff would be in the booth. Maybe you should offer some lucky lady a tour of the casa.

Magenta.. nice touch.

haha. ;) Yeah Magenta's the shit. I always ate those Crayolas first.

thing is dude, around here women would just shrug it off. Unless it's some mainstream hiphop bar that spins the most overused crowd-anthem tracks, they don't want to know who you are.

and I quote: "What is that bleepy techno shit you're playing? don't you have any hiphop?"


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OK. This is where things get complicated. I'd never say "don't be yourself" but if it's broke, it might need fixing. You're right, eventually when "she" is done going through her phases, she'll wise up and realize what a nice guy you are.

I'd say you might want to try and mix in some of the hip-hop, you gots to give the peoples what they want, then try and ween them off it, if you feel that strongly about it. But if you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it.

All else fails, be a dick.. the girls you want might not want a nice guy.

P.S. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

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Originally posted by usa

you need to change things about yourself or lower your expectations.

that's messed up.

introspection and working on one's issues are one thing; losing your identity and settling for less are very different indeed.

as far as the pity party goes, count me in. :tongue: all i can find are guys who want a quick fuck.

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i met this really sweet sexy taller-than-me junglist at ps1 two months ago, never thought it would turn into anything, didn't expect to see her at baktun later that night, but lo and behold she did show up, has been a semi-regular there ever since, has been e-mailing back and forth and we recently did noodles at republic on sunday, and i showed her my stompin' grounds (hoboken!) and former college campus (stevens tech!).

just letting you know - it can happen.

it's just always rather unexpected.

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i should also add...

this was the first random "hookup" (my standards are way low - i consider "hooking up" just hanging out -- not in a club, just chilin' -- for the first time :half: ) that wasn't from a circle of friends, etc. in the 24 3/4 years i've occupied this planet.

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I know what you mean. Winter time comes and you no longer have that special someone to cuddle with. I do not know which is worse, never experiencing it or losing it. Your time will come, you can't force things. I know what you are saying that hooking up is so empty most ofthe time. Actually our hearts are what keep us from being lustful animals that go at it at every given moment. A sense of self control is important. Meeting a new group of friends can distract you from this. It sucks when the holidays are coming and you are single. After O' Hallows Eve through V-day can feel like a needle in your heart. Perhaps there is too much pressure in the capitalist holidays as someone once told me. I do not know. I know why you miss having someone that makes you warm and fuzzy all over.

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Originally posted by sttarrkidd

so one would swear that i was an alien or something... i don't understand why i am dating challenged... hahaha. i think i am destined to live in an apartment by myself with 15 cats and eat tv dinners for the rest of my life... so where are all the prince charmings???? OH PRINCE CHARMING?!?!? where the fuck have you been all my life... ok so i am a little bitter, but sometimes you just want someone to think about and say goodnight to and know they are thinking about you right??? awww ok now everyone feel sorry for lil starr as i sit here and wallow in my own self misery...

you'll get what you want..you're in new york the town town of opportunities.......hello
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You should be happy that you aren't dating all the psychos and randoms in this city.. Be careful - I've dated in this city for a while and there are tons of wackjobs out there. The situation is way beyond your control anyway. Just get involved and do things you enjoy - your bound to meet people with the same interests. That's when the opportunity to date someone comes up!!!!!

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YOU ARE ALL SO WONDERFUL =P i love the fact that everyone is so optimistic and here's me pouting in my room ALONE. it does however make me laugh. CINTRON: i like bleepy techno shit... so not all girls are stupid. By the way, if anyone wants to email me for real... hit me up at starrrgirrl@hotmail.com... or AIM me at sttarrkidd... love to all of you who humored me in my self pity. it was appreciated. off to class i go to learn to be an ACTOR... isn't that kinda silly?!?! maybe i should rethink me life =) j/k. when i am a blossoming new "star" you can all say you knew me when i couldn't get a date.

pixie dust


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girl don't worry about it...everything comes and goes in phases...I'm EXTREMELY picky (so my friends say) so I choose not to lower my standards to anyone. Enjoy he time you have to yourself now...In a couple of years from now, you'll be wanting *time to yourself* no-win situation...And I'm all about Carpe Diem...Seize the moment, doesn't work go a different route or a road less traveled...Thats what life is all about...Don't ever change for anyone nor allow yourself to change to *fit* the relationship...Live it up while you're still young!!! :tongue:

-Dr. Jamms "itsallaboutlockandkeytheory" :cool:

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word sttarrkidd - I know not ALL girls are stupid ;)

just the ones i seem to run into!

But for real - you're right. Life is too short to live in sorrow, alone.

"Perhaps the greatest thing i learned about life is this: It goes on."

hehe :) if could remember who said that, i'd say. Ah well.

Eat some gummy bears for me!

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you need to be happy alone before you will ever be happy with anyone else. you shouldnt look down on your time alone as sadness, work on being comfortable with yourself, and enjoy the time to do the things you feel passionate about.

my problem is not getting dates but meeting guys who i actually want to hang out with... i meet a lot of good looking guys but they are not ones i want to spend my time with. i go out on a date and usually i cant wait to go home alone after. haha. goodluck :)

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