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Attention Miami's nightclub scene


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When are we gonna start seeing more LIVE PA's? Hybrid, Deepsky, Transa, Chemical Brothers, Underworld, etc.....???

DJ's are great and all but what about the people who make the music that they are spinning? Special installations with killer shows other than what the nightclubs normally have could actually spice things up a bit.

Or is everyone satisfied with what's going on??

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Terry, you should talk to a good friend of mine...he's got the same idea.

I think we could easily accomodate live acts. A lot of them are 'backpack acts' (not sure what else to call them') and can easily patch into an existing install. Luzon is a good example. They did a set at the WMC, and the guy had all his gear in a camping backpack :).

Of course, crobar and level can easily take on a live set. Level does it all the time with rap shit, why not have Hybrid or Underworld?

Oh, and Billboard Live! just had Orbital...

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Chemical Brothers are one of my favorite live PA's. They've been in South Florida only twice in thepast 5 years.......The Orb is another act I would like to see more often.......Rabbit in the Moon comes down at least once a year so I don't worry about them.....but definitely...it would be great to see more live PA's....I miss BT........

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Originally posted by pod

Of course, crobar and level can easily take on a live set. Level does it all the time with rap shit, why not have Hybrid or Underworld?...

That's just my point. Crobar, Level and Space are geared way to much toward just DJ's instead of giving themselves and chance to bring in something fresh like a live PA. There's like 99.9% emphasis on VIP Lounging and .1% on live PA's. Now that's sad. What the don't realize is more and more DJ's are becoming artists and that means more live entertainment.

We are slowly starting to see a shift in electronic music talent. The younger generation of artists and DJ's are putting together shows, yet I don't see any changes happenning with the construction of nightclubs in South Florida. It's very obvious that the "rave scene" has filtered in the nightclub scene, yet the energy in some nightclubs in South Florida doesn't come close to the energy at an old fashion "rave". This should be an across the board thing.

Maybe it's time for something new all together. You guys think you can handle a club that would give you the whole 9???

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Hey phrank, you know I was just fuckin' with ya!

FYI: djfx is probably going to throw down some hybrid-influenced breaks at Shroomy's party tommorrow night and he does know how to throw them down!

I'll take advantage tommorrow night and work on my progressive mixing....

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Originally posted by digital7

Im not really too satisfied with dj acts going on, much less live PA act's.

Oh let me guess. You like going to see an overpaid, arrogant DJ who's spins those live acts music. Right?? Who cares about the persons who made the music, especially if they have a good show, correct?

There's way to much praise going to some of these DJ's in the world and not enough going to the artists who make the tracks. I think it's time they start to get some recognition.

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Originally posted by festivalcre8or

Oh let me guess. You like going to see an overpaid, arrogant DJ who's spins those live acts music. Right?? Who cares about the persons who made the music, especially if they have a good show, correct?

I think the artists that make the music aren't getting enough recognition. I totally agree with that , but I still prefer the DJ over the live act because there is less room for error.

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I still prefer the DJ over the live act because there is less room for error.

That's not necessarily true. A dj can trainwreck just as well as a live performer.

And as far as that being the reason for you preferring a DJ over a live act.....that doesn't really make sense because a live act and a dj are two totally different things.

A live performance such as Rabbit in the Moon is not only a showcase of the artist's music, but most of the time, there is a visual aspect to the show. I recently saw Uberzone and The Crystam Method live and it was nothing compared to listening to even the best DJ spinning their tracks. Adam Freeland spun that night and although he was out-of-fucking hand amazing, he was just spinning. Not much of a show there. Just a DJ with records behind turntables. I am definitely not saying that there is anything wrong with that....just pointing out the big and obvious differences between a live PA and a DJ.

Live acts such as The Crystal Method, Uberzone, The Orb, The Chemical Brothers, BT, Hybrid.....they all have some sort of a visual aspect to their performances......that along with the fact that they are performing their own music makes the comparison to DJ's and live acts not very valid I would think.....

my 2 cents......

BTW, georgeacasta2, I don't mean to attack what you said in any way....I'm just bringing these comparisons to your attention.:)

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Originally posted by meng

That's not necessarily true. A dj can trainwreck just as well as a live performer.

And as far as that being the reason for you preferring a DJ over a live act.....that doesn't really make sense because a live act and a dj are two totally different things.

A live performance such as Rabbit in the Moon is not only a showcase of the artist's music, but most of the time, there is a visual aspect to the show. I recently saw Uberzone and The Crystam Method live and it was nothing compared to listening to even the best DJ spinning their tracks. Adam Freeland spun that night and although he was out-of-fucking hand amazing, he was just spinning. Not much of a show there. Just a DJ with records behind turntables. I am definitely not saying that there is anything wrong with that....just pointing out the big and obvious differences between a live PA and a DJ.

Live acts such as The Crystal Method, Uberzone, The Orb, The Chemical Brothers, BT, Hybrid.....they all have some sort of a visual aspect to their performances......that along with the fact that they are performing their own music makes the comparison to DJ's and live acts not very valid I would think.....

my 2 cents......

You my friend are the perfect examply of a person who truly loves Electronic Music. Everything you posted is right on the money. So many people get caught up in the DJ thing and totally lose sight that there is an individual or group that made the tracks that the DJ's are playing.

You mentioned the Crystal Method show. A very good friend of mine programmed and co-designed the lighting rig for that tour. He said he had 2 weeks to program it and had a blast.

Most of the bigtime DJ's are very good but nothing beats a killer Live PA that has smoking production behind it.

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Don't get me started on visuals hehe :) Without visuals my photos would be well, stale!

Yeah, live acts do bring out the visual end very well. I loathe most of the Chemical Brothers latest music, but I must say they do put on a kickass live set.

I certainly hope that the artists get recognition. D7 set me straight on that issue. I'll gladly admit that a lot of my CDs are burned, but I never got the tracklistings, I've spent quite awhile now rectifying that error.

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Originally posted by festivalcre8or

Oh let me guess. You like going to see an overpaid, arrogant DJ who's spins those live acts music. Right?? Who cares about the persons who made the music, especially if they have a good show, correct?

There's way to much praise going to some of these DJ's in the world and not enough going to the artists who make the tracks. I think it's time they start to get some recognition.

WELL!!! I guess it's safe to say you are a bit anti-Dj and pretty bitter about it. Actually what you have failed to realize is that most of the music played in these clubs is made by none-other than DJs. Not only do they make the music but alot of times it is released on labels they own. Most of these top-level DJs are also well regarded producers as well. Just because you don't play live PAs doesn't mean you are not making music.

Also...the reason you don't see more live PAs is because:

1. They are too costly (its alot cheaper to fly one DJ out than a band their crew and all their gear)

2. There is no market for it (Orbital was just here, they are one of the most popular electronic groups in the world, and they had maybe 200 people)

3. When you bring a DJ you get more bang for your buck (Danny Tenaglia gives you 14 hours of pounding beats, Orbital gives you 1 hour and a 1/2 and is out)

4. DJs have become superstars (PAs only seem to kill the vibe of a night)

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I agree on one point with this thread........The peolple that are making the music are not getting enough recognition for it. Perhaps it's the way the markets structured. Normal people don't go to the store and buy white labels they usually buy compilations, consequently Dj's are getting all the glory and artists only get recocgnition from the dj's.

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PAs only seem to kill the vibe of a night

C'mon now............

I don't think it makes sense to try to come up with which is better, DJ's or live PA's....they're different........that's it.....

no offense, but some comments being made here just don't make sense......

A 14 hour Tenaglia set is not to be compared to seeing one of your favorite artists perform their music live.......two totally different things.....

Lucky for us Rabbitheadz....we get to hear Confucius and Monk spin every now and then as well as look forward to their amazing live show and original music.....


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Originally posted by kingstreet

WELL!!! I guess it's safe to say you are a bit anti-Dj and pretty bitter about it. Actually what you have failed to realize is that most of the music played in these clubs is made by none-other than DJs. Not only do they make the music but alot of times it is released on labels they own. Most of these top-level DJs are also well regarded producers as well. Just because you don't play live PAs doesn't mean you are not making music.

Also...the reason you don't see more live PAs is because:

1. They are too costly (its alot cheaper to fly one DJ out than a band their crew and all their gear)

2. There is no market for it (Orbital was just here, they are one of the most popular electronic groups in the world, and they had maybe 200 people)

3. When you bring a DJ you get more bang for your buck (Danny Tenaglia gives you 14 hours of pounding beats, Orbital gives you 1 hour and a 1/2 and is out)

4. DJs have become superstars (PAs only seem to kill the vibe of a night)

I never said I was anti-DJ nor did I make the claim to be anti DJ. What I'm saying is there's way to much credit going to some DJ's in the electronic music world

What do you mean live PA's are costly?? Guess how much PVD, Oakie, Sasha and Digweed and Cox are?? Big, Big bucks my friend. Another thing, most of the gear that alot of the live PA's use can be sourced in town. So that excuse holds no water.

There's no market for live PA's? Yeah guess why? First off, the clubowners down here don't have the balls to book these acts because they're to worried about their VIP lounges. What about the hardcore clubbers who spend a couple hundred bucks every week just to hear slammin music?? Secondly, promotions. If you're gonna invest in a live PA, you gotta promote it. An ad in New Times and a couple hundred flyers just don't cut it.

You say DJ's have become superstars, yeah some of them are very popular but there's still someone making the music that they spin and these people aren't getting any recognition.

There are so many live PA's that aren't even Chemical Brothers status that are very good: damn good, and some of them are local. Maybe if some of you who praise these guys that play vynil do a little research on who's making the music, you'd understand where I'm coming from.

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What do you mean live PA's are costly?? Guess how much PVD, Oakie, Sasha and Digweed and Cox are?? Big, Big bucks my friend. Another thing, most of the gear that alot of the live PA's use can be sourced in town. So that excuse holds no water.

That's the way any live touring act operates. A local A/V outfit handles their 'stop' in the tour. Be it Whitesnake or Underworld, they do not have the same PA consistently...

Club systems are not configured usually for live sources, so it takes the local sound company to do that. Level may be able to pull off a live set with what it has, but it sounds like ass. Any club needs additional sound support for a live act. It may account for another reason for the lack of live acts...though honestly, a well-trained sound crew, some squints and a few grunts can pull it off no sweat.

Give me my Deepsky for sure!

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i recently saw uberzone and crystal method...they put on great shows, but they dont have much energy to thier shows!!! and then again some DJ's these days seem to just be going through the motions.....at the Mekka tour at Space back in august, my favorite act was BUNNY from rabbit in the moon...that was some freaking energy he was playing it wasnt just music..... he fed off the crowd and the crowd fed off him!!! all the people trying to cram back into the club thinking Oakenfold was going to spin inside after his set outside!!! well those people got ripped off by not seeing BUNNY..... he put on a show 100 times better than oakenfold that night and probably got 100 times less money!!! just because the DJ's have the name doesnt mean they earn that ridiculous money they are getting!!!! give me BUNNY anyday!!!!! thats a show!!!! the man flat throws out energy from the stage!!!! thats whats missing from so many people these days ENERGY!!!

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I thought Uberzone and Crystal Method had great energy....Crystal Method more than Uberzone though(although I love the music of both artists)....The whole crowd was jumping up and down during the Crystal Method especially when they played "Keep Hope Alive"(sure it's in commercials, TV shows, and movies now but still a great track).

Anyways, I saw Bunny's performance at mekka and must agree with you. He participates with the crowd. How many times did he stage dive? 5, 6? Not only that, but he was spinning MP3's! I didn't hear one mistake and you know it's gotta be tough to mix MP3's. Confucius then threw down a bad-ass house set after Bunny......The Rabbit in the Moon boys really took over that area after Oakenfold and dominated with the vibe they produced with their mixing.

The only one missing was Monk......that would have completed it.


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