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Just Venting...


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The more and more you push shit away, and try to steer clear of it... the more and more it comes back and gets in the way... and right at the perfect time as well...

(Now keep in mind... I dont believe in luck i believe in probality...)

It just seems whenever I finally get back to cloud 9, bam... heres comes a huge wind to knock me off it... wtf??? is there curse on me??? did someone put the icorno on me??? is it karma???

how do i get out of this pattern???


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Originally posted by chula22

Hey Dg Sweety? Wassup? Whats been bothering you cutie?

Damn.. girl. I have tons of shit on my head right now...

As you may or may not know I was a broker for 3yrs... Made some great money, had some great times, more importantly it all came to a screeching halt around March 2000, roughly give or take a quarter... I stuck through it for one more year which brings me know to the present day...

I have as of august retired from the brokerage industry...

( had enough of the lying, cheating, stealing, greed, most importantly had it up to here with the sales pitches...) {However in the same breathe I still miss it a lot)

Now Im Going to School, To be a LAN ADM. and so forth...

Which brings me to my problem, the more and more I live my life, the less and less i want to ... ??? weird right? I want to wake up one day already be in my career whatever it maybe, have my wife already, and have a game plan that is already working...

I wish, I wish for just 1 minute i could see into the future and know which path to take... it seems like at this point in time everyday is a new life switch ( meaning if i do or dont do this or that it will effect my entire life, and therefore jeopardize MY NIRVANA or MY UTOPIA .)

So basically what Im saying is that I miss my money, and I hate uncertainty, and I wish I could push forward the hands of time already to see if what im doing is right...

BTW> my original post had a lil to do with this, is it a part of the major problem... However, this is the end all be all of whats bothering me... the initial post was about of course who other then the devil.. aka Ex-Girlfriend... fucking bitch seems to always rear her ugly head right when shits going right... fuck... :blown:


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Hey, i'm right with you bro -

Lots of woman uncertainty...

Lost my job of 5 years a month ago.

Don't know what career i should pursue.

Might go back to school.

All this uncertainty is tough, especially without large money reserves....

But, i know a couple things...

1. i'm a born optimist

2. i've got great friends

3. i'll find or return to the right woman (ahhh uncertainty here...lol)

4. i believe in karma - i know i'm a good person. i've been fucked with, and i'm still here. one day that credits gonna come my way and i'm gonna cash it in big time

"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Damn.. girl. I have tons of shit on my head right now...

As you may or may not know I was a broker for 3yrs... Made some great money, had some great times, more importantly it all came to a screeching halt around March 2000, roughly give or take a quarter... I stuck through it for one more year which brings me know to the present day...

I have as of august retired from the brokerage industry...

( had enough of the lying, cheating, stealing, greed, most importantly had it up to here with the sales pitches...) {However in the same breathe I still miss it a lot)

Now Im Going to School, To be a LAN ADM. and so forth...

Which brings me to my problem, the more and more I live my life, the less and less i want to ... ??? weird right? I want to wake up one day already be in my career whatever it maybe, have my wife already, and have a game plan that is already working...

I wish, I wish for just 1 minute i could see into the future and know which path to take... it seems like at this point in time everyday is a new life switch ( meaning if i do or dont do this or that it will effect my entire life, and therefore jeopardize MY NIRVANA or MY UTOPIA .)

So basically what Im saying is that I miss my money, and I hate uncertainty, and I wish I could push forward the hands of time already to see if what im doing is right...

BTW> my original post had a lil to do with this, is it a part of the major problem... However, this is the end all be all of whats bothering me... the initial post was about of course who other then the devil.. aka Ex-Girlfriend... fucking bitch seems to always rear her ugly head right when shits going right... fuck... :blown:


Sorry to hear that! But I understand everything you said. I put myself through that ringer plenty of times. And I still do. But I just stopped wondering and I just know. I Know that I'm going to finish up in NYU and go on to Grad School. I know that I will start working for a clinic by the end of my junior year and by the time i graduate I will have the backing needed to start my own practice.

With the field of work you were in before you already have the drive and attitude needed to make it sweety. Just dont wonder, KNOW that in a coupe of years you will have your lan degree and you will be making money. Then eventually you will break off and start your own company.

And your wife will be just as succesful and respectful as you are. You wil have gorgoues, intelligent children and the home of your dreams. Just dont look at it in the long run. Short term goals are alot easier to work for.

Everything will work itself out.

As for your EX-tra baggage-Thats just a problem that is destined to stay around a while, especially if you keep doing well for your self. The key to making that problem disappear is to tell yourself that it doesnt even exist.



Bring me back a cali teddy.

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Hell Yeah.. now you got me pumped girl...

I hope youre as beautiful as you are brilliant... And more importantly I wish you the best best best best of luck with your dreams and ambitions as well... and maybe possibly lil chulas could play with lil dg's if not have lil ones of our own.. bebe...


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