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Q: Should you think any less of a friend just because they have genital herpes?


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No, I wouldnt think less of someone. People make mistakes in life and sometimes they dont exactly know the situation they are getting in. As far as I know, I dont know anyone who has them but if I did, I wouldnt treat them or think any diffrerently of them.

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I see the word "friend" as the operative term in your question. It would take a lot to make me think poorly of one of my friends. Especially for something like this- something that could have happened to any number of us here, but fortunately most of us have been lucky. We've all made mistakes, condoms break, plus if someone's having an outbreak, depending on where exactly, condoms don't necessarily protect against herpes.

But if contracting the disease was a result of taking foolish chances- you should have a talk with your friend- because they could wind up with something worse if they're not more responsible in the future.

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Not to be judgemental, but this girl does sleep around. She has her own thing going on, which is fine, but it just makes me wonder...especially when I have met her conquests in person... they must have it too!!?? God, it really is true when ppl say if you sleep with one person, you've slept with every single person that person has slept with....

thanks barvybe it's good to know my illness doesn't affect our relationship;) (jk)

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Sometimes ppl can be in a LTR and one person never knows they have it until its too late.

That happened to a friend of mine... she dated someone for 1 1/2 protected and then unprotected and then in a relationship for 2 years and now she has genital warts. she doesnt know where she got them fromor who! one of the guys maybe didnt know.... or didnt tell. I dont consider her a SLUT!!!!!


I love her like a sister!!!!!!!:D

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